Your unsupported claim doesn't become a fact because you or CNN says it. I don't see where Trump deserves any credit for Obama's economy. Trump brings nothing but instability and uncertainty, both bad for the economy. His trade wars are going to cause prices to rise and jobs to disappear. The man brings no useful understanding or skills to the job.
Look how long it took Bush to destroy the economy, and he began right away with tax cuts for the wealthy just like Trump. The collapse came well into Bush's second term. Give Trump (Mr. Bankrupcy) some time and he'll trash the American economy as well.
Who cares what CNN acknowledges? Do they think for you? They don't think for me. I consider them wrong. What else is there to say on this matter?
The economy.....
Bush didn't destroy it.
Obama didn't save it.
Trump didn't save it either.
Each had/has his fingerprints on what happened, but don't forget that there
is Congress, & there are events beyond their immediate control or knowledge.
Sure, sure, Bush getting us into Iraq & Afghanistan was bad, but Congress &
the voters cheered along. The same is true for Obama & Congress continuing
the wars. Even the triggering event of the wars spans multiple administrations.
Our being mired in mideast misadventures goes back almost a century now.
Had our meddling been less hatredogenic, 9/11 would've never happened.
There's more complexity, but I'll spare you all that.
We need a more peaceful foreign policy....& less governmental incentivization
of behavior which creates economic instability & resource mis-allocation.
Btw, the crash started early in Bush's first term.