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Charlie Hebdo: executed Muslim police officer, famous amateur video


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
And this cop is the symbol of this perfect national cohesion, which makes the French people one people.

Heroes like this are very important to make people understand that France, thanks to its secular values, has always wanted the perfect unity of all its citizens, regardless of their race, religion, and culture.
These elements are an enrichment to the French universal values system, they are not an obstacle to democracy; let's not forget that the purpose of a francophone world in Africa was to allow the sharing of knowledge, of values and the respect of all religions.

That's why Islamists, coming from Middle East, have always envied the African countries, and have always wanted to destroy their legal achievements as for democracy, freedom of religion, cultural development.

It's Islamists who create that barrier that prevent us Europeans from communicating with the African Mediterranean countries and cooperating with them.

Sultan Of Swing

Well-Known Member
And this cop is the symbol of this perfect national cohesion, which makes the French people one people.

Heroes like this are very important to make people understand that France, thanks to its secular values, has always wanted the perfect unity of all its citizens, regardless of their race, religion, and culture.
These elements are an enrichment to the French universal values system, they are not an obstacle to democracy; let's not forget that the purpose of a francophone world in Africa was to allow the sharing of knowledge, of values and the respect of all religions.

That's why Islamists, coming from Middle East, have always envied the African countries, and have always wanted to destroy their legal achievements as for democracy, freedom of religion, cultural development.

It's Islamists who create that barrier that prevent us Europeans from communicating with the African Mediterranean countries and cooperating with them.
So the purpose of a francophone world in Africa wasn't empire-building and conquest of land and resources? That's news to me.


Freedom Of Mind
Hi all
the amateur video when terrorists executed a police officer , it's was about a Muslim officer called Ahmed Merabet , origine Algerian , i guess he was a gardian for this magazine in that day .

This video not required for weak heart (18+)

Charlie Hebdo: Executed Muslim police officer asked 'are you going to kill me?' before he was murdered - Mirror Online

La famille du policier Ahmed Merabet appelle au calme

Lol, they appointed a Muslim officer to protect the atheists.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Lol, they appointed a Muslim officer to protect the atheists.

that's his service and religious duty to protect any innocents whatever his/her religion or opinion about Islam ,since his job .


Well-Known Member
Yes he was on patrol and killed on duty just for defending France. These people had killed before and it was nothing to them to kill again.


Well-Known Member
that was the purpose of the British empire.
let's not compare France with UK. thank you.

the reasons of the French imperialism were exclusively related to the spreading of the French language and values.
I remember that my professor of French said once : s'il vous plait. L'anglais, c'est autre chose. L'anglais c'est la langue de l'argent, le français la langue de la pensée.

That's just way too naive.


Premium Member
Godobeyer, I do not in any way think you mean to legitimize the action in this video -- so I would like to be very clear about that before saying what I wish to say.

I think the use of the word "execution" is inaccurate for this, since an execution (when it involves taking a life) is the act of carrying out a penalty of death under the law, and after a trial.

(I think this applies whether or not one agrees, or disagrees with death being a penalty for any action.)

To me, these actions are clearly murder.

edit: It is not uncommon to see such actions called executions in the media. I think we should stop using that term, ourselves, and call murder "murder."


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Godobeyer, I do not in any way think you mean to legitimize the action in this video -- so I would like to be very clear about that before saying what I wish to say.

I think the use of the word "execution" is inaccurate for this, since an execution (when it involves taking a life) is the act of carrying out a penalty of death under the law, and after a trial.

(I think this applies whether or not one agrees, or disagrees with death being a penalty for any action.)

To me, these actions are clearly murder.

edit: It is not uncommon to see such actions called executions in the media. I think we should stop using that term, ourselves, and call murder "murder."
Mmm, it's a problem with language, especially English. We swap out words that mean sort of the same thing all the time and we assume others will get what we meant.

As for this..

I am a blue-blood not only in my noble ancestry but in that for eight generations the men in my family have been police officers, detectives, so and so forth. Good people who wanted to do what little they could, despite never rising above what you'd call lower-middle-class, to make their communities a little better place. People who understood Officer's Discretion and would turn the other way for victimless crimes(drugs, prostitution). People who only drew their weapons in anger as an absolute last resort.

All officers are brothers & sisters, and as far as I'm concerned I just watched an uncle be whisked away to Valhalla.

