And this is also why we need social safety nets to provide assistance for people who are transitioning between jobs as technology changes--if the industry leaders themselves are unwilling to adapt and provide it themselves.
Industries need to transition themselves in the face of new technology.
Their failure and bankruptcy rate, is proportional to their unwillingness to do so.
They carry their workers with them, either way.
It is in the interest for businesses to keep up with and invest in new technology.
those that do not understand this fail.
I have worked for two companies that failed. in each case I moved on before the event.
Too many people simply bury their heads in the sand and trust that things will be fine... and ignore the obvious.
In those circumstances it never is.
Workers at all levels need to be mobile and ready for change. If a company will not keep up... they need to move on.
There is always a short period when a company is transitioning to new technology when it is looking to take on new staff, and is in the process of training existing staff for new roles. This is the time to up-sticks and join them.
Employees need to look after their own employability by training and education, few companies invest enough in this.
Companies that do not, should be taxed or levied, so as to train up willing staff in public institutions, in their own time.
Some countries are far better at doing this than others. Over recent years the far east. has perhaps invested the most in Education and Training for advanced skills.