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Dating fossils and rock formations by scientific methods,


Premium Member
In a previous thread For trinity believers: Does your world come unravelled if Jesus is not God,but ONLY Gods Son? the question came up concerning the problems of science dating fossils by @Dimi95, which was off topic. It is a complex topic that deserves its own thread.

The first question questioned the reliability test results because different results were attained at different times. Yes, importan t fossil are often tested more than once especially if improved technology. Second there is commonly a range of results. What is important consideration here is multiple methods of dating are compared to improved the accuracy of the results, The following reference is a research project the tested the probability of the statistics for radiometric dating methods. The source goes into detail the problem of the variability of radiometric testing results, If you understand statistics it is a good read. If not the conclusions are that radiometric dating is: Taken together, our findings indicate that the PEWMA method is a useful quantitative tool for testing hypotheses about past human-environment dynamics. It can be used to determine whether an underlying correlation exists between a calendrically-dated archaeological time-series and a radiocarbon-dated palaeoenvironmental time-series.

The second question asked how to determine that Natural Laws and processes are consistent over time in the past. This is partially addressed here by comparing calendrically-dating to radiometric dating. The next reference concerning a Japanese Lake confirms radiometric dating with calendrically-dating for more than 100,000 years.

[URLunfurl="true"]Radiocarbon dating uncertainty and the reliability of the PEWMA method of time-series analysis for research on long-term human-environment interaction

Time-series analysis has considerable potential to improve our understanding of past human-environment interaction. However, there is reason to think that its application could be undermined by the widespread reliance on calibrated radiocarbon dates for age-depth models. Calibrated radiocarbon dates have highly irregular uncertainties, as we mentioned earlier. These highly irregular uncertainties potentially pose a significant problem because they undermine the assumptions of standard statistical methods. With this in mind, we conducted a large simulation study in which we explored the effect of calibrated radiocarbon date uncertainty on a potentially useful Poisson regression-based method for time-series regression, called PEWMA. To test the effect of calibrated radiocarbon date error on the PEWMA method, we simulated thousands of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental time-series with known correlations and then analysed them with the PEWMA algorithm.

Our simulation experiments yielded three important findings. One is that the PEWMA method was able to identify true underlying correlations between the synthetic time-series much of the time. The true-positive rate for the method ranged from 20–90%, with higher true-positive rates when the synthetic environmental series contained less noise and the correlation between the time-series was stronger. Under the most realistic conditions, with moderate noise levels and correlation strengths, the true positive rate was around 30–50%. Decreasing the noise levels and increasing the correlation coefficients to 0.5 or 0.75 led to true positive rates upwards of 90%. While it is not surprising that stronger correlations in less-noisy data were easier to identify, it is important to be aware that the method might miss low correlation relationships.

The second important finding is that the false positive error rate of the method is roughly 10%, on average. This is surprising because we were expecting the highly irregular chronological errors of radiocarbon dates to warp the time-series in ways that could cause many spurious correlations and therefore a high false positive rate. Instead, the 10% false-positive rate suggests that finding spurious correlations is actually unlikely—in the context of archaeological research at any rate.

The third, and perhaps most surprising finding, was that varying the number of radiocarbon dates used to date the time-series had no noticeable effect. The true-positive rates were largely consistent whether five, 10, or 15 radiocarbon dates were used. This was surprising because it seems like adding more dates should reduce chronological uncertainty by increasing the number of chronological anchors for the age-depth models. Thus, we expected that more dates would improve our ability to find underlying correlations. That increasing the number of dates above five had no substantial impact on the true- or false-positive rates indicates that the PEWMA method is fairly robust to chronological uncertainty.

Taken together, our findings indicate that the PEWMA method is a useful quantitative tool for testing hypotheses about past human-environment dynamics. It can be used to determine whether an underlying correlation exists between a calendrically-dated archaeological time-series and a radiocarbon-dated palaeoenvironmental time-series. Crucially, it has a low false-positive rate, a moderate-to-high true-positive rate, and it appears to be fairly robust to chronological uncertainty. Methods with these traits are essential for analyzing archaeological and palaeoenvironmental time-series, which is a vital part of understanding past human-environment interaction.

