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christian mystic


Active Member

i would like to know if christian mystic like master eckarth or saint therese davila or another said some sentence like soufi mystics for example hallaj who said "iam the truth iam God"

it means that it was God speaking by his tongue , he s was a manifestation of God

so was there some christian mystic who said this? thanks


John Kuykendall
Roman Catholic Church interpretation

The Roman Catholic Church's interpretation has been summarized in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The interpretation is found in numbers 203-213.[7]
Some of the salient points are the following:
203God revealed himself to his people Israel by making his name known to them. A name expresses a person's essence and identity and the meaning of this person's life. God has a name; he is not an anonymous force. To disclose one's name is to make oneself known to others; in a way it is to hand oneself over by becoming accessible, capable of being known more intimately and addressed personally. 206In revealing his mysterious name, YHWH ("I AM HE WHO IS", "I AM WHO AM" or "I AM WHO I AM"), God says who he is and by what name he is to be called. This divine name is mysterious just as God is mystery. It is at once a name revealed and something like the refusal of a name, and hence it better expresses God as what he is - infinitely above everything that we can understand or say: he is the "hidden God", his name is ineffable, and he is the God who makes himself close to men. 207God, who reveals his name as "I AM", reveals himself as the God who is always there, present to his people in order to save them. 210After Israel's sin, when the people had turned away from God to worship the golden calf, God hears Moses' prayer of intercession and agrees to walk in the midst of an unfaithful people, thus demonstrating his love. When Moses asks to see his glory, God responds "I will make all my goodness pass before you, and will proclaim before you my name 'the LORD' [YHWH]." Then the LORD passes before Moses and proclaims, "YHWH, YHWH, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness"; Moses then confesses that the LORD is a forgiving God. 211The divine name, "I Am" or "He Is", expresses God's faithfulness: despite the faithlessness of men's sin and the punishment it deserves, he keeps "steadfast love for thousands"... By giving his life to free us from sin, Jesus reveals that he himself bears the divine name: "When you have lifted up the Son of man, then you will realize that 'I AM'." 212...In God "there is no variation or shadow due to change."...
213The revelation of the ineffable name "I AM WHO AM" contains then the truth that God alone IS. The Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, and following it the Church's tradition, understood the divine name in this sense: God is the fullness of Being and of every perfection, without origin and without end. All creatures receive all that they are and have from him; but he alone is his very being, and he is of himself everything that he is.I Am that I Am - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaI Am that I Am - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



i would like to know if christian mystic like master eckarth or saint therese davila or another said some sentence like sufi mystics for example hallaj who said "iam the truth iam God"

it means that it was God speaking by his tongue , he s was a manifestation of God

so was there some christian mystic who said this? thanks

I might suggest vessel of god, but that's me.


Through the Looking Glass
Meister Eckhart:

He knows God rightly who knows Him everywhere. St Bernard saith, “How is it that mine eye and not my foot sees heaven? Because mine eye is more like heaven than my foot is. So, if my soul is to know God, it must be God-like.” Now, how is the soul to arrive at this heavenly state that it recognizes God in itself, and knows that He is near? By copying the heavens, which can receive no impulse from without to mar their tranquility. Thus must the soul, which would know God, be rooted and grounded in Him so steadfastly, as to suffer no perturbation of fear or hope, or joy or sorrow, or love or hate, or anything which may disturb its peace . . . Therefore, if the soul is to know God, it must know Him outside time and place, since God is neither in this or that, but One and above them. If the soul is to see God, it must look at nothing in time; for while the soul is occupied with time or place or any image of the kind, it cannot recognize God. If it is to know Him, it must have no fellowship with nothingness. Only he knows God who recognizes that all creatures are nothingness. For, if one creature be set over against another, it may appear to be beautiful and somewhat, but if it be set over against God, it is nothing. I say moreover: If the soul is to know God it must forget itself and lose itself, for as long as it contemplates self, it cannot contemplate God.


Active Member
i see in this text that no word for jesus

does it mean that the mystic who have reach the truth don t beleave in Jesus "es the only son of God"?

because the hindou when they hear about jesus as God they say "yes of course but he s not the only avatar , manifestation of God"

so all the mystic who have reach their secret is son of God

don t you think?