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China’s loans pushing world’s poorest countries to brink of collapse

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.

It's a long article, but rather informative. It details how many governments are close to default or collapse due to the increasing burden of foreign debt. Kenya, Mongolia, Zambia, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan are going through severe economic crises at present. I recall Sri Lanka had a major upheaval last year when protesters took over the Presidential Palace and swam in his swimming pool. But they're still in a serious mess.

For their part, the Chinese are saying that they're trying to help, though they're blaming the US and the Federal Reserve. Meanwhile, Pakistan had to buy discounted oil from Putin just to keep the lights burning.

In Zambia, some people can't afford to buy food.

It's hard to know how much these countries owe because many of the loans are secret.

Does anyone foresee a time when the world will be debt-free?

Come to think of it, they've been talking about the possibility of a U.S. default. Is the world run by loan sharks?

What do you think?
People are hellbent on intentionally destroying the economy and want endless spending and subsequent debt.

Democrats here are demanding the 14th from Biden so they can continue recklessly destroying everything and anything in sight by their out of control spending without any limits and checks for themselves.


Veteran Member
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People are hellbent on intentionally destroying the economy and want endless spending and subsequent debt.

Democrats here are demanding the 14th from Biden so they can continue recklessly destroying everything and anything in sight by their out of control spending without any limits and checks for themselves.
We've pointed out before, its less the Democrats than the Republicans who spend recklessly.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.


Veteran Member
People are hellbent on intentionally destroying the economy and want endless spending and subsequent debt.
Yet where can the federal government spend less that won't cause serious problems? What are republicans going after? The poorest citizens, yet again. And it is only a sliver of spending. It does more harm than it solves any debt problem. Meanwhile the rich get richer due to tax cuts.
Democrats here are demanding the 14th from Biden so they can continue recklessly destroying everything and anything in sight by their out of control spending without any limits and checks for themselves.
Hyperbole on steroids. Republicans are only cutting spending on social programs, how does that resolve your "recklessly destroying everything and anything in sight by their out of control spending" if that's all they cut? This whole thing is theater, and just an excuse for conservatives to be cruel. How do you think these bogus tactics are going to affect the 2024 elections for republicans? More losses as more citizens are getting sick of it.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Yet where can the federal government spend less that won't cause serious problems? What are republicans going after? The poorest citizens, yet again. And it is only a sliver of spending. It does more harm than it solves any debt problem. Meanwhile the rich get richer due to tax cuts.

Hyperbole on steroids. Republicans are only cutting spending on social programs, how does that resolve your "recklessly destroying everything and anything in sight by their out of control spending" if that's all they cut? This whole thing is theater, and just an excuse for conservatives to be cruel. How do you think these bogus tactics are going to affect the 2024 elections for republicans? More losses as more citizens are getting sick of it.
We will find out in a year what the electorate thinks about it all.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Yet where can the federal government spend less that won't cause serious problems? What are republicans going after? The poorest citizens, yet again. And it is only a sliver of spending. It does more harm than it solves any debt problem. Meanwhile the rich get richer due to tax cuts.

Hyperbole on steroids. Republicans are only cutting spending on social programs, how does that resolve your "recklessly destroying everything and anything in sight by their out of control spending" if that's all they cut? This whole thing is theater, and just an excuse for conservatives to be cruel. How do you think these bogus tactics are going to affect the 2024 elections for republicans? More losses as more citizens are getting sick of it.
Let's see what happens when the investors panic and scream "What the hell are you thinking!!!".


Veteran Member
Let's see what happens when the investors panic and scream "What the hell are you thinking!!!".
I was shocked to hear that the stock market could lose half of it's value within days of a default. Do you realize the amount of retirement funds and trust funds that will be obliterated just because of using the debt ceiling as blackmail?

I saw an interview with a republican in the Freedom Caucus yesterday and this guy scares me. He did not seem to understand the damage this tactic is doing to Americans. And he did not rule out letting default happen, and he said if it does it will be Biden's fault. No, it's blackmail against Biden. You don't put a gun to someone's head and negotiate, and if they don't agree you pull the trigger and blame the victim. That's the Freedom Caucus at work here. When asked if he would consider raising taxes to pay off debt the guy shook his head and laughed. They don't have a negotiaion that has broad merits so are using blackmail. It's bad faith. We can't trust these people.


Veteran Member
We will find out in a year what the electorate thinks about it all.
Well 2020 showed us. And 2022 showed us again. If red states weren't so heaavily gerrymandered republicans wouldn't have the majority in the House. The republicans don't seem to be getting the message and continue on with unpopular culture war policies. Conservative voters like the authoritiarian presidential candidates, but the majority of citizens don't.

The majority do not agree with these policies and republicans are not going to be able to win unless they gerrymander more, and cheat, like limiting voter access, or elect people that can throw out election results they don't like. Frankly I don't understand why republicans keep trying to apveal to the far right voters they already have and turning off the moderates and independents. It just illustrates how out of touch these people are, and good riddance. Missouri's Josh Hawley just released a book on masculinity and critics are being brutal on his shallow and idealistic beliefs. This is the guy who ran away during the Jan 6 riots, just hours after he raised a fist in solidarity to the rioters. He has an excellent challenger and Hawley might lose. His approval numbers are way down.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I was shocked to hear that the stock market could lose half of it's value within days of a default. Do you realize the amount of retirement funds and trust funds that will be obliterated just because of using the debt ceiling as blackmail?

