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Comments by Guests@UK Jalsa\Japanese found Truth\African,Western,Central-Asian&other\Media Coverage.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…..Many people from various countries are writing to Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah Help him with His Mighty Help) that they saw Jalsa UK 2015 through Muslim Television Ahmadiyya International and gained benefit…...In this regard, Huzur (a.t.) said the real benefit and blessing of Jalsa is obtained when we do our full effort that what we saw and heard we make it the way and means for improvement of our lives and we thank Allah the Exalted that He made a physical invention, a way and means for progress in our knowledge, practice and creed. When television, internet, newspapers and other means of broadcasting serve our purpose, faith of a believer increases.

Allah the Exalted enabled volunteers of Jalsa that they made effort to make best Jalsa arrangements. Everyone worked as one soul. We are thankful to them, whether they are men or women. May Allah reward them. Huzur (a.t.) on the behalf of volunteer workers thanked Jalsa guests for their cooperation.

Huzur (a.t.) mentioned several comments by guests of Jalsa who came from other countries. They included politicians, ministers and high officials…..When a believer hears their comments, he bows more to Allah the Exalted.


Comments by three Japanese guests:

= One honourable guest said that he has been looking at different religions for the past 10 years. At the Jalsa, he was given the book ‘The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam’ (book by Hazrat Promised Messiah a.s. - online at alislam.org/books/) during the Jalsa. Once he began to read, he finished it in all night. After reading the book, he felt he found the true faith. He did Bai'at the day after Jalsa.

= Another guest said: The hospitality and service by Jalsa volunteers will be an unforgetanable memory for him. Jalsa was true model of UNO with people from all the world.

= A university professor said he found same excellent tradition about hospitality here in UK Jalsa, and in past in Rabwah, when he went there for research about Ahmadiyya Islam.

Vice President of Sierra Leone said:

The Jalsa was a great occasion.

A guest from Uganda said:

I was surprised to see hospitality, seciurity and discipline how volunteers were serving with sense of sacrifice. If I mention the gist of Jalsa Salana, the main and best thing is Jama'at Ahmadiyya is a great model for humanity for peace, love and brotherhood.

Comments by two members of Spanish Assemblies:

=“Member of Spainish National Assembly said seeing Jalsa organisation he wondered how his people would cope if they had to organise something on this scale. After the three day event he repeatedly said world governments could not do what Jalsa volunteers managed.

= A lady MP said Ahmadis are working tirelessly for peace. Speaking in historical context of the once Muslim rule of Spain she wished to tell Hazrat Khalifatul Masih to consider Spain as his home when visiting it.”

Dream came true:

“A large family had come from France most of whom had done bai'at. Their father, who had not done bai'at, was most impressed at Friday Prayers and said he realised after coming to Jalsa why his children had accepted Ahmadiyyat. He said he had a dream in his youth the memory of which was triggered by attending Jalsa because it was about being in a place where many people had gathered. The father and the mother both took bai'at during the International Bai'at.”

A friend from Nigeria observed:

Khuddam (men upto 40) were on duty promptly, they were full of passions of obedience. The passion of obedience of Imam, what I have beween Khalifah and his Jama'at, I have not seen anywhere else.

A guest from Congo (Kinshasa) said:

I saw the practical model of that Islam which Jama'at Ahmadiyya had explained.

The deputy speaker of Benin’s national assembley said:

The great thing I observed was the members of Jama'at Ahmadiyya love their Khalifah very much. This thing will not found anywhere else. I checked all the organization of Jalsa, I found good mangemnet everywhere.

A Serbian guest commented:

I observed the practical working of slogan of Jama'at Ahmadiyya ‘Love for all hatred from non’ by attending the Jalsa and meeting with various people and atmosphere of Jalsa.

A lady guest from Kazhakhstan said:

I have visited many places but love with humanity and helping humanity in true sense is seen especially here.

A Swedish Police Officer:

He praised in unique way, he said if Ahmadiyya message reached Sweden he would resign from work because policing would not be needed anymore.

A Turin Shroud Expert said:

“one of the objects of coming to Jalsa was to inform Ahmadis about his research on the Turin Shroud but he felt he learnt much more from Ahmadis.”

This year, by the grace of Allah the Exalted, Jalsa has been introduced to the world at vast level by press and media. Message reached to millions of people in various continents through MTA, various TV channels, radio, social media and print media (newspapers and interviews) :

Jalsa news, video clips, TV and online coverage reached to 3.3 million people.

Radio took the news to 2.79 million.

Print media informers people about Jalsa, 7.7 million.

Social media took the message to 5 million.

“Apart from African countries the news was covered on TV in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, USA, Canada, Pakistan, India, France, Jamaica, Bolivia, Greece and Belize. The most important TV channel to cover the news was BBC News 24 which broadcast from Jalsa three times. French national news agency AFP also broadcast about Jalsa and their coverage was aired on various web sites including Yahoo News, NBS News and MSN News. 34 radio interviews were broadcast including one by BBC radio 4. A 20 minute long interview was broadcast. Caroline Wyatt of BBC interviewed Hazrat Khalifatul Masih. Catholic Herald published an article whereas two articles were published in Huffington Post. The message was also relayed via Twitter. All this was a result of the work of the central press team. It is believed that the UK Jama'at press team also worked at taking the message to at least 2 million people. Live coverage directly from Hadeeqatul Masih was provided by the following African countries: Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Congo.”

Huzur (a.t.) pointed out and gave advice to rectify some weaknesses observed in Jalsa. There were complaints that chairs were less in main marquee, one large TV screen was not enough, water and related items were not enough in wash rooms, impatience by some guests in bazaar area, some guests were harsh with volunteers in transport department.

Huzur (a.t.) mentiond that many blessings of Allah the Exalted came by the way of Jalsa Salana. He (a.t.) prayed: May Allah enable everyone - who attended the Jalsa or watched and heard Jalsa through TV – to bring pure changes in self. May those who received the message through media have the wisdom to understand it and then accept it. (Aameen)

Reference: Based on Friday sermon (August 28, 2015) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), Baitul Futuh Mosque, Mordan, London, UK, alislam.org, mta.tv
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