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Active Member
there are certain tenets to communism that seem just. like every one deserves the same wage or salary commisarant to their marriage status and the number of children they have and whether they have special needs like disabled people. everyone has the same basic needs. everyone would like a new house and car but not everyone wants a violin, television, radio, computer, fan, ash tray, etc. i suppose the capitalist system only works if most people produce more than their own needs so a few can be wealthy. i like the indian way of sharing with others, except maybe their clothes, weapons, wives, etc. most indians didn't believe in ownership of land. also, i don't agree with the university system that requires one to pass college algebra to get a degree. that's absurd. there are many people out there who could benefit from a degree if they could just pass that course. i used to tutor college students who were failing college algebra. they all made A's, so it is possible for most to pass. i think laborers are shorte when it comes to pay and minimum wage is ridiculous. urge your legislators to double minimum wage and add an yearly inflation factor.
Doubling minimum wage would likely result in the bankruptcy of thousands of businesses and the loss of thousands more jobs. Even the poorest Americans earning minimum wage are far better off than most of the people living in communist states, so I'm not sure I understand your argument.


Active Member
under our present laws, employers are responsible for the health care of employees working 40 or more ours a week and employing five or more workers. the walton's are the richest family in the world and cheat their employees by working them less than 40 hours a week, say 38 mostly. u must agree that this is not fair and they could easily be fair but choose loopholes to further their greed. in this country it is not legal to wholesale a small amount of goods for different prices to different buyers. it is legal to wholesale large amounts for the same price to different buyers. this has put most small businesses out of business. i think you should urge your legislators to enact a law that no matter what the quantity of good u sell it should be the same price to every retailer. that would make the market much more competitive and fair.

in this country most people just own cars not houses. in other countries(poor) they own houses or shacks and not cars. they ride the bus if available. i don't own a house like most people. if it hadn't been for a friend i wouldn't own a car.

support your dollar stores.

look at my post on slavery or slaves in another forum for more technical info.
trishtrish10 said:
under our present laws, employers are responsible for the health care of employees working 40 or more ours a week and employing five or more workers. the walton's are the richest family in the world and cheat their employees by working them less than 40 hours a week, say 38 mostly.
That's not cheating the employees--if they made their employees work over 40 hours a week, but still refused to give them health care, THAT would be cheating their employees.

in this country it is not legal to wholesale a small amount of goods for different prices to different buyers. it is legal to wholesale large amounts for the same price to different buyers. this has put most small businesses out of business. i think you should urge your legislators to enact a law that no matter what the quantity of good u sell it should be the same price to every retailer. that would make the market much more competitive and fair.
I'm not sure the market is so unfair right now...big businesses like Wal-Mart create economic growth in the suburbs in which they appear, they provide a huge range of goods at extremely low costs to the consumer, and they create more jobs with higher pay and better benefits than the Mom and Pop stores of old. Plus, employees working at a Wal-Mart, unlike the cashiers at a local Mom and Pop store, have an opportunity to work themselves up the corporate ladder past store manager to district manager, regional manager, etc.


Active Member
again, who the heck is lisa? if i had to arrrest my mother, i'm sure i'd have to call for back-up.

the world is not always fair, because not everyone has the same gifts. if u were a para or quadraplegic, i'm sure you would want help with care. the point is that we are each given different gifts so we must share in order to survive. some people don't want to share like the walton's. not everyone has the skills to go up the ladder, but they have the same basic needs. if u were a loving employer, u would see to that those u employ at least have their basic needs met or do it yourself. money ain't everything, people are. why do u think God made us, for money. he has all the jewels and gold he wants, i'm sure he would rather be loved than take advantage of an employee.
Lisa is a character on the Fox television show The Simpsons. The quote appears at the end of all of my posts, it's my "signature". What do you mean by "if i had to arrrest my mother, i'm sure i'd have to call for back-up." ?


Active Member
i love lisa and the simpsons. i also love the family shows not animated.

i'm sorry i was quoting a joke by our bishop in our diocesan newspaper. i thought i typed the whole. here the whole: an official was conducting a police cadet class and asked one what he would do if he had to arrest his mother. his quick response was i would call for back up.


Veteran Member
Mr_Spinkles said:
I'm not sure the market is so unfair right now...big businesses like Wal-Mart create economic growth in the suburbs in which they appear

I'm not so sure. For every £50 000 spent a job can be created in a normal store. For giants superstore it's closer to £150 000. Then there is the concern of breaking up town centres with out of town superstores, how many businesses go under every time a Wal-Mart or other huge competitor appears? Then once the competition vanishes they can enslave the suppliers who produce the goods for sale because they have no other choice; supply the giant store with drastically reduced priced commodities or perish.

Markets have their good points, but like everything else that's useful they are open to abuse. At least though nobody is worried about political assasination as they might be under communism.


Active Member
i wouldn't want to be famous unless i could maintain my own privacy. definitely don't want to hire a body guard. i used to want to be famous, but it's too much responsibility. to one who has much, much is expected.


Well-Known Member

You start with an interesting description of Communism, including "every one deserves the same wage or salary commisarant to their marriage status and the number of children they have and whether they have special needs like disabled people."

I think that is rather different from what is normally quoted as "from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs", especially as you leave out the first part. Where did you find your definition?