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Connection with God - How?


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.
The superior desire and prayer is the one, which is for having spiritual connection with Allah the Exalted. All other matters are covered in it. All religions agree that one can meet God, though they present different ways for it. There are various metaphors about such love of God, mentioned in this regard. In Judaism, an elder of Noah named Enoch is said to have walked with God for 300 years. God wrestled with Jacob. Jesus calling God as Father and calling himself as Son is another example of this metaphor. Hinduism has presented God mostly as Mother. Similarly, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism believe that human can spiritually progress to meet God.

Those people who believe in God and live life according to the commandment of His Book, they believe in meeting God. When believers observe scenes of Divine blessings, they feel about love of God, which delight their hearts. The feeling the love of God is like the various signs of tranquility which are seen on the face of a little baby who draw milk from mother.

In Holy Quran, Allah says, “khalaqal insana min alaq” (96:3) i.e. ‘(Allah) created human with alaq’. The word ‘alaq’ has various meanings. It means clot of blood, it also means to get attached to, which connotes meaning of attachment with love. The verse means God made human with clot of blood. But for the initial complete human (which were product of long evolution), verse means that properties of attachment / love of God were sown in the first full human couple (Adam and Eve). This property continued to be in latter generations too. Thus love of God is natural property, granted by God.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) said that when one repents, Allah is more happier than the one whose ride was lost and he suddenly finds it…..Imagine if this lost and found had occurred in hot and vast desert.... This hadith is telling that human is actually made as a ride for God i.e. God’s attributes spreads through righteous human in the world. Holy Quran also informs that God has made human to make connection with Him. Another hadith tells that when human does additional virtues (more than compulsory), he gets nearness of God and God becomes (metaphorically) his ears, eyes and limbs.

Relation comes from God to human and from human to God. This connection is of heart. It continues in waking and sleep. Connection based on wisdom / brain works only in waking. Emotional connection based on heart have all time continuity.

Such connection of love is described with various words in Holy Quran. They are raghbah, uns, wud, mohabbah, khullah.
1- ‘Raghbah’ implies the vast desire to meet other. What does other thinks is not known.

2- ‘Uns’ implies that the desired-one is obtained and perturbation of heart is gone and there is no fright of heart….One wants other and other acknowledges and has turned face towards the first.

3- ‘Wud’ implies very much love, which binds the one who loves and the beloved together. [Wud is a love which binds the adorer and beloved.]

First two words are not used for God because when God desires love, it fulfills. Wud is used for God, “…sayajalo lahomur rahmano wudda” ( 19:97) i.e. ‘….the Gracious will create wud for them.’ There are various possibilities here.

i- ‘….the Gracious will create wud for them.’ = Gracious God will create passions (goodwill, kindness etc) for humanity in their heart.
ii- ‘….the Gracious will create wud for them.’ = Gracious God will create His love in their hearts.
iii- ‘….the Gracious will create wud for them.’ = Gracious God will create love for them in His heart.
iv- ‘….the Gracious will create wud for them.’ = Gracious God will create love in the hearts of people for them.

“……..inna rabbi rahimun wadood” (Holy Quran ch11:v91) i.e. ‘…….Verily, my Lord is Merciful, Most Loving.’

4- ‘Hub’ is stronger than other words and it implies that they entered in each other’s heart in perfect love. It also means the fruitful relation… The words appears in (5:55) as “…….yohibbohum wa yohibbunahu….” i.e ‘….He will love them and they will love Him….’

5- ‘Khullah’ is even more stronger for love. It implies a hole, distance and a love where there is no distance. Khullah is such a love which enters in each pore of body (not only in heart) and spreads; it overtakes body, soul, heart and mind; it does not come from outside like ‘hub’ it is natural. “……wattakhaz allalho ibrahima khalila.” (4:126) i.e. ‘……and Ibrahim was made ‘khalil’ by Allah.’

In short, love between Allah and human is described in Holy Quran and ahadith as raghbah, uns, wud, mohabbah, khullah……First two are used for low grade love which can be from human to Allah, not from Allah to human. Other three are used for two-way love between Allah and human. Love of human for Allah progresses from raghbah to uns, and fuses into wud. Then at khullah, both loves (Allah and human’s) meet.

