Pretty much.There is no persecution. Simply people wanting to whine about how not everyone agree's with their viewpoint. They want the victim card.
It seems that everybody is playing the 'victim card' these days.
How can Christians be persecuted in the USA, when if you are not a Christian, you cannot hold office in 10 States? (so I was told yesterday).
How can Christians be persecuted in the USA, when 78% of all religious beliefs in the USA are Christian, making them a 'majority group'?
How can they be, when their monuments are allowed to stand, but monuments to other religions are not? (in certain places).
You go on the news....onto a forum like this...and in the space of 24hrs, read 'Atheists are being persecuted against'...'Christians are being persecuted against'...'Hindus are being persecuted against'...'Muslims are being persecuted against'...'blacks are being persecuted against'...'whites are being persecuted against'...'women are being persecuted against'...'men are being persecuted against'...
Seriously people, is there anybody left who is not being 'persecuted against?'