There are countries in which almost everything written or shown on TV is censored by government. On the other hand, there are countries that allows almost everything to be shown or posted uncensored..
It's clear to us why excessive censorship is bad. But there are so many people who don't see a problem in the complete lack of censorship. Thus, we see in abundance what the wise Louis in Family Guy calls "violence in movies and sex on TV". People killing each other with cold blood, dismembering body parts, torture, and rape are only normal scenes on movies and TV series nowadays.
However, especially after the rising number of teenage mass shootings, people have started to question the wisdom behind allowing so much violence.
Do you think the filters of censorship should be thicker, allowing for less violent content? Or do you thing it's actually better to have such freedom of movie and TV production?
I think the way they do it now, with content warnings and disclosures, are sufficient for people to make viewing choices for themselves and their kids.
When I was growing up, TV was probably a bit cleaner than it is now. Even the violence of westerns and war movies was somewhat toned down - no real blood or guts scenes or anything like that - or even any foul language. Perhaps there might have been a reaction against that somewhat, as there seemed to be a tendency to want to portray the horrors of violence more accurately, albeit more graphically.