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Christians & religious people, is supernatural realistic?


Active Member
What evidence is there of A god without the use of supernatural events of things?

Is believing in supernatural logical and reasonable?

Christians, how does the holy spirit dwell in the people specifically?

Why does the bible need to be 'interrupted' , in regards to the bible?
"Interrupt" something DIVINE as "MORE" then what it actually says doesn't 'FIT' right with me.

Is all evidence of God only based by supernatural means?

HOW did GOD tell the Iseralites to Kill the amalekites and their animals and children?

if God told you to kill your child named Issiac or kill your neighbors child would you?

does God ONLY speak through his HUMAN prophets?

Christians where can I find some evidence that Elijah went to heaven without 'death'?


Agnostic Theist
What evidence is there of A god without the use of supernatural events of things?
None. The belief of God is based on faith.
Is believing in supernatural logical and reasonable?
I wouldn't say it is logical. It is based on faith.
Christians, how does the holy spirit dwell in the people specifically?
The idea is that one is baptized, and asks the Holy Spirit to come.
Why does the bible need to be 'interrupted' , in regards to the bible?
"Interrupt" something DIVINE as "MORE" then what it actually says doesn't 'FIT' right with me.
Many Christians are moving from that. In fact, the "traditional" form of Christianity that we see today is actually a relatively recent invention. It was formed in around the beginning of the 20th century (maybe 19th century, I forget the actual date).

Like I said though, many Christians are moving from that idea, and are seeing it in a more metaphorical manner.
Is all evidence of God only based by supernatural means?
There isn't any real evidence for God. The belief in God is based on faith.
HOW did GOD tell the Iseralites to Kill the amalekites and their animals and children?
This is when we have to put the Bible into a historical context. The Israelites were waging battles to gain land (as was normally done) and to build a nation. Since they saw themselves being driven by God, they attributed and justified their actions by saying Gd commanded it.

Also, killing children was a logical idea (even though unethical). It kept them from growing up to be adults, and thus, it minimized the potential army of the Israelites army. It also minimized a chance of of uprising.

Like I said though, one has to put that back into a historical context.
if God told you to kill your child named Issiac or kill your neighbors child would you?
Nope, but then again, we are talking about a very different time. And culture, and historical context really do matter.

That is also one reason why more and more Christians are seeing the Bible in a metaphorical means.
does God ONLY speak through his HUMAN prophets?
I don't believe he talks to anyone, but if we accept that idea that God speaks to people, there is no reason to assume he only speaks to prophets.
Christians where can I find some evidence that Elijah went to heaven without 'death'?
You can't. It would be a miracle, and history simply can not prove a miracle.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
What exactly is meant by "supernatural," anyway?

It can't simply mean unexplainable by "natural" means because that begs the question of what "natural" means are.


What evidence is there of A god without the use of supernatural events of things?

I like to point to William Lane Craig's Five Points he uses in debates. Fairly easy chewings, but pretty good substance.

Is believing in supernatural logical and reasonable?
That's a weird question... Supernatural by nature means it doesn't fit the established observations that anyone can make. If someone witnesses a truly supernatural phenomenon, we can't disregard it outright, but it should be given rigorous scrutiny.

Christians, how does the holy spirit dwell in the people specifically?
It isn't just a dwelling, but a transformation, much like a patch in software. Underneath it all, humans are a vicious breed, and when push comes to shove, we react in ways that do not glorify God. The more we let the Spirit in, the more it attempts to rectify that. It creates a new you, in a sense.

Why does the bible need to be 'interrupted' , in regards to the bible?
"Interrupt" something DIVINE as "MORE" then what it actually says doesn't 'FIT' right with me.
I'm not sure what you're asking here... :confused:

Is all evidence of God only based by supernatural means?
Depends on who you ask. The baggage of definition to what "supernatural" means is a thread on to its own. I'd personally say yes, but only because God himself is outside our perception of nature, at the moment.

HOW did GOD tell the Iseralites to Kill the amalekites and their animals and children?
Don't know, but it might be He never did.

if God told you to kill your child named Issiac or kill your neighbors child would you?
If I THOUGHT God told me? No... But if God Himself commanded it, I would. I know that's an unpopular answer, but if the Lord of All makes request, I'm not going to hesitate. You can claim all the finger-wavering you're gonna do about decisions made by Him, but I know for one that if I'm before God, I'm not going to criticize His decisions or plans.