Note: I previously noted that multiple dating method are used to correlate and confirm radiometric dating methods. In this research project the used calendrically-dated methods.

The next reference I will post refers to the Japanese Lake varved deposits provide over 150,000 years of individual annual varves to use in correlation with calendrically-dates of annual varves to confirm radiometric dating.
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Premium Member
This reference is an easier read confirmed the accuracy of radiometric dating methods. By the way the number of annual layers has increased to over 150,000 years with further drilling cores.

New Radiocarbon Record May Help Refine Ancient Age Estimates by Hundreds of Years​

The terrestrial sediment record now presented by Christopher Bronk Ramsey of the University of Oxford and colleagues requires no such correction. The radiocarbon in the leaf fossils preserved in the sediment comes directly from the atmosphere and is not subject to the same processes that affect radiocarbon in marine sediments or cave formations.

The only other direct record of atmospheric carbon comes from tree rings and extends to 12,593 years ago. The Lake Suigetsu record stretches back 52,800 years, extending the direct radiocarbon record by more than 40,000 years. Other, indirect radiocarbon records also reach back to roughly 50,000 years ago.

“In most cases the radiocarbon levels deduced from marine and other records have not been too far wrong. However, having a truly terrestrial record gives us better resolution and confidence in radiocarbon dating,” said Bronk Ramsey. “It also allows us to look at the differences between the atmosphere and oceans and study the implications for our understanding of the marine environment as part of the global carbon cycle.”

To construct their radiocarbon record from Lake Suigetsu, Bronk Ramsey and colleagues measured radiocarbon from terrestrial plant fragments spaced throughout the core. They also counted the light and dark layers throughout the glacial period to place the radiocarbon measurements in time. Many of the layers were too fine to be distinguished by the naked eye, so the researchers used a microscope, as well as a method called X-ray fluorescence that identifies chemical changes along the core.

A record of year-to-year changes, such as a sediment core, must be “anchored” in time by assigning some part of it an absolute age. The researchers did this by matching the first 12,200 years of their record with the tree-ring record, a well-established record that begins in the present.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.

I just think that it should be mentioned that radiocarbon dating is used ONLY for organic materials, and only going back 55-60,000 years.

The vast majority of fossils are dated using other methods. Radiometrically dating the rocks of the layer in which they are found can be done with such techniques as potassium–argon dating and uranium–lead dating. Uranium-lead dating is used for the very oldest rocks, and fossils have been found using this technique dating more than 3.5 billion years old.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
I think that we should change the topic.

Because it also bears the question of How old is Earth based on scientific evidence.
Do we have Younger or Older Earth?
We can include dating fossils also.

I am on holiday for a while , so most probably i am going to be inactive for a week.

Nevertheless , i look forward sharing toughts when i am back.

This forum is starting to be interesting for me :)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I think that we should change the topic.

Because it also bears the question of How old is Earth based on scientific evidence.
Do we have Younger or Older Earth?
We can include dating fossils also.

I am on holiday for a while , so most probably i am going to be inactive for a week.

Nevertheless , i look forward sharing toughts when i am back.

This forum is starting to be interesting for me :)
There is only scientific evidence for an Old Earth. People that deny that never understand the concept of scientific evidence and refuse to learn.

Fossil cannot usually be dated directly but we can date them by their association with volcanic events. For example a strata of fossil bearing rock that is interrupted by a layer of volcanic ash can be dated at that point. Does that make sense to you?


Premium Member

I just think that it should be mentioned that radiocarbon dating is used ONLY for organic materials, and only going back 55-60,000 years.

The vast majority of fossils are dated using other methods. Radiometrically dating the rocks of the layer in which they are found can be done with such techniques as potassium–argon dating and uranium–lead dating. Uranium-lead dating is used for the very oldest rocks, and fossils have been found using this technique dating more than 3.5 billion years old.
Yes, this is true, but the discussion is young. My references referred to the use of Multiple dating methods other than Carbon 14 radiometric dating. Actually calendrically dating as mentioned in previous references such counting varves is an excellent accurate method. Also the molecular clock I will cite other methods


Premium Member
I think that we should change the topic.

