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D-day Knight, national Sweden day!


Veteran Member
Happy national Sweden day, D-day, 0606....But Swedish Shinto and Swedish Stolkholm Seraphim Samurai, Sweden is actually more Japanese than Japan....
Japan is a nation made up of
14,125 islands, some of those Islands, reserved for the Kami, and you can only bow or pray before them like a Honden, or a clergy goes there to place a sacred item.

Sweden is not something you think of when you think of Island Archipeligo.....but actually, it has the greatest number of Islands, of any country....

Sweden has

Website worldatlas.com claims that out of all countries on the planet, Sweden has the most islands with 221,800, the majority of which are uninhabited. Even the capital of Stockholm is built across a 14-island archipelago with more than 50 bridges.

Evidence for Sweden being the most Japanese place on the globe, with an Imperial dynasty that descends from frosty the snow woman and the Yetti of the rising son... Goddess of the house of Stolkholm syndrome Seraphim, that hold signs "please kidnap and victimize me, so I can be a sacrificial lamb, a martyr , like Jesus.....go to prison and suffer more torture, so that the guilty be off the hook...."

Sweden, nicknamed "rape capitol"...

I'm not entirely being serious....I love Sweden, but they have done some ridiculous things, police caught lying intentionally, so that they were enabling rapists who hate unveiled infidels, by lying and saying the rapists were Swedish citizens, rather than say something that might make us less welcoming to immigrants from countries where gang raping, beating, and arresting a woman who dresses as the swedish do, is not as offensive as seeing a woman's cleavage, especially if she is an infidel.'

If you don't think coming from a country and culture that has that mentality deeply ingrained, acceptable, is not going to cause major problems, suffering, sexual assaults, fear, trauma, and possibly later on, the decay of your country, more crime, less clean, more pollution etc.

Isaiah 6:66, in Ameraic says, "God repays those who receive the mark of the beast, by giving them a government, that is a women, with abundant breasts she is eager for you to suck, milk of comfort, and she will fondle you".

Isaiah 6:66 doesn't say anything about the mark of the beast, but 666 is the verse that in Aramaic says how God repays the wicked, and later on, a woman with abundant breasts who fondles you as you suck intoxicating milk from her breasts of heavenly comfort, a city that is a woman who brings what resemble, hedonistic base pleasures of Heaven being all about abundant boobs, and getting fondled by topless women, who is the government, state, and city.

God sent a prophet to Nineveh, to warn them, tell them exactly when , to the very day, the judgement of God would destroy the ctty.

Every day he told Nineveh what would happen, exactly what God was saying. The day came, and God found himself with a change of heart, like when Moses got God to repent and feel sorry that he is so much more evil, less loving than Moses.

Babylon the great, is a city, but the city of Babel, represented the United nations, and trying to bring world peace , all nations, all religions, respecting different appetites for what kills one creature or person, heals and helps another...

.... so respect our differences, so that we are more powerful united, waste so much on fighting each other, and ask all nations to work together on preventing things like the Rawanda genocide or any genocide,. The biggest enemy to world peace are Bible Christians. The first christians were not Bible christians, and the only Messiah that was a peacemaker, was Cyrus, who loved the whore of Babylon, loved lots of Deities that were sluts, and didn't even pray to Yahweh.

But he loved the Jews and knew they were on the verge of going extinct, because their God insists everyone eles's religion or nation, not his children, worship the devil, and so these giant Philistines and Babylonians, Egyptians, Arabs, are about to pull a "Cain kills Abel, jealous because God is victimizing people by bragging about how he has a favorite, intentionally to stir up, agitate with jealousy."

Cyrus, a name meaning Sun, the most female dominant Religion Shinto, is the sun Goddess disk, represented on the Japanese flag, the original flag of Israel, who was the sun disk , leah the moon, the stars were their children.

The book of Leah, Leah is a Jewish victim of sexual abuse, and a martial artist, and becomes a figure who represents all victimized women. The only child of Jacob to endure sexual abuse, was Dina, and she was sad when her brothers killed the person who raped her, many extra biblial sources talk about her having Stockholm syndrome.

Hideki Tojo, I feel declared stolkholm syndrome , displayed by victims who hugged the war criminals. In this life and after death, is what monsters like him needed, the remedy, the cure, Stolkholm Seraphim of Hideki, who actually has more interest in Sweden than Japan.....it is not much similar with culture, but another half of a yin and yang, where the Yasukuni, Anghor Wat, (Temple City), Honden City, Necropolis city, for those who die most ashamed, not feeling like heroes, feeling most shameful, unloveable, icky, stupid...

if only people knew the pain of Tojo....

