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Could it be a false Assumption?

Is it a false assumption?

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May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Christianity rides on the wave that they are saved, as they alone have embraced the Christ, it is only true Faith if one has embraced only Jesus, who became known as 'Christ".

Is this a false assumption?
images (21).jpeg

Regards Tony


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
I see it is a false assumption, as I personally see Christ is not Flesh and God can Annointed the person God Chooses, when God chooses to do so.

Regards Tony


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, Tony, I guess you answered your own question.

Others' views may vary.

Since this is in Biblical Debates, I'm guessing you have a Biblical resource to support your opinion?


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Well, Tony, I guess you answered your own question.

Others' views may vary.

Since this is in Biblical Debates, I'm guessing you have a Biblical resource to support your opinion?
Thank your for the response, it is appreciated.

Yes I have my answer to the question. It was only fair I posted it. I see there are many Biblical passages that can support this view.

More importantly, I see Jesus the Son has fulfilled his promise and returned as the Father and that is the only reason I can state my reply with such a certainty.

Regards Tony


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Well, Tony, I guess you answered your own question.

Others' views may vary.

Since this is in Biblical Debates, I'm guessing you have a Biblical resource to support your opinion?
I think this is a very important subject. The Bible references the Father and in many instances it refers to God, yet in many instances it is a reference to Jesus coming again in the Glory of the Father, so the Son becomes the Father.

To the eleven disciples He said, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9)

In Isaiah we read “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

Jesus was known as the Son and was not known as the everlastingly father, the prince of peace.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Taking such 'bumper sticker' illuminations as if they were fact is a task for charlatans and fools.

Jesus doesn't save anyone. He is long dead, whoever he was. The reason he is important to us now is because he is the lead character in a story about his being the Christ. And as the Christ, he is the representational embodiment of a divine revelation and promise to all mankind. And it is this divine revelation and promise that can heal us and save us from ourselves and help us to help others do the same, if we will embody this Christ ideal within ourselves.

It is not Jesus that saves. It is the Christ ideal acting within us and through us to each other.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Taking such 'bumper sticker' illuminations as if they were fact is a task for charlatans and fools.

Jesus doesn't save anyone. He is long dead, whoever he was. The reason he is important to us now is because he is the lead character in a story about his being the Christ. And as the Christ, he is the representational embodiment of a divine revelation and promise to all mankind. And it is this divine revelation and promise that can heal us and save us from ourselves and help us to help others do the same, if we will embody this Christ ideal within ourselves.

It is not Jesus that saves. It is the Christ ideal acting within us and through us to each other.
I see that is the right direction, to acknowledge that it is Christ that is our connection to the Divine Revelation from God.

Jesus confirmed this was correct with Peter and it was on this fact the true Church in Christ would be built.

Regards Tony


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
"What if Christian beliefs were false and mine were true instead?" - OP.
It is much bigger than an individual, this is the foundation of humanity as a whole. It is not about Christianity being false, as it is not, as the foundation is Jesus the Christ, Annointed of God in the Station of the Son, given to save us from our own selves, a Messiah for all humanity.

This OP is applicable to all Faiths, but it is directed to the Christian as the largest representation of faith in the world, that has the greatest chance to help implement a path to peace.

The same OP can be offered to Jew, Muslim, Zoroastrian and some Hindus, any that think they have the final and only answer given by God.

Regards Tony


Well-Known Member
Christianity rides on the wave that they are saved, as they alone have embraced the Christ, it is only true Faith if one has embraced only Jesus, who became known as 'Christ".

Is this a false assumption?
View attachment 95301

Regards Tony
The question is, saved from what? The answer is sin.

The next question is where does sin come from? The answer is law and knowledge of good and evil? Sin is not imputed when there is no law.
In the USA, some states allow you to buy fireworks and some do not. It is only a social sin in the states they have the law. Sin is not imputed in the states where there no law. If I want to feel saved from political and social damnation, I buy fireworks where here is no law and no sin and everyone smiles at the store. The states that have is a law, is where there are gossipy neighbors will practice righteousness by calling the police, who will punish you.

The next question is, so did Jesus dis away with law? The answer is yes, he said the righteous man shall live by faith, so he died our sins thereby neutralizing law. Law and sin are interconnected.

If you live by faith and not by the law, do you avoid sin? Yes, without law, the sin defined by law does not exist, so you have saved yourself.

As long as you are under law, you know about sin, and sin taken opportunity through the commandment,s produces sin of all kinds. This makes it very hard to save yourself, since we, as humans, while tryin to do good by the law, are not perfect and some sin will remain. But Jesus is the end of all sin for those who believe, since he nailed to the cross, the enmity, which was the law of ordinances contained in commandments.

Technically, based on philosophy, Jesus found the loophole; get rid of the concept of good and evil by getting rid of law. The lion have no concept of good and evil, so even their killing is not a sin to them or to nature, but simply them following the inner voice; instincts, with faith.
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May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
The question is, saved from what? The answer is sin.

The next question is where does sin come from? The answer is law and knowledge of good and evil? Sin is not imputed when there is no law.
In the USA some states allow you to buy fireworks and some do not. It is only a social sin in the states they have the law. Tha sin is not imputed in the states where there no law. If I want to feel saved from political and social damnation, I buy fireworks where here is no sin and everyone smiles at the store. They that where there is law, and the gossipy neighbor will practice righteousness by called the police.

The next question is, so did Jesus do away with law? The answer is yes, he said the righteous man shall live by faith.

If you live by faith and not by the law, do you avoid sin? Yes, without law, the sin defined buy law does exist, so you have save yourself.

As long as you are under law, you know about sin, and sin taken opportunity through the commandments produces sin of all kinds. This makes it very hard to save yourself, since we, as humans are not perfect and some sin will remain. But Jesus is the end of all sin for those who believe, since he nailed to the cross, the enmity, which was the law of ordinances contained in commandments.

Technically, based on philosophy, Jesus found the loophole; get rid of the concept of good and evil by getting rid of law. The lion have no concept of good and evil, so even their killing is not a sin to them or nature, but simply them following the inner voice; instincts, with faith.
I would agree Jesus was given to save us from our own selves and our sinful acts.

I see it is incorrect interpretation of Scriptures to say Jesus removed the Law as the fulfillment of the release from sin resides within the Law.

Matthew 5:17-20 reads as follows: 17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.19 “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 “For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

The heaven and earth spoken of here is not the physical heaven and earth. In the context of Matthew 18 Heaven is the Word of God and the Earth is the Laws contained within that Word. It is the least of faith that try to annul the laws.

When the laws do get annulled by the least in faith, God brings a new heaven and a new earth.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
I see that is the right direction, to acknowledge that it is Christ that is our connection to the Divine Revelation from God.

Jesus confirmed this was correct with Peter and it was on this fact the true Church in Christ would be built.

Regards Tony
Biblical literalism causes people to miss the wisdom that is actually contained in the text. It keeps stupid people stupid while giving them the delusion that they are righteous.