I saw an interview with a republican in the Freedom Caucus yesterday and this guy scares me. He did not seem to understand the damage this tactic is doing to Americans. And he did not rule out letting default happen, and he said if it does it will be Biden's fault. No, it's blackmail against Biden. You don't put a gun to someone's head and negotiate, and if they don't agree you pull the trigger and blame the victim. That's the Freedom Caucus at work here. When asked if he would consider raising taxes to pay off debt the guy shook his head and laughed. They don't have a negotiaion that has broad merits so are using blackmail. It's bad faith. We can't trust these people.
I 100% agree with you. It seems that we have all these MAGA Pubs in Congress that are generally well-heeled who seem to be more than content to bring the country down because they are more into themselves than the rest of the country. And yet so many in the "religious right" still blindly follow them.

I don't believe in Satan, but if there was one, I would have to conclude that he's taken over this element.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I was shocked to hear that the stock market could lose half of it's value within days of a default. Do you realize the amount of retirement funds and trust funds that will be obliterated just because of using the debt ceiling as blackmail?

I saw an interview with a republican in the Freedom Caucus yesterday and this guy scares me. He did not seem to understand the damage this tactic is doing to Americans. And he did not rule out letting default happen, and he said if it does it will be Biden's fault. No, it's blackmail against Biden. You don't put a gun to someone's head and negotiate, and if they don't agree you pull the trigger and blame the victim. That's the Freedom Caucus at work here. When asked if he would consider raising taxes to pay off debt the guy shook his head and laughed. They don't have a negotiaion that has broad merits so are using blackmail. It's bad faith. We can't trust these people.
Maybe if there wasn't rampant unchecked spending, this mess wouldn't be an issue right now.

If the debt ceiling is raised, you think lessons will be learned?

I'd wager they will crazily and recklessly spend even more than ever before without any modicum of remorse for doing so.


Veteran Member
I 100% agree with you. It seems that we have all these MAGA Pubs in Congress that are generally well-heeled who seem to be more than content to bring the country down because they are more into themselves than the rest of the country. And yet so many in the "religious right" still blindly follow them.

I don't believe in Satan, but if there was one, I would have to conclude that he's taken over this element.
I thought the MAGAs were just playing a role for constituents, but deep down knew what is rght and what is wrong. After seeing the Freedom Caucus guy I'm not sure. This guy seems to really believe the "gun to Biden's head" apvroach, and if Biden doesn't do as he's told then America will default. He really did not see himself responsible in any way for the default even though they are chosing this course of action.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Excessive spending certainly didn't seem to bother one iota the Pubs when Trump was president and passed the single largest increase in debt in American history.

So, with them it's the "Do as I say, but not as I do" hypocrisy.


Veteran Member
Maybe if there wasn't rampant unchecked spending, this mess wouldn't be an issue right now.
Oh you mean the spending that has gone on unchecked under republican presidents and House majorities? Have you noticed it's never a problem until there's a democrat president and republican House? And how they are going about it is insane. Republicans cut taxes and then want to cut spending, but there is only a small sliver of the pie that can actually be cut, and that is social services. Cutting these puts a lot of poor people at risk. And what happens when the poor are starved and stressed? More crime. And then there is more demand for communities to hire police, and how does that get paid for?

This is the problem with republican idealsim, they don't think ahead about consequences. No thoughts on consequences of climate change and fossil fuel burning, no consequences on immigration policies that hurt many farmers and construction companies, no consequences for the lack of gun regulation, no consequences for limiting health care access, no consequences for banning abortion access, etc.
If the debt ceiling is raised, you think lessons will be learned?
If republicans want to negotiate the budget, then they can do it without threats of economic collapse, don't you think?

If the economy collapses because the republicans refuse to raise the debt limit will they learn a lesson? They sure as hell won't win the presidency.
I'd wager they will crazily and recklessly spend even more than ever before without any modicum of remorse for doing so.
Just more bluster as if the government is buying bigger screen TV's for all citizens. Our nation needs to function, and that requires spending, just as much as you have a budget in your life. If your job cut your paycheck by 20% abruptly and had to default on your mortgage or credit cards, would you blame yourself? We all live our lives with a budget, and having financial stability is crucial for us. The government is no different. If republicans really wanted to balance the budget they would have worked towards that end in 2017-2020. They didn't. Theuy cut taxes, and the debt went up.


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Maybe if there wasn't rampant unchecked spending, this mess wouldn't be an issue right now.

If the debt ceiling is raised, you think lessons will be learned?

I'd wager they will crazily and recklessly spend even more than ever before without any modicum of remorse for doing so.

Well, they have to find ways of reducing the spending, that's for sure. I think too much of it is rooted in lobbying, special interests, and corruption - as exemplified by all the pork barrel spending. I don't know if they still give out the "golden fleece" award, but if and when we ever start passing out prison sentences for such wanton waste of the taxpayer money, we can start dealing with the problem in earnest.


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The Federal Aviation Administration was named for spending $57,800 on a study of the physical measurements of 432 airline stewardesses, that included the "distance from knee to knee while sitting", and "the politeal [sic] length of the buttocks."[18]

They probably didn't need to pay for this. I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there willing to do it for free.

Other award winners included:

I wonder what that Peruvian brothel research was all about. What were their findings?

And why would the Army not know how to buy Worcestershire sauce?

Reminds me of some of the student "jobs" they would give to athletes, like keeping alligators out of the gym.