The change occurred because everything that I need is in Sikhi.
Hinduism really is just too vast for me, which leaves me with little certainty, and it has so much that does not pertain to me.
In the end, my impression was that Shiv, Mahadevi, Vishnu, etc. were just very great deities, not Bhagvan as Bhagvan is.
I want Bhagvan as Bhagvan is.
Hinduism has so many darshans, margs, shastras, and sampradayas whereas Sikhi is one path and it is to the point.
Finding a guru and sampradaya within Hinduism would be too difficult for me. In Sikhi, Guru is right there and the path is instantly accessible.
Considering that I still believe in karm, sansar, mukti, bhakti, nam jap, caturyug, and the like, the change is not very big. I simply recognize the Guru and have ignored all that is unnecessary to me.