That said, it's a very unnatural request, and one I'd bet my soul wouldn't occur.

does God ONLY speak through his HUMAN prophets?
There's also angelic messengers, but who knows?

Christians where can I find some evidence that Elijah went to heaven without 'death'?
Evidence? Probably nowhere, but not really important to Christian theology.


Well-Known Member
God didn't create this universe, so I think you would be very hard pressed to find any causal connection between God and this universe. Since there is no causal connection there will be no evidence. God just wasn't at the scene of the crime


Agnostic Theist
God didn't create this universe, so I think you would be very hard pressed to find any causal connection between God and this universe. Since there is no causal connection there will be no evidence. God just wasn't at the scene of the crime
Now how can you know that? There is no evidence he didn't create this universe. If God exists, it would be very possible for God to have created this universe.


Boy Genius
Now how can you know that? There is no evidence he didn't create this universe. If God exists, it would be very possible for God to have created this universe.
But the problem is that there is no evidence to say that he did. In this case, you are making the claim that God created the universe. The neutral position being that we do know. If you make the claim, you must back this up.


Now how can you know that? There is no evidence he didn't create this universe. If God exists, it would be very possible for God to have created this universe.

Theres so much evidence ancient man created god and dogma kept the mythology alive, that it is 100% sure a diety is not responsible for any creation of anything.

Theres also enough evidence man has defined all different deities to meet his own cultural needs.

There has never been proof of a universal deity that is all powerfull to the point he could be a creator.

The proof that most deities generally are only believed by the geographic location your born and not universal to me is proof of non existance alone.

But Its just how I feel and that is my personal faith :angel2:


I wish people wouldnt generalize and even use the term god. It means something different to every person alive.

Lets say Elohim, or Yahweh, or Alla, Muhammad, Jesus, the Holy ghost, the Holy Spirit, Ball, Asherah, Kirshna, ect ect ect

And I do apologize that im ignorant to those I have not listed and didnt list your favorite one. It wasnt out of disrespect :)


Active Member
None. The belief of God is based on faith.
I wouldn't say it is logical. It is based on faith.
The idea is that one is baptized, and asks the Holy Spirit to come.
Many Christians are moving from that. In fact, the "traditional" form of Christianity that we see today is actually a relatively recent invention. It was formed in around the beginning of the 20th century (maybe 19th century, I forget the actual date).

Like I said though, many Christians are moving from that idea, and are seeing it in a more metaphorical manner.
There isn't any real evidence for God. The belief in God is based on faith.
This is when we have to put the Bible into a historical context. The Israelites were waging battles to gain land (as was normally done) and to build a nation. Since they saw themselves being driven by God, they attributed and justified their actions by saying Gd commanded it.

Also, killing children was a logical idea (even though unethical). It kept them from growing up to be adults, and thus, it minimized the potential army of the Israelites army. It also minimized a chance of of uprising.

Like I said though, one has to put that back into a historical context.
Nope, but then again, we are talking about a very different time. And culture, and historical context really do matter.

That is also one reason why more and more Christians are seeing the Bible in a metaphorical means.
I don't believe he talks to anyone, but if we accept that idea that God speaks to people, there is no reason to assume he only speaks to prophets.

You can't. It would be a miracle, and history simply can not prove a miracle.

I like to point to William Lane Craig's Five Points he uses in debates. Fairly easy chewings, but pretty good substance.

That's a weird question... Supernatural by nature means it doesn't fit the established observations that anyone can make. If someone witnesses a truly supernatural phenomenon, we can't disregard it outright, but it should be given rigorous scrutiny.

It isn't just a dwelling, but a transformation, much like a patch in software. Underneath it all, humans are a vicious breed, and when push comes to shove, we react in ways that do not glorify God. The more we let the Spirit in, the more it attempts to rectify that. It creates a new you, in a sense.