Hideki Tojo, taking four bullets, shooting himself on the charcoal mark, that should have killed him, miraculously the bullet went into his stomach, and then the Japanese people he thought were honorable, making fun of how worthless he is at suicide, shaming a man who is already putting bullets in himself and telling people he's sorry he's alive, and responsible for the evils his country did, easily could have been his last words, and now hie's in physical pain, they mock and make fun of him.

Hideki Tojo was not personally putting his hands on people or raping them. I heard he approved of some biological and chemical tests on people that were inhumane, and obviously he shares responsibility in the rape of Nanking. But that doesn't mean he was okay with those crimes, rather it seemed it was keeping the morale of certain soldiers up, and keeping down populations that are a threat, paralyzing with fear, and demoralizing them from fighting back more successfully.

He knows he deserved to die as a war criminal. Victims get to feel consolation when the prime minister hangs, because even if he wasn't a sadist, if it helps win the war, keep moral up, he doesn't oppose it.

But he likes the American soldiers with stolkholme syndrome, and the people that got raped , tortured to death, because he realized, the honorable Samurai make fun of a defeated Prime minister, who spent his life sacrificing for the Emperor, and the land of the Kami....suffering multiple bullet wounds that required surgery, the shame that everything, every sacrifice, was not just done in vain, but done to destroy your country, go down in history as the loser who got his country nuked twice, fire bombed, and comrades who once were thought to care about and honor him, mocking and making jokes, that he couldn't even successfully kill himself.

Japanese people react to shame so much worse than we do, that people have told me, "you remind me of those gloomy suicidal Japanese students I meet, appearing so strong , disciplined, but wanting to kill themselves over a C, so pathetic".

So, Hideki Tojo, he likes Stolkholm syndrome Samurai, forming an alliance with the monster, Maria Gorretti's last words, prayers that she could spend eternity with the devil who just stabbed her 14 times.

I called the 14th of each month Japan day, because on a July 14th, I got Japan fever, saw sumo wrestlers, kamikaze, japanese children smiling and controling my movements like a puppet, felt a divine wind pentecostal feeling, what Kamikaze means, "pentecost", the holy spirit descended as a Divine wind.

Stolkholm has 14 Islands. He calls them the 14 lilies of the Saint Maria Stigmata, holy wounds, gorretti gangsters. She offered 14 lillies for the 14 times he stabbed her...
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Veteran Member
In hastings, I had my first celebration of a voodo marrriage, soul of a spirit that left it's body, entering your body, to souls become one, like separate rods bound together to form one Fasces, Ax, bound with a thong, but called it Denise, Dina, and dymphna day "D-day", I was in hastings, where Normans did the opposite of D-day, land on great Britain, conquer London with the battle of hastings.

...so, seemed like a very good day for a voodoo bind. A book about leviathan, Levin and Rebecca both mean , to bind together into one, as in matrimony. A book about Leviathan, massive government that the oldest man who never died, son of Cain, son of Jared Letto, Enoch, said Leviathan was a female, Draconem, huge serpent of the ocean.... Behemoth was a male elephant monster.

This book of Leviathan the state, was written by a man who said that whatever entity , you are consciously giving permission to enter you, have their way with you, control you because they know better than you, and you give them permission to make you their instrument, your will, your plans always trump theirs, would make Jesus and his Father the most common Leviathan's , alien entities that people give permission to enter, control, trust with reckless confidence, they know better than you, their will trumps yours, their judgement is best.

I realized, a lot of Christians are choosing to enslave themselves to the wrong leviathan.

I called my Dad, he said "the last name Naslund is Swedish, you have Swedish on your mom's side".

I would never have known that without this ghost, whose Mother's maiden name Deeb, arabic for wolf, "O God" means Okami, means wolf in Japanese, the sun Goddess is often depicted as a wolf. A wolf breastfeeding twins, gave the Roman Empire and Roman Catholic Church it's name.

She is Capitol Hill Wolf, Amaterasu, the statue of liberty wears the crown of the sun Goddess....American state Shinto....Okami, wolf, Cyrus was inspired by Queen Esther, from the wolf tribe, descendant of King Saul, Saule was a sun Goddess, and the mother of Orphans...

