Did you miss the examples I gave of both what it says in Romans 2 how that you have gentiles with the word written upon their hearts, as well as what Jesus said?
"Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness"
What I said, is scriptural. Why are you saying the above is a "wild truth claim" I made? Don't forget too, Jesus called the pagan Roman Centurion, the greatest faith he'd seen in all of Israel. It appears to me, from scripture itself, that God has children in other cultures who hear his voice. I think you don't understand something important from the teachings of Jesus and the early church.
You used to believe that people could find God in any culture, religion, or time in history, but then you threw all that out in favor of everyone in the world is blind and lost, unless they understand God and worship in the way you do?
You claim I have wishful thinking. I think it's better to call it "hopeful thinking", meaning it offers the world hope. In the case of your thinking now, for whatever reason brought you to this dark view of humanity and God, I would maybe call that unloving thinking, but probably just dark thinking is more what it is. How does it make you feel, may I ask, to see God in that way, not speaking to anyone unless they get saved first in a Christian church?
I just cannot swallow that awful horsepill. It's got to cause some disturbance somewhere trying to choke that down. It did for me, when I used to think that way because of what others taught me in my early years.