Because it also bears the question of How old is Earth based on scientific evidence.
Do we have Younger or Older Earth?
We can include dating fossils also.

I am on holiday for a while , so most probably i am going to be inactive for a week.

Nevertheless , i look forward sharing toughts when i am back.

This forum is starting to be interesting for me :)
The topic stays, because the only way to determine the age of the earth, life on earth, archaeology, human ancient history, paleohistory and evolution is through scientific dating methods.

Based on a number of dating methods, human history is over 300,000 years old, the life on earth is ~3,7 billion years old, the earth is ~4,7 billion years old and our universe is ~13.7 billions of years old.

You may want to address issues of whether our physical history is young or old earth, but the bottomline is how we date the evidence for life, human history, the earth, earth and our universe,
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Premium Member
There are of course problems with dating humanin fossils in recent history, but there has been a great deal of research on the collections of fossils and recent history, It is important to realize that dating methods evolve to become more accurate with improved methods and multiple ways of dating,

Study revises ages of famous fossil sites​

PUBLISHED ON 12/09/2022


A new study contradicts recent estimates claiming important paleontological sites in South Africa are almost a million years older. Researchers used teeth from an extinct monkey species as a clue to date the ages of hominin fossils throughout South Africa.

by the CUNY Graduate Center (original story here)

Thirty miles northwest of Johannesburg, South Africa, sits a network of limestone caves that contain more fossils of early hominins than anywhere else on Earth.

The Sterkfontein Caves are considered to be among the most important paleontological sites ever to shed light on human evolution, and for good reason: The very first Australopithecus adult fossils were found there in 1936; and it was there, in 1994, that scientists unearthed “Little Foot,” the most complete Australopithecus specimen known today. The caves are part of the Cradle of Humankind UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This week, a team of paleoanthropologists presented revised age estimates for these caves based on biochronology, a dating method that relies on animal fossils to date rocks and related fauna. And they’ve found the caves to be no older than 2.8 million years – almost a million years shy of recent claims.
The scientists say the results could have major implications for the timing of early human evolution.

Monkeys as “fossil clocks”
“The fossil animals never lie,” said Professor Chris Gilbert (GC/Hunter, Anthropology, Biology), who co-led a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that uses the teeth and crania of cercopithecoid monkeys, a family of Old World monkeys, to determine the age of these caves and a number of other sites.

“By using the size of the teeth of Theropithecus oswaldi, we were able to reexamine the age of a number of famous early hominin sites in South Africa and determined that there is no evidence that any of the South African cave sites are older than about 2.8 million years,” said Gilbert.


Well-Known Member
In a previous thread For trinity believers: Does your world come unravelled if Jesus is not God,but ONLY Gods Son? the question came up concerning the problems of science dating fossils by @Dimi95, which was off topic. It is a complex topic that deserves its own thread.

The first question questioned the reliability test results because different results were attained at different times. Yes, importan t fossil are often tested more than once especially if improved technology. Second there is commonly a range of results. What is important consideration here is multiple methods of dating are compared to improved the accuracy of the results, The following reference is a research project the tested the probability of the statistics for radiometric dating methods. The source goes into detail the problem of the variability of radiometric testing results, If you understand statistics it is a good read. If not the conclusions are that radiometric dating is: Taken together, our findings indicate that the PEWMA method is a useful quantitative tool for testing hypotheses about past human-environment dynamics. It can be used to determine whether an underlying correlation exists between a calendrically-dated archaeological time-series and a radiocarbon-dated palaeoenvironmental time-series.

The second question asked how to determine that Natural Laws and processes are consistent over time in the past. This is partially addressed here by comparing calendrically-dating to radiometric dating. The next reference concerning a Japanese Lake confirms radiometric dating with calendrically-dating for more than 100,000 years.