I'm not sure what you're asking here... :confused:

Depends on who you ask. The baggage of definition to what "supernatural" means is a thread on to its own. I'd personally say yes, but only because God himself is outside our perception of nature, at the moment.

Don't know, but it might be He never did.

If I THOUGHT God told me? No... But if God Himself commanded it, I would. I know that's an unpopular answer, but if the Lord of All makes request, I'm not going to hesitate. You can claim all the finger-wavering you're gonna do about decisions made by Him, but I know for one that if I'm before God, I'm not going to criticize His decisions or plans.

That said, it's a very unnatural request, and one I'd bet my soul wouldn't occur.

There's also angelic messengers, but who knows?

Evidence? Probably nowhere, but not really important to Christian theology.

I wish people wouldnt generalize and even use the term god. It means something different to every person alive.

Lets say Elohim, or Yahweh, or Alla, Muhammad, Jesus, the Holy ghost, the Holy Spirit, Ball, Asherah, Kirshna, ect ect ect

And I do apologize that im ignorant to those I have not listed and didnt list your favorite one. It wasnt out of disrespect :)

i ask these question SAME question to other, and I get much B.S the ANSWERS are direct and NON-CIrcular. BEAUTIFUL. R&S always saves the day.


the whole christian premise is wrong....we are and always have been standing under the throne of the gods. there is no supernatural(think what the words mean). so just like were projected into this creation(program) so can an angel or a demon....but neither will unless its 100% required. ( neither side will cast pearls so to speak). how the hell does anyone think how the ancient illuminati bloodlines connected through the dukes of edom and running through most ancient empires knew where to go and dig up gold silver tin copper etc and in fact to do so....what a head start they had...all ancient mythologies have same slant to some degree. food 4 thought..


Hostis humani generis
What evidence is there of A god without the use of supernatural events of things?
Probably none.
But would a God really be "super" natural?
Wouldn't it be natural?

Is believing in supernatural logical and reasonable?
Logical, no.
Reasonable, depends on how it's interpreted. Probably not.

Is all evidence of God only based by supernatural means?
I don't think you can say "evidence of God".

if God told you to kill your child named Issiac or kill your neighbors child would you?
No way. If my concept of Divinity requested murder, I would doubt my concept's of divinity's sanity and worthiness of being respected.

does God ONLY speak through his HUMAN prophets?
I do not believe in prophets.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
i ask these question SAME question to other, and I get much B.S the ANSWERS are direct and NON-CIrcular. BEAUTIFUL. R&S always saves the day.
Oh my -- he found the infamous caps lock key. His must be a very very powerful argument. (It's also more than a little adolescent.)


Agnostic Theist
But the problem is that there is no evidence to say that he did. In this case, you are making the claim that God created the universe. The neutral position being that we do know. If you make the claim, you must back this up.
I agree that there is no evidence that he made it either. I would say that one has to take the neutral position, that we simply don't know what occurred.


Agnostic Theist
Theres so much evidence ancient man created god and dogma kept the mythology alive, that it is 100% sure a diety is not responsible for any creation of anything.
It isn't 100% sure. You can't show that man created god. You can show that he created the mythology and dogma, but not god.

We don't see someone just saying one day that a god seems to be a good idea, lets create one. The concept of god/s goes back before our written record, so we don't fully know where the idea came from. Basically, we come to a neutral point, no evidence for or against the idea of god.
Theres also enough evidence man has defined all different deities to meet his own cultural needs.
There may be evidence of that, that people use deities to help meet their cultural needs, but people even take other ideas and shape them to their needs. That isn't a sign of creating a deity, but shaping an idea to fit their own needs.
There has never been proof of a universal deity that is all powerfull to the point he could be a creator.
And there has never been evidence otherwise.
The proof that most deities generally are only believed by the geographic location your born and not universal to me is proof of non existance alone.
Yet we have, many times, universal deities as well. And if one accepts a montheistic point of view, that there is just one god, but many forms of that god, then it would easily be explained why there are so many different ideas of god/s.


Agnostic Theist
One might say, the lack of evidence he did, is evidence he didn't ;)
But that would be a poor argument. An absence of evidence is not evidence. It may support an idea; however more information would be needed in order to show that such an idea is feasible and supportable. We don't have that.