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Categories and Narratives of Signs of Truth of Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace) - Prayers


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you...Various categories of more than 300,000 signs of Divine support for Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) were shown, till 16 July, 1906. Some of the categories are:

= God, as promised, saved him from the evil of opponents, each time.

= God took care of his all needs, as He had promised.

= God belittled and disgraced those who tried to harm him; His promise was, “inni moheenun man arada ehanataka” i.e. I shall humiliate him who designs to humiliate thee.

= God gave him victory, as He had foretold, over those who filed lawsuits against him.

= Signs related to the duration of his advent. Such a long duration was never given to any false claimant.

= Signs related to condition of the era. The era acknowledges the need of an Imam [leader] of the time.

= Acceptance of his prayers in favor of his friends.

= Acceptance of his prayers against mischievous enemies.

= Some terminally sick people were cured, as his prayers were accepted; news of their recoveries were foretold to him.

= God showed heavenly and earthly events for his sake and for his testimony.

= Great and well-known saintly people were shown dreams for his testimony and Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) was seen in dreams. For example, among them, were sajjadah nasheen [successor of saint] sahib ul alam [carrier of flag] from Sindh who had about 100,000 followers and Khawajah Ghulam Fareed sahib of Chachran.

= There were thousands of such people who pledged Bai’at at his hand, they were told in dream that he was honest and from God.

= There were people who pledged Bai’at at his hand because they saw Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) in their dreams and he (s.a.w.) told them that the world is coming to its end and this man is the last Khalifah of God and Promised Messiah.

= Even before his birth or before his youth, certain elders [eminent saints], like Ne’matullah Wali and Mian Gulab Shah of Jamal-Pur, District Ludhiana, had foretold his name as would-be Promised Messiah.


One symptom of era of spiritual decline is that some religious clergies start to claim to have ability to talk to the dead. In this regard, they mislead common people. About this, the promised reformer, Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (a.s.) said, “Séance is something absurd. A person who speaks to Living God and receives His fresh revelations of which there are hundreds of thousands of proofs, why would he speak to the dead and look for the dead and where is the proof that there was communication with such and such dead person! Here, we have hundreds and thousands of proofs. Every single [post] card, every single person and every single rupee that comes is a tremendous sign of God because a long time ago God Almighty had said: ‘His help will come to you from every distant track. People will come to help you from every distant track.’ This was revealed at a time when no one knew me. How tremendously this prophecy is being fulfilled now! Is there another example of this! In short, what need do we have to leave Living God and seek dead people!” (Malfuzat, (new edition) Vol. IV, p. 248)


He guides that signs of God should not be looked down at, as God does not like it… He gave reference of a grand sign about a religious leader Lekh Ram who continued to speak extremely disrespectfully against Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). Promised Messiah (a.s.) several times advised him not to do so but no heed was given. Then there was a prayer duel… A huge sign appeared on March 6, 1897, when Lekh Rams’ own hand picked student killed him and vanished, the door of the building remained closed and no one saw anyone going out the premises. All official enquiries failed to find where the man went. The Promised Messiah (a.s.) wrote, “Recently Lekh Ram was killed in accordance with a grand sign of God Almighty. Millions of people are witness to the prophecy [about him]. Lekh Ram himself made it famous; he related it wherever he went. He had himself sought this sign for the truth of Islam and had ascertained it as a measure between true and false religion. Ultimately he gave his life to testify to the truthfulness of Islam as well as my truthfulness. “


Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) says about Divine Signs that God the Exalted has shown signs of His glory and beauty for every nation. A sensible God-fearing person recognizes them and avails of them. He gave reference of his grand book Barahin e Ahmadiyya, in which many Divine news were written. Christians, Aryas, Government and others knew about the book. At that time, there was no Ahmadiyya Movement and no one knew about the writer. The Divine news came true 30 years latter. He writes, “What is the reason that today the world recognises him not just here in India but in Arabia, Syria, Egypt and beyond in Europe and America. If these were not the words of God and was the scheme of a liar against the will of God, why did God help him? Why did He facilitate so many ways and means for him? Did I do all this myself? If this is how Allah the Exalted corroborates liars then what is the measure of the truthfulness of the honest? You should answer this yourself!”………” Was it within my capacity that the sun and the moon should eclipse in Ramadan and could I have made it happen in my time! As the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had called it a sign of the true Mahdi and Allah the Exalted fulfilled this sign at the time of my claim. If I was not from Him, did God Almighty Himself lead the world astray? You should think and answer as to how far be the repercussions of denying me! Certainly it includes denial of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and denial of God Almighty. There are many similar signs, they do not amount to one or two, but are in their hundreds of thousands. How many will you deny?” (Malfuzat, Vol III, (new edition) pp. 650 – 652)


Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) mentions incidences of miraculous healings by his humble prayers:
“… it so happened that the son of Nawab Sardar Muhammad ‘Ali Khan, a nobleman of Malir Kotla, fell seriously ill in Qadian, and his life was almost despaired of. He beseeched me for prayer. So I retired to my Bait-ud-Du‘a [a small room dedicated for prayers] and prayed for him. After I had prayed I learned that as if it was ‘taqdeer mubram’ [inevitable fate: his death had been decreed] and that it was futile to pray at the time. Upon this I said: ‘O Lord, if the prayer is not to be accepted, then I intercede that You may cure him for my sake.’ These words involuntarily escaped my lips but I was afterwards filled with much remorse for having uttered them. Immediately, I received the revelation from God the Exalted, “man zallazi yashfao endahu illa be-iznehi” i.e. ‘who can dare to intercede without His permission?” I fell silent after hearing this revelation. Hardly a minute had passed before this Divine revelation came, “innaka antal majjaz” i.e. ‘you are granted permission to intercede.’ Afterwards, I then prayed fervently and I could feel that this time the prayer would not go unanswered. The boy recovered that very day, nay that very moment, and it was as if he had come out of his grave.” (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22, pp. 88-89)

“Once Bashir Ahmad, my son, became ill due to an eye condition. He received a long treatment but to no avail. In view of his restlessness I prayed to Divine Highness [God] then this revelation canme, “brraqa tifli basher” i.e ‘my son Bashir has opened eyes.’ By the blessing and grace of God, his eyes were cured the same day.’ (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22, p. 89)


When God appoints one to revive faith, He stands with his servant against the opponents who exceed limits and incline to manifest evil. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) has written signs of ruins of such people by plague. For example, he writes, “Similarly Mirza Sardar Baig Sialkoti who had crossed all limits in his abusive and rude language and who was always engaged in derision and mockery and his words were laden with taunt and impertinence also died, having fallen victim to severe plague. One day he had impertinently said to an Ahmadi: why do you go on about the plague? I will only accept it if I have the plague. Two days later he died of the plague.” (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22, pp. 235 – 238)


About the Divine support and miracles for him, Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) writes, “God appointed me to bring about reformation. He showed such signs in my person that if people who are free of prejudice and have fear of God in their hearts and think judiciously, are informed about them, they can understand the reality of Islam very well from these signs. These signs are not just one or two, in fact there are thousands of such signs, some of which we have written in our book Haqiqatul Wahi. When the thirteenth century Hijrah finished God commissioned me and sent me at the beginning of the fourteenth century. He gave me the names of all the Prophets from Adam till the last and the final names given to me were Promised Isa, and Promised Ahmad and Muhammad. He repeatedly addresses me with both the names. Both these names were alternatively expressed in the words of Messiah and Mahdi.