[URLunfurl="true"]Radiocarbon dating uncertainty and the reliability of the PEWMA method of time-series analysis for research on long-term human-environment interaction

Time-series analysis has considerable potential to improve our understanding of past human-environment interaction. However, there is reason to think that its application could be undermined by the widespread reliance on calibrated radiocarbon dates for age-depth models. Calibrated radiocarbon dates have highly irregular uncertainties, as we mentioned earlier. These highly irregular uncertainties potentially pose a significant problem because they undermine the assumptions of standard statistical methods. With this in mind, we conducted a large simulation study in which we explored the effect of calibrated radiocarbon date uncertainty on a potentially useful Poisson regression-based method for time-series regression, called PEWMA. To test the effect of calibrated radiocarbon date error on the PEWMA method, we simulated thousands of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental time-series with known correlations and then analysed them with the PEWMA algorithm.

Our simulation experiments yielded three important findings. One is that the PEWMA method was able to identify true underlying correlations between the synthetic time-series much of the time. The true-positive rate for the method ranged from 20–90%, with higher true-positive rates when the synthetic environmental series contained less noise and the correlation between the time-series was stronger. Under the most realistic conditions, with moderate noise levels and correlation strengths, the true positive rate was around 30–50%. Decreasing the noise levels and increasing the correlation coefficients to 0.5 or 0.75 led to true positive rates upwards of 90%. While it is not surprising that stronger correlations in less-noisy data were easier to identify, it is important to be aware that the method might miss low correlation relationships.

The second important finding is that the false positive error rate of the method is roughly 10%, on average. This is surprising because we were expecting the highly irregular chronological errors of radiocarbon dates to warp the time-series in ways that could cause many spurious correlations and therefore a high false positive rate. Instead, the 10% false-positive rate suggests that finding spurious correlations is actually unlikely—in the context of archaeological research at any rate.

The third, and perhaps most surprising finding, was that varying the number of radiocarbon dates used to date the time-series had no noticeable effect. The true-positive rates were largely consistent whether five, 10, or 15 radiocarbon dates were used. This was surprising because it seems like adding more dates should reduce chronological uncertainty by increasing the number of chronological anchors for the age-depth models. Thus, we expected that more dates would improve our ability to find underlying correlations. That increasing the number of dates above five had no substantial impact on the true- or false-positive rates indicates that the PEWMA method is fairly robust to chronological uncertainty.

Taken together, our findings indicate that the PEWMA method is a useful quantitative tool for testing hypotheses about past human-environment dynamics. It can be used to determine whether an underlying correlation exists between a calendrically-dated archaeological time-series and a radiocarbon-dated palaeoenvironmental time-series. Crucially, it has a low false-positive rate, a moderate-to-high true-positive rate, and it appears to be fairly robust to chronological uncertainty. Methods with these traits are essential for analyzing archaeological and palaeoenvironmental time-series, which is a vital part of understanding past human-environment interaction.

Note: I previously noted that multiple dating method are used to correlate and confirm radiometric dating methods. In this research project the used calendrically-dated methods.

The next reference I will post refers to the Japanese Lake varved deposits provide over 150,000 years of individual annual varves to use in correlation with calendrically-dates of annual varves to confirm radiometric dating.
I've always directed people to Radiometric Dating A Christian Perspective Dr. Roger C. Wiens for a comprehensive discussion of radiometric dating and other techniques.

"Dr. Wiens has a PhD in Physics, with a minor in Geology. His PhD thesis was on isotope ratios in meteorites, including surface exposure dating. He was employed at Caltech's Division of Geological & Planetary Sciences at the time of writing the first edition. He is presently employed in the Space & Atmospheric Sciences Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory." 2002


Premium Member
I've always directed people to Radiometric Dating A Christian Perspective Dr. Roger C. Wiens for a comprehensive discussion of radiometric dating and other techniques.

"Dr. Wiens has a PhD in Physics, with a minor in Geology. His PhD thesis was on isotope ratios in meteorites, including surface exposure dating. He was employed at Caltech's Division of Geological & Planetary Sciences at the time of writing the first edition. He is presently employed in the Space & Atmospheric Sciences Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory." 2002
Fantastic com[rehensive reference!!!


Premium Member
I think that we should change the topic.

Because it also bears the question of How old is Earth based on scientific evidence.
Do we have Younger or Older Earth?
We can include dating fossils also.

I am on holiday for a while , so most probably i am going to be inactive for a week.

