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'Civil War' Trends on Twitter After Iowa Trump Rally Attendee's Remarks Go Viral


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'Civil War' Trends on Twitter After Iowa Trump Rally Attendee's Remarks Go Viral (msn.com)


"Civil War" was a top trending topic on Twitter on Sunday after remarks from an attendee of former President Donald Trump's rally in Iowa were widely circulated online and by the media.


Trump held a rally at the Iowa State Fairground in Des Moines on Saturday. At the event, Trump supporter Lori Levi told MSNBC that she believes the U.S. is headed for a "civil war." Levi criticized Democrats and Republicans, saying most members of the GOP are "as weak as they possibly could be in Congress."

"They're establishment. They don't care about the American people because they're in their elite little tower," she said. "So we're just sick of it, you know, and we're not going to take it anymore. I see a civil war coming. I do. I see civil war coming."

As of Sunday afternoon, the term "Civil War" had been tweeted nearly 67,000 times as it trended on the major social media platform. Many were criticizing Trump supporters and the right-wing "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) movement. Some also tried to offer solutions to the current divide within American society.

"Polarization is worse than ever and getting worse not better. There is a Civil War coming if we don't stop dehumanizing those we disagree with politically," unsuccessful Democratic presidential and New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang tweeted. The political activist promoted his new Forward Party PAC, which aims to promote democratic reforms.

"Political stress is at record highs, we're already seeing political violence, 42% of people now see political opponents as "mortal enemies" or "evil." We can all feel it. Where will it end? I wish it were hyperbole but we should take this very seriously," Yang added in a follow-up Twitter post.

Dean Obeidallah, host of The Dean Obeidallah Show, suggested that largely Democratic states would be happy for largely Republican states to secede from the country—unlike what happened back in the 1860s during the Civil War.

"'Civil War Coming' is trending. It's not for various reasons but a big one is the Civil War in 1861 happened when Red States said we are leaving and Blue States waged a war to preserve the Union. Today if Red States wanted to leave Blue states would say 'Check out time is 1PM,'" he tweeted.

Nick Knudsen, the executive director of DemCastUSA, warned that America's shouldn't dismiss the threat of violence.

Even Edward Snowden is getting in on the act:

Edward Snowden, the infamous former computer intelligence consultant and whistleblower, expressed confusion over the trending topic.

"Why is 'Civil War' trending? Are they bombarding Fort Sumter? Is there a massacre on Pratt Street? Is the infantry advancing on Gettysburg?" he wrote, making references to historic moments from the Civil War.

American Unitarian Pastor John Pavlovitz said he doesn't see a violent conflict coming.

Others don't see a violent conflict coming. Others don't see it as a "civil war," but warned that there are a lot of heavily armed people out there who are "unhinged."

"There is NOT a Civil War Coming," he wrote. "The vast masses of decent, compassionate people here are being challenged by a hateful, conspiratorial, extremist minority who want white evangelical theocracy. Americans cannot simply allow them to have it."

Actress and activist Patricia Arquette also dismissed the possibility of a war within the country. "There will not be a civil war. Even in states Biden lost across the country he got millions of votes," she tweeted.

Columnist and commentator Wajahat Ali said that he doesn't expect a civil war but believes there will be more political violence.

"There might not be a civil war but there will sadly be incidents of violence across America and people still aren't taking the threat of a radicalized, weaponized GOP cult seriously. Wait until there are vaccines for kids and mandates in schools. These people are unhinged," Ali tweeted.

Some historians have raised concerns for the past couple years that the current political reality within the U.S. is similar to the polarization and tension ahead of the Civil War of the 1860s. That conflict occurred when the Southern states seceded from the Union and formed the Confederacy in a bid to preserve the institution of slavery. The Union army ultimately won in 1865 and the nation has managed to stay together ever since.

Trump supporters violently attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6 in an apparent effort to prevent the formal certification of President Joe Biden's election victory. The mob of rioters was animated by Trump's baseless claims that the 2020 election was "rigged" or "stolen" in Biden's favor.