Among the miracles given to me were prophecies which constitute tremendous matters of the unseen and it is not in anyone’s power apart from God’s to articulate them. ……………………..up till now I have also seen part of the fourteenth century. The proofs and evidences are so large in number that it they were all written down, they would not been contained even in thousand parts/volumes.” (Chashma Ma’rafat, Ruhani Khaza’in Vol. 23, pp. 328 – 329)



Peace be upon you.
In the life time of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), people were shown in dreams that he had spiritual nearness and spiritual infusion with his master Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). Once such testimony, “Hazrat Nizam Din Sahib (may Allah be pleased with him) writes that once as he came downstairs after offering Asr Salat he saw two noble looking young men in the vestibule. They asked the whereabouts of Mirza Sahib and said they had travelled from afar. Nizam Sahib offered to take them to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) but they asked him to follow them and took the lead because they wanted to recognise the Messiah themselves. Upstairs an assembly was in session and the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) sat informally without his turban. One of the men asked, is your name Mirza Ghulam Ahmad? He replied, yes. The man asked, do you claim to be the Promised Messiah? He replied, yes. The man said, first I send you greetings of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) followed by my own greetings. The man said he had seen a dream in which the Holy Prophet’s (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) hand was on the shoulder of the Promised Messiah and he was saying: take his Bai’at.


Divine guidance for the truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (a.s.) continues in current times, as he had foretold about this continuation. For example, there are narratives from Mali, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Morocco and Koulikoro:
“A lady from Egypt writes to Huzoor [Fifth Khalifah (a.t.)]that with the grace of God she is bestowed with some qualities. She saw a dream in which she saw the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and Huzoor. At the time she was not even aware if there was a Khalifa in the world. She saw the two persons as a result of her Istikhara, however, she says she was deluded by Satan. She thanks God that she was enabled to eventually accept the truth and asks for prayers for forgiveness and to remain resolute. Huzoor prayed that may God keep her resolute.”

“A lady from Morocco writes that she was introduced to the Jama’at through the MTA programme Liqa Ma’al Arab. She says that although the discourse of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) was always well-reasoned yet he drew attention to Istikhara and prayer. She thus started Istikhara. In response she saw a large area in which there is a tent and in the tent sits a person who is very sad. Someone comes and asks him why he is so sad. He replies that he is the Promised Messiah and is calling people to the right path but people do not attest to him. The questioner says, I attest to you, I am Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). The lady writes she instantly took Bai’at and started observing Purdah. When she came to the UK and attended Jalsa she felt the marquees at Jalsa to be the same as the tent in which she had seen the Promised Messiah and where the Holy Prophet had attested to him.”

Koulikoro “..an elderly person came to the [Ahmadiyya] radio station and said that his ancestors were idol worshippers but he did not like to worship idols from childhood. When he grew up he refused to worship idols and his parents were unhappy with him but he did not care and accepted Islam. He awaited the advent of the Mahdi. He saw a dream in which a fair skinned holy person appears who has a most luminous face. Someone tells him it is the Mahdi. This dream convinced him the Promised Mahdi had come but no sect of Islam gave his news. When he listened to Ahmadiyya radio he was convinced about the truth of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and he took Bai’at along with all his family. When he saw a photograph of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) he said that it was indeed the same face that he had seen in his dream.”


Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace) wrote:
“In order to prove that I am from Him, God the Exalted has shown so many signs that even if they are divided among a thousand Prophets, their Prophethood would be proven. However, as this is the latter-days and Satan’s attack, along with his spawns, was to his last that is why God the Exalted combined thousands of signs in one place to defeat Satan. Yet, those people who are Satan among people, do not accept and present undue allegations merely as slander. They want this movement which was started by God to somehow perish. However, God wishes to strengthen His movement with His own hands until it reaches to excellence.” (Chashma Ma’rafat, Ruhani Khaza’in, Volume 23, p 332)


Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.) again asked for prayers for Muslim Ummah and Muslim countries. May Allah establish peace and security in all the countries. May they acknowledge that there is only one solution to establish peace, security and to have safety from discords and sufferings; and that is accepting Imam Mahdi, the Messiah of Muhammad (s.a.w.), about whom the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) had prophesied. May Allah enable them to do so.

Main Source: Friday sermon of March 28, 2014, by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help Him with His Mighty Help), London, U.K., alislam.org and mta.tv