Nevertheless , i look forward sharing toughts when i am back.

This forum is starting to be interesting for me :)
When you come back start with post #9 it is the most comprehensive reference on radiometric dating.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I've always directed people to Radiometric Dating A Christian Perspective Dr. Roger C. Wiens for a comprehensive discussion of radiometric dating and other techniques.

"Dr. Wiens has a PhD in Physics, with a minor in Geology. His PhD thesis was on isotope ratios in meteorites, including surface exposure dating. He was employed at Caltech's Division of Geological & Planetary Sciences at the time of writing the first edition. He is presently employed in the Space & Atmospheric Sciences Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory." 2002
It is nice to see that there still are honest Christian scientists. But to be fair he of course is far from being the only one. Kenneth Miller was a key witness at the Dover Trial and at one time, and perhaps to this day, his textbooks on biology were the most popular in the US. He is also a very devout Roman Catholic. A person can be religious and still be a scientist.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
I've always directed people to Radiometric Dating A Christian Perspective Dr. Roger C. Wiens for a comprehensive discussion of radiometric dating and other techniques.

"Dr. Wiens has a PhD in Physics, with a minor in Geology. His PhD thesis was on isotope ratios in meteorites, including surface exposure dating. He was employed at Caltech's Division of Geological & Planetary Sciences at the time of writing the first edition. He is presently employed in the Space & Atmospheric Sciences Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory." 2002

Observing the evidence , i belive that most likely we have Older Earth.

But that doesn't go against the Christian teachings of the Bible.That does not make it false.
The Bible does not say how Old is the Earth.

It gives as pattern and we explore possibilities.That's it.
Can we prove it that is 100 % accurate? I don't think so.

The Bible is not the only Historical evidence that we have.

Other historical events leaves us with other possibilities.

The Bible does not reject that.

Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

The Bible uses "other people" in verses very often and it does not explain in details the orign of every nation in the world when historical testaments are considered.

What are AC and BC in History?

BC stands for 'Before Christ', and as we can imagine, it corresponds to events that happened before Jesus. AC stands for 'After Christ', but instead of that we use AD - which is short for 'Anno Domini', a Latin phrase which roughly translates to 'In the year of the lord'.

It is very odd to me how scientism or should i say Atheism tries to remove the historical testament of the argument.
There is evidence in history about Jesus.
And not just within the Bible , Outside also.

How we Christians interprete that Bible is one possibility to seek for 'Truth'.

Science does not determine Truth.

I seek 'Truth' , not orign of life.
I do not bother myself so much with orign of life , since most probably we will never have the ability to explain with 100 % accuracy how it was and how will it be.

We just explore highest possibilities.
It is possible that we will try to define Nature as much as we can , but i don't think that we have the tools to explain it most precisly or 100 %.
That does not contradict 'Just because wo don't know doesn't mean we won't.'

Atheists think that with tool they will leave mark on time , but they don't understand that you can't erase history.
We don't decide who writes what.
You have a choice , Yes or No.

You don't belive it , i don't have a problem with that.

But i have never claimed that i belive in what i belive because of evidence.
To be more precise , on how science defines evidence.
My belief is based on faith.

I know that i am real , and that is enough for me to accept the first axiom of Science.
Reality is real.
I don't need any expiriments since my mind acknowledges the relation with another mind.
That is what makes Reality real.
Or we will use intellectual 'poision' to make the discussion more difficult?

The only thing capable of producing language is mind.That's it.

Recently , there are new studies with DNA language and how it relates with gematria.We will see where that leads..

We Christians do not seek to explain the orign of the world , since we accept that we are created.
We can only assume , nothing more.

Scriptute does not say that i have to submit to any Institute :)

In its narrative,It teaches me that i must have the capacity to learn , and to question as much as i can.
The more we ask , the more we will know.

And why does 'Truth' have to make consensus with how 'Science' defines the Laws of Nature?

These are two separate things.

I just find it odd to belive that science only closes gaps , and does not open new ones.

I am interested to see how my argument is not objective.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Observing the evidence , i belive that most likely we have Older Earth.

