Historical source/evidence?
Linking Yeshu to Mt. Carmel and the Nazarene/Nazorean Essenes:
Historical references to the deeper monastic Order of the Nasarenes are found in the Book of John the Baptist, one of the more ancient scriptures of the Mandaen sect. These Mandeans call themselves Nasorai, or Nasoreans, and claim descent from the original Nasarenes to which both John the Baptist and Yeshua (Jesus) once belonged. In this Mandeaen Book of John the Baptist we find several references to Mt. Carmel and the Nasorean sect who once lived there:
THE ARAMAIC NAME of John the Baptist is Yuhana, and we learn from his book that when he died his death was reported to the Nazorean central Temple on Mt Carmel:
"Yuhana has left his body, his brothers make proclamations, his brothers proclaim unto him on the Mount, on Mount Carmel. They took the Letter and brought it to the Mount, to Mount Carmel. They read out the Letter to them and explain to them the writing, - to Yaqif (James) Beni-Amin (Yeshu) and Shumel (Samuel/Shimeon). They assemble on Mount Carmel." [1]
So in this ancient Aramaic scroll we have reference to the death of Yuhana being reported to three named Beni-Amin, Yaqif and Shimeon. These are the Aramaic names of Yeshu (Son of Amin[2] or Beni-Amin), and Yeshu's two brothers James (Yaqif) and Shimeon (Shumel). All three brothers are connected with the sacred Mount of Carmel and with the temple there and would eventually lead the Nazorean Sect. At the death of such an important Nazorean as Yuhana, it was protocol that such be reported to the central Temple and to those who preside there. These three sons of Miryam[3] and Yoseph are the ones to which the death of Yuhana is reported to. The first of these brothers, Yeshu, is immediately appointed successor to Yuhana. After Yeshu's death in 30 AD. the second brother James (Yaqif ) will assume leadership. When Yaqif is killed in 64 AD. the third brother Shumel will succeed him. Shumel himself was reportedly martyred in the reign of Trajan (98-117 AD), bringing to a close the presidency of these three sons of Miryam. They, with their female counterparts, presided over the Naziruthian system of enlightenment and purification for more than 70 years. Their home and seat of authority was the Temple at Carmel.
[1] Sidra Dyahya (Book Of John)/Drashe Dmalke (Discourses Of Kings) 26
[2] Amin, or Amun, was one name of the Nazorean's Highest God. Beni meant son of.
[3] Virgin Mary
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