The former president continues to promote this false allegation, despite no evidence emerging to substantiate it. Many GOP voters believe the so-called "Big Lie." Recent polls have shown that as many two-thirds of Republicans believe Biden won through a rigged or stolen election.

As a history buff, I don't think we're seeing the same kind of deep-seated issues which were present before the Civil War. Moreover, the states are nowhere near as independent as they used to be.

I don't think there could be a civil war, although as some people fear, there could still be violent people out there coming unglued. Even before Trump, I knew of people who were preparing for Armageddon. Someone told me about some of their family having houses in a secluded area, with secret tunnels connecting the houses, bunkers, weapons, ammunition, stockpiles of food. I don't know how many people would fall into that category, but there's a whole sub-culture of people like this.

As for the possibility of civil war, this is the map of the last election by county:


I'm in a blue area myself, although Arizona's government is GOP-controlled. Hard to say what can happen, although I can be in Mexico in an hour if things really fall apart. (The "blue" side would also control the border.) Notice some large patches of blue in the Southern states, too. They won't go that easily.


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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
there could still be violent people out there coming unglued.

Coming? The only thing that has not happened so far is organized attacks and I'd 'bet the farm' that there are groups organizing now. The only thing standing between them and the abyss is that we have a Democratic administration. If I were a few decades younger, I might easily be buying guns and ammo to be ready to repel attacks on people around me and even myself.

January 6th.
The right in Congress and many states refusing to concede that Biden won.
Attacks on airplanes
Attacks in restaurants
Attacks on educators
Attacks on nurses and medical professionals
Attacks on Blacks
Attacks on Muslims
Attacks on people from Asia
Attacks on Jews


I don't know how many people would fall into that category, but there's a whole sub-culture of people like this.

That’s where all of the leaders will be, in their cozy bunkers laughing their asses off eating popcorn at the stupid populace from both sides at war they divided and conquered if it were ever to transpire.

Fallen Prophet

Well-Known Member
'Civil War' Trends on Twitter After Iowa Trump Rally Attendee's Remarks Go Viral (msn.com)


Even Edward Snowden is getting in on the act:

Others don't see a violent conflict coming. Others don't see it as a "civil war," but warned that there are a lot of heavily armed people out there who are "unhinged."

As a history buff, I don't think we're seeing the same kind of deep-seated issues which were present before the Civil War. Moreover, the states are nowhere near as independent as they used to be.

I don't think there could be a civil war, although as some people fear, there could still be violent people out there coming unglued. Even before Trump, I knew of people who were preparing for Armageddon. Someone told me about some of their family having houses in a secluded area, with secret tunnels connecting the houses, bunkers, weapons, ammunition, stockpiles of food. I don't know how many people would fall into that category, but there's a whole sub-culture of people like this.

As for the possibility of civil war, this is the map of the last election by county:


I'm in a blue area myself, although Arizona's government is GOP-controlled. Hard to say what can happen, although I can be in Mexico in an hour if things really fall apart. (The "blue" side would also control the border.) Notice some large patches of blue in the Southern states, too. They won't go that easily.
It's a war of words and information.


Inactive member
Not any specific questions, but do you have any thoughts on the topic?

Yes. Like so much of the drama and gossip that trends on various media sources, this is yet another familiar topic for everyone to add their thoughts, drama, and/or fears to and pass it along.

I’m with Snowden. If one can answer “no” to the questions he presents, then why is “Civil War” trending at all?


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Why? Do you think that all Americans will just accept being stupid?
I believe our society is healing from multiple parasitic influences. I know its too slow to make anyone happy. Doctor President Trump was a wakeup call for many people. It may not look that way. It certainly didn't bring the Democrats to change and to improve their party or the Republicans to kick out the ****. Grassroots though I think this is has been a time of improvement.