But that doesn't go against the Christian teachings of the Bible.That does not make it false.
The Bible does not say how Old is the Earth.

It gives as pattern and we explore possibilities.That's it.
Can we prove it that is 100 % accurate? I don't think so.

The Bible is not the only Historical evidence that we have.

Other historical events leaves us with other possibilities.

The Bible does not reject that.

Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

The Bible uses "other people" in verses very often and it does not explain in details the orign of every nation in the world when historical testaments are considered.

What are AC and BC in History?

BC stands for 'Before Christ', and as we can imagine, it corresponds to events that happened before Jesus. AC stands for 'After Christ', but instead of that we use AD - which is short for 'Anno Domini', a Latin phrase which roughly translates to 'In the year of the lord'.

It is very odd to me how scientism or should i say Atheism tries to remove the historical testament of the argument.
There is evidence in history about Jesus.
And not just within the Bible , Outside also.

How we Christians interprete that Bible is one possibility to seek for 'Truth'.

Science does not determine Truth.

I seek 'Truth' , not orign of life.
I do not bother myself so much with orign of life , since most probably we will never have the ability to explain with 100 % accuracy how it was and how will it be.

We just explore highest possibilities.
It is possible that we will try to define Nature as much as we can , but i don't think that we have the tools to explain it most precisly or 100 %.
That does not contradict 'Just because wo don't know doesn't mean we won't.'

Atheists think that with tool they will leave mark on time , but they don't understand that you can't erase history.
We don't decide who writes what.
You have a choice , Yes or No.

You don't belive it , i don't have a problem with that.

But i have never claimed that i belive in what i belive because of evidence.
To be more precise , on how science defines evidence.
My belief is based on faith.

I know that i am real , and that is enough for me to accept the first axiom of Science.
Reality is real.
I don't need any expiriments since my mind acknowledges the relation with another mind.
That is what makes Reality real.
Or we will use intellectual 'poision' to make the discussion more difficult?

The only thing capable of producing language is mind.That's it.

Recently , there are new studies with DNA language and how it relates with gematria.We will see where that leads..

We Christians do not seek to explain the orign of the world , since we accept that we are created.
We can only assume , nothing more.

Scriptute does not say that i have to submit to any Institute :)

In its narrative,It teaches me that i must have the capacity to learn , and to question as much as i can.
The more we ask , the more we will know.

And why does 'Truth' have to make consensus with how 'Science' defines the Laws of Nature?

These are two separate things.

I just find it odd to belive that science only closes gaps , and does not open new ones.

I am interested to see how my argument is not objective.
Oh noes! Not the BC AD argument. By that standard Thor and Odin are real since days of the week are named after him. In fact five of the seven days of the week are named for Roman Gods and five months are named for Roman gods too. You are outnumbered. Worse yet, many people are beginning to use CE and BCE or "Current Era" and "Before Current Era". So you are losing that "evidence".

Plus 2 Timothy 3:16 - 17 does not help you. It only says that it is inspired and useful. Guess what the Bible is still useful if one treats Genesis and Exodus as morality tales. The book becomes self refuting if you insist that those books are historical.


Premium Member
Observing the evidence , i belive that most likely we have Older Earth.

But that doesn't go against the Christian teachings of the Bible.That does not make it false.
The Bible does not say how Old is the Earth.
OK, but some believe the Bible describes how old the earth, life and humans is,
It gives as pattern and we explore possibilities.That's it.
Can we prove it that is 100 % accurate? I don't think so.

Does not reflect what science is, and how it works. Science doe not deal with proof nor percentages. Proof is for math and logic.
The Bible is not the only Historical evidence that we have.
Ancient scripture in this case is not evidence without independent sources. There are some independent sources to an extent. but for example the Pentateuch compiled 600 BCE for the most part lacks independent evidence, and largely based on mythology.
Other historical events leaves us with other possibilities.

The Bible does not reject that.

Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

The Bible uses "other people" in verses very often and it does not explain in details the origin of every nation in the world when historical testaments are considered.
OK this what you believe.
What are AC and BC in History?
Arbitrary designations based on Christian beliefs,
BC stands for 'Before Christ', and as we can imagine, it corresponds to events that happened before Jesus. AC stands for 'After Christ', but instead of that we use AD - which is short for 'Anno Domini', a Latin phrase which roughly translates to 'In the year of the lord'.

