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Corban What is it?


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An Interchange http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102001285
While grandparents can offer you their wisdom and love, they can also benefit from your youthful energy and companionship. How so? Well, there are likely a number of ways in which you can be of help and support to your grandparents. Oftentimes, their physical strength is fading. Or they may be battling ill health. No doubt they would be encouraged if you helped them with shopping and household chores.
Many grandparents are widows or widowers and feel lonely at times. By taking an active interest in them, you can do much to help them to combat feelings of loneliness and to maintain their zest for life. Doing so is one way to follow the Bible command that you “keep paying a due compensation to [your] grandparents, for this is acceptable in God’s sight.”—1 Timothy 5:4.
No doubt about it, drawing close to your grandparents can enrich your life—as well as theirs! Maybe you have not been close to them up till now. Perhaps you want to change that but are not sure where to start. It may be that your grandparents live far away or that your parents are no longer together and this has distanced you from your grandparents. A future article will offer some practical suggestions on how you might deal with such situations.


Jehovah our God is One
I think you know what she means. Shunning? Once you get baptised and you leave your JW family can't talk to you, correct?

there are many baptized Jw's who do leave the organization and they are still able to be with their jw families. We have a brother in our congregation with a disfellowshipped wife...they are still together and have been ever since she was disfellowshipped. Another sister in our congregation has a father who stopped being a witness and they are all still together as a family. So the facts do not fit with the accusation.

The ideas sprouted by apostates are twisted and they are not really telling you the truth. If you want to know what goes on, you should ask a Jehovahs witness to get an insiders view.


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The previous posts are the whole article shared by you to prove the governing body does not discourage the children of Jehovah's Witnesses to do good to their UNBELIEVING grandparents.

I read the whole article. Is there more that I missed? Where does it say anything about the religion of anyone please?


Veteran Member
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there are many baptized Jw's who do leave the organization and they are still able to be with their jw families. We have a brother in our congregation with a disfellowshipped wife...they are still together and have been ever since she was disfellowshipped. Another sister in our congregation has a father who stopped being a witness and they are all still together as a family. So the facts do not fit with the accusation.

The ideas sprouted by apostates are twisted and they are not really telling you the truth. If you want to know what goes on, you should ask a Jehovahs witness to get an insiders view.
It is a good example of reviling. Am I on ignore? :help:


Well-Known Member
there are many baptized Jw's who do leave the organization and they are still able to be with their jw families. We have a brother in our congregation with a disfellowshipped wife...they are still together and have been ever since she was disfellowshipped. Another sister in our congregation has a father who stopped being a witness and they are all still together as a family. So the facts do not fit with the accusation.

The ideas sprouted by apostates are twisted and they are not really telling you the truth. If you want to know what goes on, you should ask a Jehovahs witness to get an insiders view.

sorry pegg but I even asked you about shunning, do you remember?


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The example of Peg does not even fit the thread's critism. A wife and husband? A father and daughter (who live in the same house????)

It is about a mommy and a daddy with their little children in one household. And the mommy's and daddy's mothers and fathers who live in another household. Capesh?


Jehovah our God is One
sorry pegg but I even asked you about shunning, do you remember?

you are talking about something completely different. If someone is disfellowshipped, the individuals in the congregation stop associating with them. They are still welcome to attend the congregation meetings, but having social contact is what stops.

But that doesnt mean it happens within a family group of JW's. A family is still a family whether one is disfellowshipped or not.


Higher and Higher
I used corban on another thread. I learned it meant a gift offering dedicated to God and that it had been misused by Jews before Jesus to evade their duty to care for their aged parents.

Mark 7:11,12 But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is Corban (that is, devoted to God) then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother..

It is a fact Jehovah's Witnesses raise their children in a way that leads the children to a personal dedication to God. What better gift can there be than one's own offspring?

1 Samuel 1:11,28; 2:21

Judges 11:34,35

I realize that the customary definition of Corban might mean a money gift. But because the situation with the children is similar, in that the child has been dedicted to the service of Jehovah, the child is guarded against anything that might prevent it, namely knowing their unbelieving grandparents. It is the truth that Jehovah's Witness parents prevent their own parents from knowing the child for fear the child will choose the non Jehovah's Witness faith of the gradparents over the faith of the parents.

Corban: A gift offering (the child) dedicated to God (to be a Jehovah's Witness). Who knows corban only refers to money?

A korban was a burnt offering, not a gift of money or a child. The way it is used in that quote-- at least in the translation you have there-- makes no sense. Unless "what might have been used to help their father or mother" was a goat, sheep, cow, or dove.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
you are talking about something completely different. If someone is disfellowshipped, the individuals in the congregation stop associating with them. They are still welcome to attend the congregation meetings, but having social contact is what stops.

But that doesnt mean it happens within a family group of JW's. A family is still a family whether one is disfellowshipped or not.

Are all those stories of it happening concocted? What about the testimony of the lady Grace? She is no longer a Jehovah's Witness. The fact that she was at one time, but is not one any more, she is not allowed to see her grandchildren. They are still biological family but her Jehovah's Witness family will not visit.


Veteran Member
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A korban was a burnt offering, not a gift of money or a child. The way it is used in that quote-- at least in the translation you have there-- makes no sense. Unless "what might have been used to help their father or mother" was a goat, sheep, cow, or dove.

