If you don't have the originals, you can't guarantee the accuracy and validity of the copies. Therefore the Bible is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate...especially when you translate across languages
Textual scholars by the score and common sense has (in the case of textual scholars) or should have (in a layman's view) concluded that the bible has every thing and more in a textual context where anyone can have justified faith that modern bible's have is between 95% (for opponent scholars) and 99.5% is the same as originally was recorded. There are 5 requirements necessary to place high reliability in the copies made of now lost texts. The bible meets every requirement and no other texts from ancient history measure up (yet vast numbers of these inferior texts are taught as actual history in colleges worldwide). To be constant you need to first deny the historicity of every other textual of any kind to move on to tackle the bible. You have done neither. You simply make inconsistent and inaccurate declarations against the bible. There is not even the attempt to provide any evidence which leaves on your negative sweeping opinions to counter. I can list those 5 necessities if you want.
As evidence of my claim about hostile scholarship:
Most of these differences are completely immaterial and insignificant; in fact most of the
changes found in our early Christian manuscripts have nothing to do with theology or
ideology. Far and away the most changes are the result of mistakes, pure and simple—
slips of the pen, accidental omissions, inadvertent additions, misspelled words, blunders
of one sort or another when scribes made intentional changes, sometimes their motives
were as pure as the driven snow. And so we must rest content knowing that getting back
to the earliest attainable version is the best we can do, whether or not we have reached
back to the “original” text. This oldest form of the text is no doubt closely (very closely)
related to what the author originally wrote, and so it is the basis for our interpretation of
his teaching.
The gentleman that I’m quoting is Bart Ehrman in Misquoting Jesus. [audience laughter]
From the debate on "Misquoting Jesus" between DR. White and Dr. Ehrman (probably the most popular secular textual scholar in modern time).
1. Humans do not come from a single pair of people (Adam and Eve). Genetics has already shown that it would require at a minimum of 10,000 "original" people to account for the diversity in the world, especially under a young earth theory.
2. There was not a global flood and practically every form of science on earth supports this.
3. Noah's Ark did not happen the way it is written. By that I mean the actual building of the ship, loading of animals and all the supplies necessary to care for them.
4. The Tower of Babel was not the cause of multiple languages.
5. The earth is not the center of creation, the universe, or even our solar system.
6. People were not possessed by demons. They had medical problems such as epilepsy.
7. The Israelites were not slaves in Egypt that won their freedom by divine means, and the exodus never happened. There's not a shred of archaeological evidence.
Your not debating any actual scripture in some of these points, but are granting scientific theory as factual. You are merely pronounces dogmatic interpretations held by Catholic tradition.
1. The people record Adam and Eve as simply the first pair of Hominids which had a soul. Whether you grant Evolution as the sole explanation from human descent or biblical claims about the first humans there is no possible way to get 10,000 first humans. It is absolutely impossible to get a first 10,000 of any first "prototypes" of any creature what so ever. You are showing a misunderstanding of both Biblical exegesis and science.
2. You misunderstand biblical hermeneutics again. If you had actually studied the bible in it's original language you would instantly come to understand that the term "world" is used countless time to indicate a localized area not the whole globe. The bible must define it's own language use, not our knowledge of English. Not that I can determine whether the bible means the creation days or Noah's flood as literals and not allegory. I have tried my best but cannot determine the one over the other. Luckily you don't have to know to come to saving faith. Regardless science has concluded that the ANE has had massive localized floods many times in ancient history.
3. I have actually seen scientists confirm many of the flood narratives claims. For example the volume of the Ark it's self and the greatest stability possible for a ship are the exact dimensions laid out for it in the bible. Once again this is merely a convenient truth but the literal interpretation of many of the OT claims has not shown whether this is literal or allegory to the best of my knowledge. BTW: each negative claim you made is inaccessible to science. The claims I made here however are.
4. How in the world has science disproven the tower of babble?
5. What does that mean to contradict? I can't tell if your claiming that humans are the apple of God's eye or that the bible is claiming that Earth is the center of the universe.
6. Science has no access by definition for things of a spiritual nature. Science is emphatically the method of examining natural laws and their implications, spiritual matters (the exceptions to natural law) science has no access to. I spent years reading about cases of demonic activity and while 90% have not met my demands for evidence, approximately 10% have. It is rare (look at the exhaustive methodologies used by Catholic exorcists to rule out demonic activity) but the vaults of texts dealing with demonic activity for thousands of years is brimming over with very strong evidence. Natural law (science) is powerless to account for things like unbelievable strength and the sudden use of unknown languages, etc.... in hundreds or thousands of well documented cases of demonic possession or influence. BTW: millions of billions of Christians claimed to have been passed by the Holy Spirit, if even one claim is true then possession by evil spirits is just as reliable. Do you claim that every single one of the billions of Christians are deluded or lying.
7. First the bible has claiming many things that were once upon a time denied by main stream scholarship and have with time proven the bible was right and the scholars got it wrong. In this case an Israeli presence in any form in Egypt was in the past denied in the scientific community but absolute proof of the Jewish presence in Egypt was in fact true in very significant numbers. As to your claim about slavery. There is not enough evidence at this time to prove either camp right but recently a Jewish graveyard and island city were discovered that hold evidence of the nature of Jewish presence in Egypt was at best indentured servitude (which is the majority interpretation of the bible's use of slavery) or at worst chattel slavery. Also there are Hebrew place names for ancient geographic sites all along the route of the exodus, as well as even potential discoveries of very alter like location as well.
Well your provided list is still at the starting gate, with you claiming they have finished a race they have not run.
You mad?
Of course not. I am too lazy to get mad. However that same laziness means I get frustrated by claims based on long winded and faulty presumptions made by others which require equally long winded responses which are completely ignored. For example I have provided a link to possibly the greatest expert on testimony and evidence in a legal sense which I have seen no evidence you have even read and I spend much time correcting your misunderstandings about biblical doctrine. It is not whether you made a correct or faulty claim. It is that I have to get you to understand what the bible actually claim before a real debate can ever occur especially since that same person arrogantly claims to be an expert on what they make false denials concerning.
Just because you do not like what I say, does not mean I am wrong. It just means I struck a nerve because I challenge something you believe in. Turn the other cheek...
You did not strike a nerve, no matter how much you seemingly gloat in the false belief that you have. I have spent a lot of time answering your declaration by supplying specific counter arguments to your generalized claims which is hard to justify when you do not seem to even spend time reading. If you look at CG Didymeus's post to me and my response to them you will see that it is not in the context of my not liking a counter point to my claims that I respond in, but that it is the lack of sincerity, arrogance, and close minded dogmatic positions that is frustrating.[/QUOTE]