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Crystals and Pyramids


Well-Known Member
anyone out there into crystal healing techniques?

I used to have a glass pyramid prism object - I loved having it around but could not explain why. I've never really explored the crystal 'thing' but it has some kind of attraction to me - also stones.

Any ideas on the magic of these items?


Well-Known Member
:rainbow1:seems like I missed out on the action of my own thread!

perhaps a re-start is necessary.

anyone into crystals, pyramids or stones?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I have a very large gem and mineral collection, but I'm not into "crystal healing." For better or worse, I have some pretty negative associations with that term and tend to put it in a nonsense jar. It's not that I don't think gems and minerals have power. I do, and it's something I utilize in my own practice. However, the manner in which I've sometimes seen the powers and abilities discussed smells of so much pseudoscience it makes me facepalm massively. >_<

To be fair, I get that reaction as well with other unsubstantiated claims that come out of the alternative medicine arena. I'm all for the love of spellcraft and ritual, but sometimes the claims that get made are just... ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
ok, I've just got hold of a book on crystal healing so I'll see how that goes.

I think of crystals, stones , trees etc.. as having more of an abstract spiritual power than anything scientific - more like symbols.
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Unrepentant goofer duster
You'll get further when you think of them as living beings who have been around a lot longer than you and as a result think slowly. You have to slow down to think with them. That's why it seems so abstract, but in fact working with these forces is the very definition of a concrete experience.

I have a very funny story about crystals and pyramids but in involves anothers scandalousness. Want to hear?


Unrepentant goofer duster
Ok so this happened in the late 80's-early 90's and I heard about it years later. My high school ex-gfs father was a very interesting if sketchy individual who lived in West Hollywood. An ex-drug dealer, current stage magician, ufologist, "bohemian", ***** hound, etc. Years before I met this gf he was friends with a strange man named [...], who apparently had some kind of inheritance at the time. He was using this money to start a company which sold copper pyramids kits. Large ones which installed over your bed, and small ones with a little circlet that you wore like a hat. In addition he was trying to sell some kind of nebulous "crystal motherboard" that you installed in your 1989-era PC fto use some nebulous spiritual software that never got developed. [My ex-gf] has early childhood memories of being scared of monsters in the dark and having her father come in wearing one of those pyramid hats and ringing a little "astral bell" to banish the negative energy. He was also using the money to intake copious quantities of cocaine and more notably PCP.

He was of the habit to retire in the evenings to a quite large private pyramid set up in his backyard. There, in a ritual manner, he would smoke some PCP. At that point apparently Titania, Queen of the Pleiades, would descend down the dimensional gateway opened by the pyramid power. And then they would ****. He apparently was one of her many consorts and the earthly ambassador to the Pleiadian hierarchy. Interstellar astral sex being a most benign basis for extraterrestrial contact, I must admit.

I thought she was pulling my leg about this for years. She has a lot of crazy stories. But years later in a different city I was amused to see some kind of large new age conference coming to town, one of the massive ones of the sort that just isn't economically feasible in this day and age. Looking through the speakers list low and behold I see the name she mentioned to me all those years ago: [... ....]- expert on sacred geometry, DNA activation, and Pleiadian science. I looked for him a few years ago and he has some youtube videos of bizarre geometric constructions and his ramblings about them to a rapt audience of youngsters in LA. No mention of how to bone Pleiadians though.


The Feisty Penguin
I like to use stones and gems, though they can be pricey, which is why I don't have a lot..


Well-Known Member
I'd like to get some crystals of some sort though impossible to find here.

Only fake gemstones at very high prices.

A nice lump of Amethyst would be good or a small red crystal.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Try local gem/mineral/fossil shows. There are a bunch of them across the country in the United States, at least, though it can take a little digging to find out about them (no pun intended). The vast majority of my collection is from an annual show in my state. Generally the vendors are more trustworthy than metaphysical stores, since the sellers actually know things about geology and proper mineral identification. I've caught metaphysical stores selling "moonstones" that were really regular feldspars, among other things.


Well-Known Member
found a nice piece of quartz yesterday - generator shape.

Quite bizarrely I had a magical dream about it, weird!