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Christians: Who is Jesus to you?

  • Thread starter angellous_evangellous
  • Start date


Now I know that many of us would say his well-known titles and roles: Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Saviour, Messiah, King of Kings.

That's not what I mean to ask. We all know Jesus's many titles and functions.

I'm asking about how you think Jesus is accessible to you --- and that answers the question regarding who Jesus is.


Do you feel that Jesus is close to you (and Christians) at all times? Then Jesus is omnipresent and always present in spirit (after all, you don't see his human body).

Do you feel that Jesus is far away, accessible only by sacrificial prayer and supplication? Then Jesus is omnipotent but shares his gifts only with the faithful.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Good question. In the past, Jesus was simply the person that you read in the Bible. However, I'm finding that Jesus is that sixth chacra in meditation.
To me, Jesus was a Manifestation of God, a personage who embodied the perfect attributes of God the Father, although not God himself. He is divine in that he was the firstborn of creation, and thus my Christian practice is to pray 'in the name of Jesus Christ' as practiced by the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Although Heavenly Father is my main Personage of worship, Jesus Christ is the prime example of who we must come to be: godly equals Christ-like. He is my personal example of how I can approach my Father in Heaven.

Civil Shephard

Active Member
I believe Jesus is the first thought of our Creator I AM and so the first Words spoken in the physical universe that could carry sound waves. Jesus to me is the decimal point of history that brings the infinite and the infintismal into a glorious unity of past and future. Jesus to me is the lens of all created beings creating the circle on the face of the deep bringing a great country/kingdom to the horizon within and without. Jesus to me is the creative genius of righteous intervention.


Mother Heathen
Now I know that many of us would say his well-known titles and roles: Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Saviour, Messiah, King of Kings.

That's not what I mean to ask. We all know Jesus's many titles and functions.

I'm asking about how you think Jesus is accessible to you --- and that answers the question regarding who Jesus is.


Do you feel that Jesus is close to you (and Christians) at all times? Then Jesus is omnipresent and always present in spirit (after all, you don't see his human body).

Do you feel that Jesus is far away, accessible only by sacrificial prayer and supplication? Then Jesus is omnipotent but shares his gifts only with the faithful.

Always present in spirit.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Now I know that many of us would say his well-known titles and roles: Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Saviour, Messiah, King of Kings.

That's not what I mean to ask. We all know Jesus's many titles and functions.

I'm asking about how you think Jesus is accessible to you --- and that answers the question regarding who Jesus is.


Do you feel that Jesus is close to you (and Christians) at all times? Then Jesus is omnipresent and always present in spirit (after all, you don't see his human body).

Do you feel that Jesus is far away, accessible only by sacrificial prayer and supplication? Then Jesus is omnipotent but shares his gifts only with the faithful.

Good questions.

I am a trinitarian. I believe that Jesus is an integral part of the Godhead. I also believe that He is fully human and fully divine.

I believe that He is with me always, whether I can see or feel Him thru the clutter in my mind and heart or not. I believe He is with me in my triumphs and in my failures, that He is steadfast and that His love for me never wavers, even when I don't acknowledge or appreciate it.

I believe that He offers this to every person ever created and that entering into His presence is possible for every creature - man and beast.

Though I am not Roman Catholic, I have a crucifix hanging in every bedroom of my home. Why is that? To remind us as we lay in our beds at night (or awake in the morning) that Jesus understands our struggles, pains, and sorrows, and that He bore every one of them on that cross.


Miranda Kerr Worship
I was a Christian for over 20 years and even went to a school for pastors. The way I was taught is Jesus is both omnipresent and omnipotent.He is everywhere at once as well as all knowing. I guess if you are everywhere at once it would only make sense that you also know everything.

As far as how that pertains to the individual, he is with you no matter what time of the day or night it is or where you are. He knows what you are going through and what you are dealing with. He has been there and has compasion on you. The only catch to this is that you must be a "saved" individual for him to care. This however, depends if the Christian is Calvinistic or Arminian. Calvinistic individuals believe strongly that god hates the unsaved. As for the Arminians, it just depends...I have seen those on both sides of the fence on that.

Sorry if I broad-brush a little to much. I know every individual believes a bit different, but this is my overall evaluation on this.


Will to love
Now I know that many of us would say his well-known titles and roles: Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Saviour, Messiah, King of Kings.

That's not what I mean to ask. We all know Jesus's many titles and functions.

I'm asking about how you think Jesus is accessible to you --- and that answers the question regarding who Jesus is.


Do you feel that Jesus is close to you (and Christians) at all times? Then Jesus is omnipresent and always present in spirit (after all, you don't see his human body).

Do you feel that Jesus is far away, accessible only by sacrificial prayer and supplication? Then Jesus is omnipotent but shares his gifts only with the faithful.

Christ be with me,
Christ within me,
Christ behind me,
Christ before me,
Christ beside me,
Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort
and restore me.
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ in quiet,
Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of
all that love me,
Christ in mouth of
friend and stranger.

- I Bind Unto Myself Today - Hymn
"Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
no feet but yours,
Yours are the eyes through which to look out
Christ's compassion to the world
Yours are the feet with which he is to go about
doing good;
Yours are the hands with which he is to bless men now."