I don't feel much, but anger is something I'm well acquainted with. Tyr is the Law-Giver, the patron deity of all who dedicate themselves to the protection of others.

Those responsible for this? Those who support them? You will be made examples of. Watch your step. Listen carefully. I hope we might see a return of the Blood Eagle. They deserve no more.
Hi all
the amateur video when terrorists executed a police officer , it's was about a Muslim officer called Ahmed Merabet , origine Algerian , i guess he was a gardian for this magazine in that day .

This video not required for weak heart (18+)

Charlie Hebdo: Executed Muslim police officer asked 'are you going to kill me?' before he was murdered - Mirror Online

La famille du policier Ahmed Merabet appelle au calme

Sorry - but what on Earth is the point you are trying to make here? That because this brave man was a Moslem means that the Moslems that killed him couldn't have been Moslem and or true follows of Islam??? If that is the point then, well it is a truly hollow and purile one - a point which clearly preys on peoples wish to be nice about this tragedy.

The facts are evident and simple - these savages could not have possibly known this man was a Moslem and once their modus operandi had begun it wouldn't have mattered anyway - they had begun their carnage and it isn't hard to imagine that when that altered state of conciousness had been reached where a person is now killing human beings so indiscriminately that even if they had known at the last minute - it really wasn't going to matter one jot.

You are talking out of the perverbial backside once again. Will Moslems ever start talking about these awful events with any honesty? These utterly lying, self serving and truly deceptive arguments exemplify why I increasingly distrust the followers of Islam more and more. The only Moslem I have seen thus far be honest about this is the Impressive Majid Nawaz - a fellow Essex boy who really does put his neck on the line by telling it exactly how it is - from both sides of the fence. We need more of the Majid's and much less of people like you.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
that was the purpose of the British empire.
let's not compare France with UK. thank you.

I have a suggestion for you. Before you put your foot in your mouth again, how about simply not talking about things you clearly know never to nothing about?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member

I have a suggestion for you. Before you put your foot in your mouth again, how about simply not talking about things you clearly know never to nothing about?

The only aim was to spread the French language in Africa and the French secular values system. In other words, France had a civilizing mission in its colonies.
Building schools and public offices was more expensive than getting resources. In fact the AOF , Afrique Occidentale Française produced a deficit of 70 billions francs.

Les colonies africaines n'ont pas, en première approximation, rapporté d'argent à la Métropole. Les investissements dans les infrastructures en Afrique et les subventions aux productions agricoles des colonies ont coûté plus cher que ce que les colonies ont rapporté à la métropole d'un point de vue strictement comptable. L'historien économique Jacques Marseille chiffre à 70 milliards de francs-or (courant 1913) le déficit global de la colonisation en Afrique, soit l'équivalent de trois fois le montant de l'aide Marshall pour la France5.

I don't doubt that resources were exploited intensively


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
The only aim was to spread the French language in Africa and the French secular values system. In other words, France had a civilizing mission in its colonies.
Building schools and public offices was more expensive than getting resources. In fact the AOF , Afrique Occidentale Française produced a deficit of 70 billions francs.
One word.



the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Godobeyer, I do not in any way think you mean to legitimize the action in this video -- so I would like to be very clear about that before saying what I wish to say.

I think the use of the word "execution" is inaccurate for this, since an execution (when it involves taking a life) is the act of carrying out a penalty of death under the law, and after a trial.

(I think this applies whether or not one agrees, or disagrees with death being a penalty for any action.)

To me, these actions are clearly murder.

edit: It is not uncommon to see such actions called executions in the media. I think we should stop using that term, ourselves, and call murder "murder."
thanks for this notice , i agree with you , i just copy/paste it from the origin source

yes the madia change many things , especialy in some crimes .

there is many murders called terrorim because it's done by Muslims , the exact same murder done by "non-muslims" the media call it murder.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Godobeyer, I think that people need to know that we Europeans are not angry with Muslims nor with our Mediterranean neighbors like Algerians and Tunisians.
We Europeans love Muslim people and misconceptions can be alimented by these tragic facts. so it would be nice if you and me would record a little videoconference on youtube.

If you feel more comfortable speaking in French, I can speak French too.

it's just an idea....if you are interested (or if any Muslim here is interested) just let me know