Okay, (sorry I was gone for so long..limited net access)I was alluding to the fireside conversation held a couple of weeks ago.I think I'd best set up my own position first and then go on to explain some of the main ideas that were discussed.Okay.The two key words that I find often repeated by Baha'is is "Peace and Unity".I am firmly convinced that our destiny as human beings is to unite under a common human family under the fatherhood of God.The message that I got from my time as a Baha'i is that of the Three Onenesses:Oneness of God, Oneness of humanity and Oneness of Religion.That means that essentially we are called to love and respect each other while giving God His due.In whatever religious situation we find ourselves(I've found myself in quite a few),Obedience to God and service to one's fellow person are two constant messages.Okay.Now, I'll just briefly touch on the conversation that was held a few weeks ago.First of all, I haven't had the chance to read myself from the Advent of Divine Justice, but I've heard passages quoted(I'm really going to have to buy that book.It sounds awesome)that allude to institutional corruption.Of course, there are differences between somebody's interpretation of a text and the actual text itself, but many of the passages quoted did speak of a process of human education, a painful process that would involve bloodshed.Okay, the next WW thing was an understanding,a thought that when the next war comes, it would have religious overtones.Then the speaker went on to speak of two of the most powerful religious institutions today and the global secularism we see today.A global war now or next week?I didn't really get that out of it.There is tension in the world today, as there has always been.Are there religious overtones in war?Absolutely.I say this because nations do play on the emotions of their citizens when somebody wants extra territory or this person has a resource(oil's an obvious example) that that person covets.I definitely incline my agreement with Arthra that we should work with people to acheive mutual understanding.A friend(well, a Friend and a personal friend of mine who helped guide me to the Baha'i Faith)told me extra things about this being a long process and I'm sorry, but we as humans seem to require learning lessons the hard way.Should we hole ourselves up?I thought Baha'u'llah summoned the cloistered to come out of their cloisters.My deep apologies for any misunderstandings that might have arisen from my original post.We as individuals should work together to achieve mutual understanding and hopefully we as a species will learn from the lessons we are taught.