-- votary

Civil Shephard

Active Member
Christ to me is the hidden unity in those who claim to believe and those who don't...
The Savior in substance as much as in form who understand how to reap where he sows not
The Being who will never allow the void of nothingness to make our universe succumb to entropy
The Word eternal that gives a name to those do not resenting their being created
Christ to me is loving poetry to inspire each ones own prophecy so that all may be taught by God

Christ to me is the highest form of individuality giving freedom to the simple and humility to the wise. A hidden unity that draws those who believe to those who don't.


Active Member
Jesus is one of the ones who realized who he was, and who we all have the potential to be. He was an awaken one. He is in the face of all of us. Because he is all of us, just as I am all of us, and you are all of us.


Well-Known Member
16Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

I believe Jesus loves us deeply,is close to us, fully accessible any time, even when we have done our worst. He is our advocate making intercession constantly, he is our righteousness, he will never leave us nor forsake us and he will in no wise cast out anyone who comes to him. He is concerned with every detail of our life and he is our life.


Active Member
I am not a trinitarian and so do not think on Jesus in terms of omnipresence or omnipotence.
Who is he? He is my elder brother, my teacher and shepherd.
Is Jesus close to me? Yes, if I keep him in my thoughts.
Is he accessible? Yes, he has sent the Comforter to dwell with me.


Dios - ang - Pastol
Well not in the official story anyway.

In the unofficial... he killed some people as a kid.

try to pretend that there is no Jesus and no scriptures at all... whos your going to blame for those Kid that dies ? Just try to pretend...i already ask this on the other thread...


Active Member
3 The son of Annas the scholar, standing there with Jesus, took a willow branch and drained the water Jesus had collected. (2)Jesus, however, saw what had happened and became angry, saying to him, “Damn you, you irreverent fool! What harm did the ponds of water do to you? From this moment you, too, will dry up like a tree, and you’ll never produce leaves or root or bear fruit.”
(3) In an instant the boy had completely withered away.
Then Jesus departed and left for the house of Joseph. (4)The parents of the boy who had withered away picked him up and were carrying him out, sad because he was so young. And they came to Joseph and accused him: “It’s your fault – your boy did this.”


renouncing this world
for me Jesus is love
he preached love and loved the world
for me his greatest lesson and gift - love.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Now I know that many of us would say his well-known titles and roles: Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Saviour, Messiah, King of Kings.

That's not what I mean to ask. We all know Jesus's many titles and functions.

I'm asking about how you think Jesus is accessible to you --- and that answers the question regarding who Jesus is.


Do you feel that Jesus is close to you (and Christians) at all times? Then Jesus is omnipresent and always present in spirit (after all, you don't see his human body).

Do you feel that Jesus is far away, accessible only by sacrificial prayer and supplication? Then Jesus is omnipotent but shares his gifts only with the faithful.


For more than several times, I have been asked to post a thread on my views about

Jesus. Well, here then is how I view Jesus: A religious Jew born with the mission to bring his People into a spiritual revival. Jesus' awakening reform is reflected in Matthew 5:17-19.

Jesus' target was to turn the nation into a State governed by Torah as the constitution of the Jewish People. He was too nationalistic though, which rather
being a virtue, would invite misreadings of his personality as we have what happened to Judas.

Although he focused on his private group of 12, he had quite a following. Between the greater multitude and the 12, he had 72 special disciples, whom he would assign certain roles in his Ministry. (Luke 10:1)

I believe his biological parents were indeed Joseph and Mary; and because of a Roman Census in the year 4 BCE, his parents had to go to Bethlehem and Jesus happened to be born. When he was 40 days old, the family returned to Nazareth. He was never in Egypt. The attempt of Matthew to take him there was to plagiarize the call of Israel from Egypt.

When he was 13, his parents brought him up to Jerusalem for his Bar Mitvah, and because he was a very gifted child, really precocious, he would indeed impress priests and Teachers of the Law with his wisdom.

From his age 13 till 30, he must have spent his life between helping his father in his Carpentry and with his cousin John the Baptist in an Essene Monastery in preparation for the Rabbinate.

At that time there were two classifications of Rabbis in Israel. Senior Rabbis who would stay in Yeshivas where students would go to, and Junior Rabbis, who opperated on an ambulant manner: Going from place to place preaching and teaching Torah.

Jesus was never more than a Junior Rabbi, as the title was never granted on wisdom alone but according to the time spent as such. Jesus didn't have even four years as a Rabbi.

| also believe he was married, because the Law was strict about married Rabbis. One wouldn't even start as a single Rabbi. And I believe he married Marry Magdalene because she was the one he loved and was loved by.

I believe he was crucified because among others like him who were ambulant Rabbis, they irritated the Romans, who had a policy to arrest any head of a subversive private group and put him to the cross, so that the followers would disperse. But I don't believe he died on the cross. He did survive the cross. After
40 days after his crucifixion he left Israel with his wife, Joseph of Arimathea, and probably his mother, and silence was gold for about 30 years.

When Jesus left he made sure his disciples would continue his work of Torah revival.
Then, there was never in the History of Israel a group of more missionary Jews than the Nazarenes. They organized the Sect and started making converts everywhere, even from among the Pharisees.

The Sect became know as the Way. And it grew geometrically, until Paul showed up with a strange gospel about Jesus. Not because Jesus was what Paul preached about him but because he needed him to give rise to his Church of Christianity.

Little by little and until 133 CE, the Nazarenes were absorbed, part into the Church of Paul and part into mainstream Judaism.

These then are my views about Jesus. All the Pauline paraphernalia about Jesus were only sausage fillers. Jesus was Jewish, and anything said about him that contradicts his Faith, which was Judaism, is not true.