Thank you. Zephthah's daughter was called a burnt offering. Yes or no please?
Judges 11:30,31


Well-Known Member
you are talking about something completely different. If someone is disfellowshipped, the individuals in the congregation stop associating with them. They are still welcome to attend the congregation meetings, but having social contact is what stops.

But that doesnt mean it happens within a family group of JW's. A family is still a family whether one is disfellowshipped or not.

this is what you said "But what God is trying to teach them is that if they dont submit to his ways they will loose, not only their family and friends, but their life too. He doesnt want them to loose any of it... he wants them to repent and come back to him."

"Of course family and friends want to associate with them... but they also want the person to uphold Gods laws and if the person is not willing to do that then they have to decide if their relationship with the person is more important then their relationship with God"


Veteran Member
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I believe there is no strict law to enforce the shunning of close family members. The governing body has never commanded Grace's family to forget her. But there are many warnings that people who leave the organization leave Jehovah. Jehovah is God and God is LOVE. It is natural to obey shunning when it is taught the way it is being taught. In fact, they teach that it is MORE loving to shun the person than to befriend the person. How is it possible? It is taught that it is more loving because the person will be more likely to come back because they miss their family and friends.


Well-Known Member
I believe there is no strict law to enforce the shunning of close family members. The governing body has never commanded Grace's family to forget her. But there are many warnings that people who leave the organization leave Jehovah. Jehovah is God and God is LOVE. It is natural to obey shunning when it is taught the way it is being taught. In fact, they teach that it is MORE loving to shun the person than to befriend the person. How is it possible? It is taught that it is more loving because the person will be more likely to come back because they miss their family and friends.

It is basically taught to shun family, go to JW DIR and click on apostasy, what does the last post say? Even if they are your family you should shun them, that is what it says.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It is basically taught to shun family, go to JW DIR and click on apostasy, what does the last post say? Even if they are your family you should shun them, that is what it says.

I don't know how to do that. Can you please provide a link?


Jehovah our God is One
this is what you said "But what God is trying to teach them is that if they dont submit to his ways they will loose, not only their family and friends, but their life too. He doesnt want them to loose any of it... he wants them to repent and come back to him."

yes that is the seriousness of being separated from God. We will eventually loose our life and that will be permanent separation from everyone we love.

We believe Gods word when it says that all who refuse to return to God will be put to death. So when a person is disfellowshiped, the congregtion stop associating with that person. But family members are different because they often live in the same home....a husband and wife still sleep in the same bed even if one is disfellowshipped.


Higher and Higher
Thank you. Zephthah's daughter was called a burnt offering. Yes or no please?
Judges 11:30,31

You mean Yiftach. No, the text says that he vowed that whatever came out of his gates to meet him after a victory in battle he would offer as a burnt offering, but the word used is 'olah, not korban. They both mean burnt offering, they're just different words for it. Biblical Hebrew employed numerous terms for sacrifices.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Seeing that I am on ignore will someone please tell her we are not taking about people living in the same house. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
yes that is the seriousness of being separated from God. We will eventually loose our life and that will be permanent separation from everyone we love.

We believe Gods word when it says that all who refuse to return to God will be put to death. So when a person is disfellowshiped, the congregtion stop associating with that person. But family members are different because they often live in the same home....a husband and wife still sleep in the same bed even if one is disfellowshipped.

ok let me ask again, if a family member is disfellowshipped or they disfellowship themselves by writing to the elders and saying they no longer want to be a JW, and they live by themselves not with their family, are their JW family members meant to shun them?


Jehovah our God is One
ok let me ask again, if a family member is disfellowshipped or they disfellowship themselves by writing to the elders and saying they no longer want to be a JW, and they live by themselves not with their family, are their JW family members meant to shun them?

they might choose to cut off socially....ie, we are having a bbq this weekend and inviting over some JW friends. Would we invite our disfellowshiped relative. No of course not.

WT Article said:
9 Relatives Not in the Household:

“The situation is different if the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the immediate family circle and home,” states The Watchtower of April*15, 1988, page*28. “It might be possible to have almost no contact at all with the relative. Even if there were some family matters requiring contact, this certainly would be kept to a minimum,” in harmony with the divine injunction to “quit mixing in company with anyone” who is guilty of sinning unrepentantly. (1*Cor. 5:11) Loyal Christians should strive to avoid needless association with such a relative, even keeping business dealings to an absolute minimum.—See also The Watchtower of September*15, 1981, pages*29-30.

10 The Watchtower addresses another situation that can arise: “What if a close relative, such as a son or a parent who does not live in the home, is disfellowshiped and subsequently wants to move back there? The family could decide what to do depending on the situation. For example, a disfellowshiped parent may be sick or no longer able to care for himself financially or physically. The Christian children have a Scriptural and moral obligation to assist. (1*Tim. 5:8) .*.*. What is done may depend on factors such as the parent’s true needs, his attitude and the regard the head of the household has for the spiritual welfare of the household.”—The Watchtower of September*15, 1981, pages*28-9.

11 As for a child, the same article continues: “Sometimes Christian parents have accepted back into the home for a time a disfellowshiped child who has become physically or emotionally ill. But in each case the parents can weigh the individual circumstances. Has a disfellowshiped son lived on his own, and is he now unable to do so? Or does he want to move back primarily because it would be an easier life? What about his morals and attitude? Will he bring ‘leaven’ into the home?—Gal. 5:9.”

Does any of this say that the family member is forever 'shunned' or cut off from the family? No. The social aspects of life will be affected, but there will still be need for some association depending on the circumstances.
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