Still, those who preach on hell, granted the majority of Christians don't, are intentionally or unintentionally accepting the premise that some of us will go to hell. I think.
What we say is that you can attain everlasting life, and be guaranteed of it if you accepted what Jesus said!
Thats all.
It is up to you to decide if you want the guarantee or not.
many people never knew Jesus, but the Bible is clear, we will be judged by our actions. If we were Jews, we will be judged by the Torah.
if we lived under the law, we will be judged by the law.
If we did not have the law, we will be judged by our concience.
What do you say, will you be safe from this judgement?
What does your concience tell you?
just something to keep in mind.
God is love and Life, in Him is no death.
Death is the absence of God.
If you enter eternety as an immortal being, but removed from God, you will be a immortal carcass forever.
Because you chose not to be with the presence of the creator.
If you say there must be more sex and rock n roll,
do your concience tell you that it is fine with God to have created a ****?
Or was this your own choice.
You mistake pure love with lust.
God created Man and Woman as a family bond.
To have children where Man will work and protect, and the Woman will nourish and nurture.
This is His institution.
Not having everyone running around like animals having sex wherever with whoever.
Rock n Roll, no problem.
Some songs are great, some vulgar.