...American state Shinto, it is one of them....prefigured by John Kennedy getting a dog he named "Wolf, Wolfie", and my song about being a POW of the Japanese, was motivated by Louis Zamberini, running up to the Japanese war criminals getting ready to hang, hugging them, loving them, and I knew why. The worst prisoners of that war , were the Japanese soldiers who were abused incessantly to the point they can't taste anything but blood when they eat, dropping dead from exhaustion, getting beaten, shark attacks from the drill sergeant, told that they cannot win against China, the Soviet Union, and the threat of America, when Matthew Perry showed up firing canons and saying America would colonize Japan if they don't give into his requests.


Veteran Member
They believed him, absolutely, and it was causing them to frantically feel like they need to colonize as much of Asia before Europeans and Americans do, so that they can prove they are an Empire, a world power to be reckoned with, because America and Europeans and Russians, no one stands a chance against them, unless they prove they are just as good at colonizing people

So, the Japanese were facing impossible odds, the prophecy of communist China, billions of Communists, the greatest phobia of Japanese state Shinto patriots who love the Emperor, and take the honor code very seriously, being the most offended by the sacrileges and mockery of it found in communist mentality.

Japan already fought a war with the Russian Empire, and shockingly won with less men deployed, and less powerful weapons. They fought a war with china, won every battle. Then with World war 2, with the Soviet Union, China, the domino theory of Asia falling to communism, at war with America too, it became something where the odds are so bad, eliminating Chinese by revising Bushido to say that they are to be treated like trees, and constantly torture people in training, dehumanizing them, beating them within inches of their lives for burning toast, making them wear feces on their head because you never gave them permission to ****, demonstrating very clearly, no one matches the discipline, tolerance to pain, eagerness to die, that the Japanese do.

The Japanese were not like that in their war they won with Russia, and one where they defeated the Chinese , not long before world war 2. World War 2, they were going into something extremely dangerous, reckless, that neither they, or the world has ever seen before, could be the end of their nation, or the world, and so the Japanese went into not only suicidal mode, reckless gluttons for punishment, and rejoice if they defeat you , as long as you die and don't take you alive, and we have too much of a large percentage of the world's population to exterminate, to have any place for compassionate soldiers, weakened by the ability to share and feel the pain they are causing others.

They went into that psychotic state where an extremely scared and abused, or mislead animal, that was intentionally trained for the dog fights, to be a monster, is now at the epitome of what it looks like when a scared, desperate animal, up against odds so terrible, it looks like suicide,

....compassion for the large quantities of people you have to kill, is going to not going to help win, sort of made sense, from the fight or fligh, survival mode, but working without cease to have the highest tolerance to pain, fidelity to an honor code, and speak of surrender as something so shameful, you torture and mutilate the POW's, to drill it into the minds of the soldiers, to not surrender.

If out of ammo, fix bayonets, do the honorable banzai charge...return home to Yasukuni honorably. Point being...a nation can be the biggest victim of all, when you aren't aloud to be a kid, or be human, and they were very scared when Matthew Perry showed up firing cannons, demanding their culture start mixing with others, leave isolation, trade, and obey him, or America will soon invade, conquer, colonize you.

Matthew Perry, I'm pretty certain, caused the attack on Pearl harbor.


Veteran Member
But, there is so much potential there, at yasukuni, if they only would be protectors, guardians, healers, and instruments of reparation, sacrificial lambs....they are the best.....one Yasukuni patriot noticed Prime minister Shinzo Abbey hadn't visited Yasukuni shrine in a long time, and the souls would appreciate a visit.

He cut off his finger and mailed it to Shinzo Abe, protesting, but also an act of penance, to atone for those whose neglect or lack of faith in the Kami living, after the spirit leaves their body, it causes so much suffering, because of the healing that could have taken place.

Cutting off a finger and mailing it to the prime minister, is not healthy or good behavior. But it is one of many examples, that very angry people, war criminals, do have honorable strengths, to take on the most uncomfortable tortures, endure hell rather than violate an honor code, or bring shame upon themselves, by going against their conscience.

However, Hideki realized, those abilities need to be combined with a total revolution of the honor code, where it is shameful, immature, weak to be mocking the prime minister for being so dishonorable , he sucks at suicide. I prefer the Swedish Stockholm Seraphim, Vice President Dan Quail , has the bread of life, prefigured by the Manna, bread of heaven.

But Swedish Shinto, the holy communion with Quail, who fly to the person who will violently murder them and stuff them down their gullet....or you might love Dan's Quail....the Quail you thought you would take pleasure in killing, you discover it's far more delightful letting the most humble of Dan's Quail, be your God.

When you murder someone, or enslave them, the least is greatest, the slave is your God, the victim is the wealthy one , the last finish first.