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
'Civil War' Trends on Twitter After Iowa Trump Rally Attendee's Remarks Go Viral (msn.com)


Even Edward Snowden is getting in on the act:

Others don't see a violent conflict coming. Others don't see it as a "civil war," but warned that there are a lot of heavily armed people out there who are "unhinged."

As a history buff, I don't think we're seeing the same kind of deep-seated issues which were present before the Civil War. Moreover, the states are nowhere near as independent as they used to be.

I don't think there could be a civil war, although as some people fear, there could still be violent people out there coming unglued. Even before Trump, I knew of people who were preparing for Armageddon. Someone told me about some of their family having houses in a secluded area, with secret tunnels connecting the houses, bunkers, weapons, ammunition, stockpiles of food. I don't know how many people would fall into that category, but there's a whole sub-culture of people like this.

As for the possibility of civil war, this is the map of the last election by county:


I'm in a blue area myself, although Arizona's government is GOP-controlled. Hard to say what can happen, although I can be in Mexico in an hour if things really fall apart. (The "blue" side would also control the border.) Notice some large patches of blue in the Southern states, too. They won't go that easily.

That map is rather scary, unless much of that red are low population areas?
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Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
That map is rather scary, unless much of that red are low population areas?

Pretty much.

You can tell where the cities are by where the blue is. If you look at Iowa, you can see a blue county all by itself... there's where I am!

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
'Civil War' Trends on Twitter After Iowa Trump Rally Attendee's Remarks Go Viral (msn.com)


Even Edward Snowden is getting in on the act:

Others don't see a violent conflict coming. Others don't see it as a "civil war," but warned that there are a lot of heavily armed people out there who are "unhinged."

As a history buff, I don't think we're seeing the same kind of deep-seated issues which were present before the Civil War. Moreover, the states are nowhere near as independent as they used to be.

I don't think there could be a civil war, although as some people fear, there could still be violent people out there coming unglued. Even before Trump, I knew of people who were preparing for Armageddon. Someone told me about some of their family having houses in a secluded area, with secret tunnels connecting the houses, bunkers, weapons, ammunition, stockpiles of food. I don't know how many people would fall into that category, but there's a whole sub-culture of people like this.

As for the possibility of civil war, this is the map of the last election by county:


I'm in a blue area myself, although Arizona's government is GOP-controlled. Hard to say what can happen, although I can be in Mexico in an hour if things really fall apart. (The "blue" side would also control the border.) Notice some large patches of blue in the Southern states, too. They won't go that easily.
I've been saying we are headed for civil war for years now. I'm guessing it will probably happen within 10 to 20 years if things don't improve.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
That map is rather scary, unless much of that red are low population areas?
It's a tyranny of a minority that occurring.

Most of the country in terms of policy are Republican representing rural areas. Most of the population is Democrat that live in heavily populated metro areas.

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
It's a tyranny of a minority that occurring.

Most of the country in terms of policy are Republican representing rural areas. Most of the population is Democrat that live in heavily populated metro areas.
Didn't Biden get the most votes? Isn't that the tyranny of a majority?

Sounds like you'd like a tyranny of the minority?

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
Pretty much.

You can tell where the cities are by where the blue is. If you look at Iowa, you can see a blue county all by itself... there's where I am!
I'd have to know where Iowa is...but that sounds like you're on an island in a sea of.... in a sea of I don't know what.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Nothing is more fun than wailing over the sky falling.
The right fears Marxists.
The left fears the right.
4 years ago Trump was the next Hitler.
Democracy's days were numbered.
Now it's looming civil war.
I don't plan to stock up on guns & ammo.


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I'd have to know where Iowa is...but that sounds like you're on an island in a sea of.... in a sea of I don't know what.

A sea of stuff I can't say due to R5. :)

And the island isn't so great. Really high crime rate. Yup, best just to move.

This one's Iowa:

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Didn't Biden get the most votes? Isn't that the tyranny of a majority?

Sounds like you'd like a tyranny of the minority?
Depends. It's a minority in terms of supporting states that dominates politics.

People don't count. The electorate does when all is said and done.