The problem with caste and class systems is that you are born into them. Even in the US you are likely to die the same class as you were born into. Kids from poor families have to work harder than rich kids to reach the same goals.
Its true. Rich kids often have their educations payed for, and have connections with other rich people, while poor kids often have to take out loans, are saddled in debt, and don't have the same connections that rich kids do.
A friend of mind was given an opportunity to attend a class that extended over several weeks about how to get out of poverty. Much to her surprise, the class did
not stress education to the degree she expected. Sure, get one, it stated, but ultimately it is about who you know, not what you know. People that have poor friends and family tend to stay poor. If you're hoping for wealth, you need to mingle with people with money, because the connections are where its at, according to this class.