Japan is a nation made up of

14,125 islands, some of those Islands, reserved for the Kami, and you can only bow or pray before them like a Honden, or a clergy goes there to place a sacred item.

Sweden is not something you think of when you think of Island Archipeligo.....but actually, it has the greatest number of Islands, of any country....

Sweden has

Website worldatlas.com claims that out of all countries on the planet, Sweden has the most islands with 221,800, the majority of which are uninhabited. Even the capital of Stockholm is built across a 14-island archipelago with more than 50 bridges.
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Veteran Member
Noble Kami, please remold their hearts to add some love, empathy, sensitivity to those who aren't able to endure excruciating pain. I remember how when I thought people were crying over things that are not a big deal at all, it filled me with hatred for such people at times, who have no clue what suffering is...

The samurai really excel at being austere, but some people, show them how noble you are by having the discipline, control, wisdom, to not give people something to cry about, or hate them, when they are crybabies...

I pray that the Samurai did not do it in vain, but that their courage, sacrifice, offered up, atone for sin, bless earth with grace, even when it doesn't seem holy, like cut out their own intestines as instructed in the Bushido way of the Samurai liturgy, and pull your own guts out, that is the last sight while you wait to bleed to death.

....or if you have been a good boy, and someone has the right sword and training to decapitate you the right way, it counts as just as honorable, less time sitting in front of a pile of your guts and intenstines.

Problem is though.....it was causing them to viciously hate people that surrender, who are dishonorable, people who cry over such petty things in America, who get to be all about fun, games, smiles, so much light that would make you very angry, if all you knew was discipline,

There is the problem of you want perhaps what they have, but you are always in survival mode, trying to be strong, you have been brainwashed, State Shinto might not have Dogmas, but is being used to promote the darkest age of Bushido, war criminals were not at fault often...

...it was a time of insanity, where Japanese people want 100 million people to die from the nuclear bombs before surrender, and the Emperor did not have permission as high priest, to address the people, to demand they surrender.

They were so passionate about getting more nuclear weapons dropped on them, the privilege of dying honorably, than the shame of living defeated, surrendered, occupied.

Children were begging their parents to beat them to death as they hid in caves, until many of them did, then killed themselves, as Americans slowly cooking them with flamethrowers, repeatedly offering the starving people hidden in the cave food, if they just surrender.


Veteran Member
"In Iwo Jima, Of the roughly 21,000 Japanese defenders, 216 survived the battle to be taken prisoner, and an estimated 3,000 went into hiding during the U.S. occupation of the island. By August 1945, Most of these had either been killed, captured, or had surrendered, but one group did not lay down its arms until 1949....countless Samurai stayed in vietnam as wandering paid Ronin, rather than return to see their parents as defeated , shameful losers.

I saw what some of those prisoners of war saw, in those Japanese souls who were making life a nightmare......they are more victimized than the prisoners, and when I mentioned Louis Zambrina running up to the mass murderer who victimized him so badly, hugging them, weeping for the ones a true mother, who really loves her children, her concern is for the ones who have been most poisoned, lead astray, unable to feel joy, and I shared the story at rehab.

I hear a guy shout "Stockholm Syndrome, Sweden".

I was displaying irrational desires to be a POW of the Japanese, before I knew about how they have a Shrine, where all the soldiers, their names are written in a book of souls, millions, and the Kamikaze pilots did their last toast to the Emperor, told their parents and comrades, you will find me where I return home honorably in spirit, we meet again at Yasukuni shrine.

The tradition of celebrating this date began in 1916 at the Stockholm Olympic Stadium, Rosaemary Kennedy's special olympics, of the dead kennedy vatican of sacred Islands, on the great Archipeligo, but much of the vatican , it floats... the garden of Sweden.....the fruit is legal, and the ripeness makes God fall.

the soldiers of Yasukuni shrine, they exalt Vanessa Moon Goddess girls, Diocletian, glory of Zeus, Freyja Hawk Goddesses of Gengjhis Kahn,.

Bundy died the month Hirohito did,. Because Denise and the Chi omega Rosary miracle, has made Denise Marie, the Amaterasu Deeb, Okami wolf that breast feeds the lepers of the Yasukuni shrines.

....after being tortured so much, seeing so many of their friends die. Louis Zamberinie and others ran back into the camps, to hold the war criminals that made life a nightmare, made them watch their friends die.

