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Christos Agnate Evolutionist Church


N. Germanic Descent
I filed a few days ago with the IRS and the Secretary of State. I haven't completed the 501c(3) paperwork yet. I can't afford it, but It's a nonprofit. Tax exemptions will likely only apply with property taxes, if ever. Otherwise, if income is generated taxes will apply. I filed to separate and branch out from original source.

The following is a rundown.

Statement of Faith

Christos Agnate Evolutionist Church

1. We acknowledge the holy spirit as being an honest and truthful spirit, able to lead us as a guiding principle into all truth, which is to say we are obligated to this principal spirit as both a guide and for our ongoing morality (correctness).
2. We acknowledge God as our creator from where all things originate, that we are formed of Gods substance as living
beings, and as such we acknowledge the holy spirit as the elemental principle required to complete the triune nature of Godhead and through us, who adhere to its principle application.
3. We acknowledge the above to represent the nature of Christos, and to be anointed by truth (holy spirit) as Jesus was, enables us to conduct our lives rightly according to present life reality and to do so in truth.
4. We acknowledge righteousness to equate to right or rightness and true, and that wickedness equates to error, false, deceit, and/or to be incorrect, and that sin represents falling short of living truthfully as individuals.
5. We acknowledge morality to be individual and personal, being aware that subjective truth varies from person to person, and that it is required for the development of a truer relationship in how we honor God from our spirit as people.


Mission and Purpose Statement:

“Navigating life though the power of the Holy Spirit in truth, obligating ourselves to this duty as members of Christos Agnate Evolutionist Church, our mission is in our continual repentance, never leaning on our own (present day) understanding, but to honor God in Spirit and truth as truth reveals itself, manifesting through the many vehicles present in our ever-changing world.”

Statement of Dissolution:

“Upon discontinuance of the Christos Agnate Evolutionist Church, by dissolution or any other, any assets lawfully available for distribution are to be transferred to any organization (s) qualifying as tax exempt or otherwise, who uphold similar principles as our own, under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.”

Christos Agnate Evolutionist Church​

For the purpose of establishing a truer principled observance of the logos, for the edification and development of those who obligate themselves to truth, both through reason and applied study, and through the precepts associated with this honorable duty, the Christos Agnate Evolutionist Church shall be governed by the following Constitution:

That, we, the undersigned have voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a more unified body in compliance with the Laws of the State of Kentucky, hereby certify the following bylaws as essential precepts for our ongoing conduct:


Christos Agnate Evolutionist Church

To present ourselves as a more unified body, the name of this church shall be “Christos Agnate Evolutionist Church”.





  1. To establish a more sensible method of religious observance in accordance with the Holy spirits guidance (as we understand truth in its many forms) evidenced objectively and through our personal relationships subjectively, to be essential for establishing greater service to our communities and for the purposed intent of continual repentance and change.
  2. To earnestly seek and promote the truer guidance of the holy spirit in respect to ongoing and faithful acknowledgment of manifest truths, and to do so voluntary, particularly to repent of any former understanding, if and when a held precept is overcome by greater illumination and evidenced as an accepted truth objectively, and to do so freely, according to our several ability of discernment as individuals.
  3. To accept accountability for our shortcomings as individuals, and to do so mindfully through the holy spirit, whether they be legal transgressions or personal, and to consider how daily conduct might affect the greater communities to which we belong, utilizing a truthful spirit as the guiding principle for community interaction.
  4. To enter into agreement that we honor a 10% model for tithes, and to do so without obligation to any single entity or standard form of currency and/or increase, and by our own discernment choose for ourselves where these contributions might be best received and invested.
  5. To honor the above with discretion and humility, with the aim of self-discipline for the benefit of the entire church body as acknowledged faithful observances by all who belong to it.
  6. To acknowledge the bible as a textbook good for instruction, to acknowledge Jesus as a teacher and also a shepherd, and to likewise acknowledge the many other households of the earth (households of faith and those of a secular nature) who contribute to this world with true teachings for our edifying.
  7. To acknowledge the Word/Logos as expressions of truth, and to acknowledge the source of expression as unlimited in nature, being unconfined as the all-encompassing divine, in which and through which, all things have their being.
  8. To assemble in worship or recreation, as brothers and sisters born and created for adversity to help one another in difficult times, or in remembrance of those no longer with us; the assembling together should remain a choice and determined by each individual yet ought not to be forsaken.



    Operational structure and expectations as an organization should follow these standards and ought to be adhered to now, and likewise in the event of Incorporating from our current LLC registrar listing.

    9. Donations may be accepted but should be refused in the event that the security of that which is to be accepted as a donation cannot be adequately accommodated.

    10. All funds generated by church effort and from donation should honor current tax codes, even as a qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity, except in the event that by doing so would jeopardize the integrity of the church and its ability to continue successful operations.

    11. In the event of Incorporating from an LLC, a board of directors should be assembled with equal rank among board members and should be operated as a democracy and in accordance with our stated purposes and bylaws.
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N. Germanic Descent
1 member strong -

I wonder if I should print out trifolds with the above information. I have no building, no aim to preach, no aim to proselytize or convert, but it might help with the separation and with establishing greater legitimacy. $600.00 to file the 501c(3) paperwork for tax exemption status. The only way I can foresee maybe needing this is with property taxes due to increasing property value.

$4000 annual property tax for a $500.000 piece of land is standard where I'm from, and when you're barely scraping by and are paying taxes anyway, the ability to avoid property tax becomes very appealing.


N. Germanic Descent
I did this back in 1996 or maybe 1998 - went through ULC for certification and for legal purposes (Ordination). I recertified a few minutes ago. Next step is opening a bank account and saving up for property. I intend to proceed with an old high school pledge a few friends and I made back then.

He was responsible for housing communities. Life gets the better of us sometimes. He passed away 4 years ago and was never able to complete it. I was responsible for other areas, which didn't turn out either, so ... It makes sense to move forward this way.

Initiative DE: To buy and develop property for communal living as an “intended community” associated with the church and its bylaws,
specifically. No church service or preaching on the agenda. This is an effort to assemble together with likeminded people.

A freedom of religion, press, assembly, and of speech initiative.

Definition: Intended Community

"Intended communities are planned residential communities designed to have a high degree of social cohesion and teamwork. The members of intended communities usually share a common vision and lifestyle. Intended communities are different from conventional communities, which are often large and dispersed. Intended communities aim to promote connection and familiarity among the residents who live in them." (excerpt taken from google search)

I'll Keep Walking on

Copyrighted material © Brother Mal
All rights reserved

Leaving out of my hometown
no one has much to say anymore
I've walked 10,000 miles since
8 years drifting now.

I didn't want to leave anyone
Absence was forced on me.
The friends I've known who fell out here,
understood life's too hard to just take easy.

Left behind and moving on
Life and death and losing strong
I'll keep walking on
until it's over - until I'm done.

and I'll keep coming back to where they know me
Where they know me is where I'm from

But I'll keep walking on.


God knows it gets lonely
Too much of me left behind
Taken away from the best part of me
forced to leave my son behind.

and no one has much to say anymore
I've been missing the things I call mine.
Family is all I'd ever known
but it wasn't just wasted time


So, I'll keep walking on until it's over
I'll keep walking on until I'm done.
and I'll keep coming back to where they know me
Where they know me is where I'm from

But I'll keep walking on.

Don't get too close to my heart
I fear the losing part of life.
It's left behind and moving on
It's life and death and losing strong
But I'll keep walking on and holding on until I'm done.
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