A higher state of consciousness is considered in ancient eastern philosophy and psychology to be associated with nonreactivity, compassion, harmony, mental equanimity and positivity while a lower state of consciousness is charecterised by reactivity, agitated mindset, depression , despair, conflict and other issues.
We in other countries keep reading regularly about young or old americans going berserk with their guns and shooting down total strangers and even family members for no apparent or conceivable reason whatsoever and used to wonder a lot about it! Apparently the issue is something to do with the state of consciousness, frankly speaking.
Perhaps meditation by 'altering the state of consciousness/mind' as you put it, can create a more peaceful, mentally equanimous and nonreactive culture or atmosphere over there.
Considering the fact that the west uses presently the Indian numeral system and mathematics for their scientific or material needs without any issues about its origin, they can do the same with respect to meditation as well for their own needs profitably.
I have never argued against the positive effects of meditation. These effects have been clearly documented.
A Neuroscientist Explains What Happens To Your Brain When You Meditate . It
is science in the since that it is just another stimulus to reshape the brain because of its "neuroplasticity". But so does any other behavior we chose to do(sleeping, drinking, running, smoking, eating disorders, etc.). Focusing the mind on part of the whole, or becoming the whole itself, is a subjective experience and can't be shared objectively. Although I do agree with the positive benefits of meditation, I still prefer Jack, Jim, and my old Jobey.
What I disagree with, is your alarmist false equivocation, and faulty conclusion. I don't believe that by altering the state of consciousness through meditation, would in some way reduce or eliminate these violent atrocities committed in our schools. You are just another victim of the media's violence image hype. If there were only ONE school shooting everyday for a year, that would be 365 school shootings in a year. People hearing this everyday for a year, in other countries might think America was certainly not a safe place to send children to school. Right? Now let's put this in perspective. There are over 230,000 schools, in over 20,000 cities in the US alone. The US has a population of over 330 Million people. Doing some very simple probability calculations, you have roughly a 0.0000036% chance of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. This means that 99.999964 people will not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Therefore, the US is a very safe place to send your kids to school(regarding school shootings). It is much, much more likely that you would be killed by a terrorist, hit by an asteroid, die from chronic constipation, hit by lightning, or have a great white knock on you front door and attack your first born, then for you to be involved in a school shooting. So these events fall squarely within the realm of extremely isolated events. It would be like saying that if everyone meditated, there would be no traffic accident or fatalities. By taking these rare events out of perspective, you ignore other causal links that are attributable.
Not sure what the Hindu/Arabic numeral system have to do with meditation and the metaphysical. We use many different numerical systems today(binary, decimal, metric, ternary, hexadecimal, Roman, and even the Chinese numbering system). My point was the practicality of the metaphysical or any other subjective experience. What is its
objective applications? In other words, what predictions can we make? What evidence can we look at? What mechanics of the metaphysical can we explain? And, what natural phenomenon can we cite or recognize as being related to the metaphysical? What is its logical purpose? As I've said before, whatever works for you.