It never ceases to amaze me how people love to see the bad in others. Why would you automatically think that i would create such a thread as to make you feel judged and upset and make me feel great about it?
With all due respect, why would you assume things about fellow Christians, simply by the music that they listen to? Is that not in a way, "seeing the bad" in others?
Especially as a christian, a fellow sister in Christ. I don't want you to feel judged, Dawn, and i apologise if the way i posted came across harsh, i get frustrated with this issue and how christians don't seem to ' test all things', or look into things deeply enough to understand what its all about.
No hard feelings at all, stimpy but each Christian will "test all things" as they go along in their walk. I believe that your intentions were good and I extend apologies to you, if I made you feel judged.
My intention for this debate was to start what i consider an interesting debate/discussion on this subject, and yes, it would be great if some christians who hadnt looked into it felt convicted (by the Holy Spirit) enough to pray about it and hopefully stop listening to such distasteful music.
Okay. As I've stated, if that's what you feel you need to do, then you should.
Personally, i would like someone to tell/correct me ( and this has happened over the years and i am grateful for it) if i am into something that isnt gonna help me to grow in my faith, and i wanna do whats right by God. I said what i said because i wanted you to really think about this issue, as i know music can have such a hold over people, it did over me.
I can understand that.
But do keep in mind that music doesn't necessarily have the same effect on every individual.
Further, Christians are not only to walk a straight line in terms of the music that they listen's also the movies that they watch, the books that they read, the clothes that they wear, the words that come out of their mouth. Every aspect of life is one that a Christian should ponder over. Again, your message is one that I wholeheartedly agree with but it's unfair for you to make assumptions about the hearts of Christians who do listen to secular music, simply because you can't possibly know what goes on in the hearts and minds of each Christian individual.
I love music, but thats the flesh talking, its all about the way it makes you feel.
EXACTLY. You're more than welcome to think what you want of me, as I've already stated but when I listen to secular music, particularly shoegazer (my favorite) and rock...I like to get up and dance and rock's not often any deeper than that.
Whereas it would be more beneficial to feed my spirit wth Hymns and praises to God.
I absolutely agree with you, here.
Dont get me wrong, i do listen to secular music; on the radio or on internet( i don't own any), but what it comes down to is faith vs feeling, and it can be a constant battle.
Of course, it's a constant battle. It's a constant battle for every Christian. And it's an INDIVIDUALISTIC battle as each Christian is unique and has different gifts. I for one, enjoy singing and dancing very much. It's a part of who I am...
Why would i wanna do that? It's hardly benefical to me or you. As christians, we should all be helping each other to grow and learn, sometimes it feels convicting, but thats the work of the Holy Spirit and its better to feel that way as it lets you know somethings not right.
That's why I mentioned "approach". You're right,'s great for Christians to be able to talk and share with one another, to help each other along in our walks with Christ.
And so am i,and i also make mistakes, which i always try to correct, sometimes with the help of others. I don't feel spiritually pressed to critisize any fellow christans music choices, I wish to inform people about this subject with the hope that they will come to the right conclusion themselves, with prayer.
I think the point I'm trying to make is that Christians who listen to music that they really shouldn't be listening to...ALREADY feel conviction on a personal level for their actions. In a way, it's the choir that's being preached to.
First, i would never mention music when witnessing to a non christian, as its something that, once saved, will hopefully change in them automatically.
God can use secular music for the benefit of His children as well. There are secular songs that remind me of God and God's love, even when the intent of the musician wasn't to place that image in my brain.
I stick to the Gospel, salvation and repentance. I am speaking to you about this subject as a sister ( in Christ) to another and feel i can speak honestly and openly with you as i truly do care for you, Dawn.
I appreciate your kind thoughts. And I agree...we should focus on Gospel, salvation and repentance.
And i am anything BUT self righteous.
We're all self righteous at times. This is part of the human condition...why we need Christ so.
I will be praying for you.xx
Thank you.