While I acknowledge the dangers of guns I think that the real problems here are racism, the new wealth divide and lots of social suffering. So, yes guns are dangerous, but its silly to say that its the presence of guns causing the majority of crime. In particular its silly to compare our crime rates to Canada's and blame the difference on guns. That is not at all realistic and avoids the pertinent facts. Our culture has been deeply screwed by racism and by a lot of fundamentalism, both of which have also contributed to the incarceration of people who probably could have been rehabilitated who are instead in prison. Our crime rates are both too high and also artificially high, not because of guns but mainly because of other issues.
If you want to argue that the presence of guns makes crimes worse, then please by all means go ahead; but don't try to tell me that guns are creating crime. What's causing crime is a mountain of crap that has happened. Its ridiculous how many people can't just get a job, buy a house and live, how many don't have health care etc. It ridiculous that we have snake handling churches. Ok? Its not all because of guns, so lets please stop trying to drive the guns into the sea without dealing with the really big and solvable problems.
Also Canada is like 0 degrees or less for too long every year, so you got nothing to say, Wirey.
Michigan? Isn't that were Florida gets most of its retirees from?