Allah’s love is always superior to human’s love. For example, at the time of slumber and sleep, human’s khullah / love is not active as it is in his waking hours but Allah’s ‘khullah’ is active; Allah says “….la takhozuho seynatun wa la naom…..” (2:256) i.e. ‘……slumber seizes Him not, nor sleep……’ --- This station is described by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). He addresses to Allah, “World says you are kafir but, can I find anyone more beloved than You; if there is, I leave You for him. But I find that when people are unaware of the world; when my friends and foes have no idea about my condition. At that time, You wake me up and say with love and affection, “Do not be grieved, I am with thee”. Then, O my Lord! How can it be possible that I leave You, in the presence of such beneficence. Never, Never.”

i- When human progresses from ‘raghbah (some love for God some for world), ‘uns’(more love for God than for world) and ‘wud’ (yet not fused into beloved) and reaches to state of ‘mohabbah / hub’ (love overtakes throughout) he should give priority to love of God over all other relations and things. ii- At this advance stage of ‘mohabbah’, human should never take his attention away from God.

There is love of God which human earns and there is love which is granted by God.


Holy Quran tells God does not love following type of people but the absence of these weaknesses do not mean automatic gain of love of God :
1- Arrogant. Such person cannot love God; he will not accept grandeur of God.

2- Boastful. Love is born from beauty or beneficence but if one considers oneself saved from all troubles and whatever he possess he has earned by his powers, such a person cannot observe God’s beauty or His beneficence.

3- Those who cross limits. They cannot love God as they stress for more than they deserve.

4- Those who are not honest. Love requires that matters should be right. Dishonest person cannot take maintain relations.

5- Those who have great tendencies for sins. A breaker of worldly law will also break Divine rules.

6- Those who feels great pleasure at temporary gains. It is true that one should be thankful to God for all bounties but one’s aim should be high.

7- Those who spread discord among people. God loves His creation, He does not like those who

8- Unthankful. One means for love is to observe beneficence. Unthankful person cannot observe beneficence of God.

9- Wasteful. Such person waste resources for his low desires and does not spend for the well fair of creation of God.

10- Oppressor. Love and oppression does not mix. Oppressor loves his self only.


Means to generate love of God
1- Remembrance of attributes of God. “Remeber Me, I will remember you…..” (2:153)
2- Pondering at attributes of God.
3- Welfare and love with creation of God.
4- Regret after sin; to understand evil is bad.
5- To pray for matter.
6- After using means, to believe that result will be produced by God.
7- To establish justice for the sake of God in the world.
8- To make God shield in all matter; doing good for His sake and avoiding evil for His sake.
9- Try to imbibe attributes of God at human level.
10- To study nature and pondering upon ways of love and act on these (with righteousness).


Causes of love. They are helpful to get love of God.
1- Parents’ love for children. They do not love children because of beauty or beneficence. They love so because they make them – Children are part of parents – Ownness – Desire of continuity in the form of children – Their manifestation continues in the form of children.
2- Beneficence.
3- Beauty.
4- Fulfilling needs.
5- Companionship
6- Love with gatherer of loved-ones.
7- Ancient links and hopes for future progress.
8- Getting tranquility.
9- Listening repeatedly about goodness of someone.
10- Prayer. Human should prostrate to God and pray that O Lord! Your Being is hidden, my wisdom is imperfect and incomplete but in the hidden corners of my heart, I have the un erasable desire to meet You. My heart is impatient to meet You. I want to get Your love. But, O my Lord! my attempts cannot be successful unless Your blessing accompany me. Thus grant me share from Your love and add me to those who are among the pure group of You beloveds.

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Peace be upon you.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) prayed,
“Allahummar zuqni hubbaka
Wa hubba man ahabbaka
Wa hubba maa yoqarreyboni elaika
Waj-al hubbaka ahabba elaiya menal maa-ilbaredey”
“O my Allah! Grant me your love
and love of those who love You
And love of that which bring me near to You
And make Your love, for me, more than the love of cold water (in very hot summer).

Holy Quran says, “…and We made from water every living thing…..” (21:31)….In the light of this verse, Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) may be praying: May the love of God be more precious for us than the center of life (water). Ameen.

All praises to Allah, the Lord of all worlds.

Reference: Based on the Address Ta’alluq Billah, by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah II (Musleh Mo’ud, may Allah be pleased with him), alislam.org
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