The Japanese soldiers, when they are given a heart, like the Immaculate heart transplant given to Hideki Tojoi

somehow the bullet missed his heart and ended up in his stomach. (Weird thing to find out, feast of Sweden, when I heard the chip in my brain , moved to my lung, and a scan would show a tiny Asian man.

the chip is probably all my imagination, but historical accounts on this: "According to another, he fired four shots at himself without success, Rachel and Meadow originally got shot four times. Junko furuta tortured 44 days, dying 01/04, I call the fourth of every month Joker day, Heath ledger, dead Joker, his birtday 0404.

last Joker came out 10/4//// hermes associated with number four, joker’s number each day…

I would so rejoice over Hideki Tojo finding the happiness , blooming…..I see deeply into how wounded those poor people were , that they are antagonizing their previous prime minister, whose life is in hell, saying “you suck at suicide”, the way people antagonized me for my failed attempts.

but Tojo, when I realized Mary at Fatima, mentioning one part of her body that we were to be devoted to, that salvation of souls from hell, preventing wars, God wants devotion and consecration to her Immaculate heart. Myself and Tojo have this in common, we were antagonized for how much we suck at suicide.....but he appeared successful at least, for quite a long time....but how much we suck at has brought us closer together than his Japanese friends

God can make children of Abraham out of clay or stones. Hideki can mean a tree, like the first shinto shrines, and Banzai charge comes, from the banzai tree. The heart of the Hideki Tree shrine, honden, the Immaculate heart tree of the Emperor’s life….

If that bullet didn’t get guided from Tojo’s heart, and those other bullets had caused a fatality, Hideki, on the verge of dying, wanting his last words to be how he fed the Emperor propaganda, Hideki Tojo committed all the crimes, and the sin of lying to the Emperor.

Saying that as you feel you are dying, seems too sincere, that hanging him, rather than those bullets killing him, was what prevented the Emperor from hanging, and Mary had plans for the heart of gold....she chose Bernadette, who everyone made fun of, for the feast , national Japan day.

Tojo is to our Lady of Lourdes, "To Joe", love from me too you.... her letters and messages to Saint Joseph ,\

Hideki means
Excellence, precious

Origin:Japanese. Meaning:Excellence, precious. Hideki is a boy's name.
Hideki can be written using different kanji characters and can mean:

  • 秀樹, "excellence", "timber trees"
  • 英樹, "superior", "timber trees"
  • 英機, "superior", "chance"
  • 秀喜, "excellence", "pleasure"
  • 秀紀, "excellence", "chronicle"
  • 英輝, "superior", "brightness"
  • 英希, "superior", "hope"
He's Hideki hope, a better asset than Bob hope, because no one is more Hideki, than the Saint who was the most Hideous. And he wasn't a rapist pig, hedonist, or undisciplined, but was not doing good either., lack of consideration for human life , it's worth, the suffering he causes for the gain of Emperor , country, reputation....very sick...not a pig though, very disciplined....let's just be fair.

, class A war criminal of the Immaculate heart , so precious to mary, she made the bullet go into his stomach, when she knew he would hang, because the Immaculate heart transplant of Hideki Tojo, and Hirohito is available to the Yasukuni Samurai, and the whole world is a Yasukuni Honden, held together by a hand, Honden comes from Hand;


Veteran Member
Bernadette was a bundle of innocence. My favorite part in the song of bernadette was Franz Werful placing more emphasis on the sensations Saint Bernadette was feeling in her nipples, when she was looking at a woman , that you want to go on kamikazee missions just to see her.

Well, Denise , I wasn't sure why I called her Queen of France, but she wore patriotic french flag Mormon scapulars (underwear that communicates grace, protects, heals), and giving away my trays and fasting for her, was causing me to see so many french flags, napoleon's lucky stars, the Rosary given to Dominic in France, Saint Louis de montfort, the most fanatic devotees of women, the man who read hearts in confession, John Vianney, a miracle worker that people traveled so far to be with him in the confession booth, he would spend 18 hours straight , absolving people of their sins, telling them their sins before they confessed them.

He said "Saint Philomena" worked all of his miracles....Saint Philomena is a Saint that Canon lawyers say "she never was a Saint", and removed her from the calendar. She didn't work her first miracle until her bones started to work signs and wonders when pilgrims visited her tomb. Bones are so powerful, bones of Elisha touched a corpse, brought it back to life.

Saint Philomena's ghost started to appear to people...
...John Vianney inspired a littany, based on the 40 days of torture and martyrdom, her many signs and wonders.

so poor she lived in a prison cell that was not considered even suitable for inmates