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Cult Test


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You have not shown any interpretation to be the "correct" interpretation.

Without a "correct" interpretation to base the JW interpretation to, you are doing absolutely nothing more than showing how your interpretation and the JW interpretation are different.

I am not showing how they are different in this thread. This thread isn't even about that. It is about the hurtful thing cults do to biological family members.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'll tell you what. There are how many billions of Christians? How many Bibles are there? I have not ever found another person who cares about "correct" interpretation. So what?

Why not demonstrate to me why I should care?


Skanky Old Mongrel!
LOL I am feeling a little rolly poly. Not black as in African American. Black like in the color black. DARK. Not dark skinned. It was a silhouette of darkness with black wings.

No probs...... I'm doing the roly-poly thing too! :yes::beach:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Most people do not look for the hurful way to worship God. Cult members do not seem to care about the feelings of others. Cult status comes before everything else even their own mothers and fathers. I have seen enough evidence that their cult staus is more important than God's will and more sacred to them than the words that were written (I believe) under the influence of The Holy Spirit. It is how I got a little side tracked about scripture. The list in the first post I received via email. It was sent by an elderly woman who is forbidden to see her Jehovah's Witness family because she disagrees with Jehovah Witness doctrine.

Want an example? I repeat myself sometimes. Daniel 2:44 is about the whole world crushing God's Kingdom. It is not about God's Kingdom crushing all other kingdoms. If it was, then, how can Jesus rightly be called "The Prince of Peace"? He could not. See? Believing the two scriptures Daniel 2:44 and Isaiah 9:6 like they do is not possible. But I am the only one, I presume, who can see it that it is impossible.
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Veteran Member
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How can someone really believe the news about God's Kingdom is good news, believe that Jesus is the prince of peace and the way to life, believe it is by Providence that secular authorities were placed and exist and also believe Daniel 2:44 says God's Kingdom is for crushing all other kingdoms? If God's Kingdom is for crushing all other kingdoms how is it different from Humankind's kingdoms? It isn't. It is not what Daniel wrote. If crushing kingdoms is not what Daniel really wrote about who are you going to blame if God judges you for your error? Daniel? God? Your leaders? Who please?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Isaiah 53:3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. 4 Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Who? Yehoshua (Jesus). He is God's Kingdom representative. Why is God pleased to crush His Son? Why does God let the human nations crush the Kingdom of God? It is because they are not of this world. To allow the Kingdom and the King to be crushed proves the Kingdom's sovereingnty rules beyond the life we know. The Kingdom with it's King Jesus was never crushed out of existance. It is always present. It has not become manifest on Earth because all have sinned. There is no one righteous. Where there is no one righteous, all are the same.

Cults are for taking people out of the truth of God's sovereingnty where all are the same to where they are different. They say the way they are different is they are the only ones who will be saved. That is the power of a cult. They claim salvation is theirs alone.


Veteran Member
How did you arrive at this conclusion?

I had nothing to do with with what arise from within, what I experienced was beyond my mind, but through the mind the experience was given, and through this now tammed mind my experience was shared, anything I say about the experience is only secondary to what was experiehced, anything I share is only a pointer to that which IS. If I make a concept out of my experience, then the truth which the mind experienced will be lost, it cannot be conceptualized, you can only experience it for yourself.
I had nothing to do with with what arise from within, what I experienced was beyond my mind, but through the mind the experience was given, and through this now tammed mind my experience was shared, anything I say about the experience is only secondary to what was experiehced, anything I share is only a pointer to that which IS. If I make a concept out of my experience, then the truth which the mind experienced will be lost, it cannot be conceptualized, you can only experience it for yourself.

If you came to the conclusion that we are all equal and all connected it is because it has been imprinted on your heart by almighty God. In the quiet you were able to discover this truth.


Veteran Member
If you came to the conclusion that we are all equal and all connected it is because it has been imprinted on your heart by almighty God. In the quiet you were able to discover this truth.

Yes in the quite it was reveled, but not by an almighty god, in this truth all was ONE, or is ONE, no god needed.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I think every organised religion is basically a cult, they just work on different degrees of "harmfulness"

You cpuld say the same almost of any group of friends actually.

Degrees of vagueness go moving around. Ultimately what will matter are the intensities of several of the group's features.


Well-Known Member
You cpuld say the same almost of any group of friends actually.

Degrees of vagueness go moving around. Ultimately what will matter are the intensities of several of the group's features.

Yes that is right, I don't think a cult is necessarily "bad" like I said it is about the degree of harmfulness or control that a cult has over a person that is the problem.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think that any group that teaches that the only way to righteousness is through harm is a cult and is bad.

Harm as defined as physical injury, esp. that which is deliberately inflicted. Some cults teach it is through personal harm that one is saved. Other cults teach it is by harming others that they get what they want. The cult name can apply to those groups teaching that harm is real, deserved and imminent if the cult followers believe IN it.

I posted once that maybe we are suppose to AVOID that which Jesus and the prophets warned about. Christianity seems to say no no! BRING IT ON. CULT.

Another definition for my dear departed friend. The cult's focus is on destruction not life.


Veteran Member
Did this come out of nothing. Why is there all, but not None.

In truth there is no such thing as nothing, the all is the Source which is everything, but to the mind it seems to be nothing. There is no way I could explain this so called nothingness, you can only experience it for yourself, and even that is not totally truth, because the experience is secondary to what was experienced.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The cult teaches the believer in the cult is blameless (if he abides by cult rules) and those outside are corrupt (because they don't have and obey cult rules). The cult teaches the believer he is worthy to receive the reward that the cult teaches and those out of the are not worthy.

Righteous and worthy vs unrighteous and unworthy. Isn't that the seed of WAR?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Groups with persistant unwavering theology and/or philosophy that excludes any other group is what I think the word "Armageddon" means. If I am right, it's been going on for a long, long time and isn't something due to happen sometime in the future. If that really is the case there are observers who are most likely thinking "how stupid can they be?". Nicer observers might be thinking "why won't they see it?". Others might be thinking "why won't God make them see it?".

Isn't Armageddon "the mount of the decision"?

Isn't sidedness a condition of decision? It is, I'm sure.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Armageddon is big enough to cause a world wide affect. The effect of Armageddon is the future. Cults cause Armageddon. Armageddon causes the Great Tribulation. That is how I see it. So the biggest news is the news that gets ignored. It's weird enough to be funny. But I am sure nobody will think it is funny when (or if) it happens. I suppose it has to happen but I don't want anything to do with it.


Just old
Premium Member
All that knowledge in heaven and they can't solve problems other than war to the finality !
Boy, I wish some of them could talk to us, what? you said something?
Nahhh...just a gnat.
War it will be, I guess....