Isn't that how every cat is? At least mine realize the "equal obligation to work," and they know if they want me to give them the food and water that my money provides for, they had better do their cat thing and provide a rodent-free home. Which they do. And because they do their labor, I do mine to provide them with a supply of water, a constant and reliable source of food when the fields yield little, and a clean litter box to use. But if I see or hear a mouse in my house, I will tell them to go catch dinner. And they do. And I'd rather not think of the bones from the mice I've seen Lilith swallow whole. It was kinda horror-movie-ish one night I let Lilith in, she brought a small mouse in, she paraded it around in front of her kittens, and then tossed the mouse in the air, the mouse gave it's final shriek, and Lilith caught the mouse and swallowed it whole. She then went and got another mouse, trapped it, and brought her kittens to it to fight over it.