It is very odd to me how scientism or should i say Atheism tries to remove the historical testament of the argument.
Let's drop the bogus 'scientism' and talk science. No you should not say such foolishness, because atheism has nothing to fo with the academic understanding of science and history.
There is evidence in history about Jesus.
And not just within the Bible , Outside also.
The evidence for Jesus is limited. In fact the evidence is third person outside evidence. It is enough for historians to acknowledge the existence of Jesus, but not much else

The Bible like all ancient writings is not evidence in and of itself. The evidence must be independent of scripture.
How we Christians interpret that Bible is one possibility to seek for 'Truth'.
One of many conflicting beliefs.
Science does not determine Truth.
Science never intended to determine truth.
to determine truth
I seek 'Truth' , not origin of life.
I do not bother myself so much with origin of life , since most probably we will never have the ability to explain with 100 % accuracy how it was and how will it be.

We just explore highest possibilities.
It is possible that we will try to define Nature as much as we can , but i don't think that we have the tools to explain it most precisly or 100 %.
That does not contradict 'Just because wo don't know doesn't mean we won't.'
The above is not remotely related to how science operates.
Atheists think that with tool they will leave mark on time , but they don't understand that you can't erase history.
We don't decide who writes what.
You have a choice , Yes or No.
The belief in atheism does not follow what you conclude above, Atheism is simply the belief Gods do not exist.
Beliefs such as atheism, theism and agnosticism has nothing to do with science.

You don't belive it , i don't have a problem with that.

But i have never claimed that I believe in what i believe because of evidence.
To be more precise, on how science defines evidence.
My belief is based on faith.
I know that i am real , and that is enough for me to accept the first axiom of Science.
Reality is real.
OK, but incomplete.

I don't need any experiments since my mind acknowledges the relation with another mind.
That is what makes Reality real.
Experiments are for determining the physical nature of the reality of our existence. They have nothing to do with the subjective nature of belief and the existence of a higher mind and what you consider reality beyond the physical. The above is circular and a subjective belief. OK, but not related to experiments.

Or we will use intellectual 'poision' to make the discussion more difficult?
Careful! What do you consider intellectual 'poison'??? It is best to deal with facts and science, without false generalizations concerning atheists.
The only thing capable of producing language is mind.That's it.
True so what??? though incomplete. Humans and many advanced animals have languages some very sophisticated.
Recently , there are new studies with DNA language and how it relates with gematria.We will see where that leads..
There is continuous research on DNA and RNA all the time. Not enough information what you are referring to.
We Christians do not seek to explain the orign of the world , since we accept that we are created.
We can only assume , nothing more.
Careful 'We Christians' os a very diverse lot, and many do seek to explain the origin of our world, life and humanity based on the Pentateuch.
Scripture does not say that i have to submit to any Institute :)
Not clear
In its narrative,It teaches me that i must have the capacity to learn , and to question as much as i can.
The more we ask , the more we will know.

And why does 'Truth' have to make consensus with how 'Science' defines the Laws of Nature?
Science does not deal with the question of 'truth.' Science does not appeal to consensus concerning the nature of our physical existence. It simply develops theories and hypotheses to explain the physical existence based on objectively verifiable evidence. The Laws of Nature reflect the physical nature of our existence.
I just find it odd to believe that science only closes gaps , and does not open new ones.
Science does both. The knowledge of science is not fixed or is defined by proofs. The knowledge of science evolves and changes with new knowledge.
I am interested to see how my argument is not objective.
The argument for science is objective only by its nature. Theological arguments are subjective by their nature of dealing with subjects and things that are not objective.
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Χριστός ἀνέστη
Oh noes! Not the BC AD argument. By that standard Thor and Odin are real since days of the week are named after him. In fact five of the seven days of the week are named for Roman Gods and five months are named for Roman gods too. You are outnumbered. Worse yet, many people are beginning to use CE and BCE or "Current Era" and "Before Current Era". So you are losing that "evidence".
What is funny to me is how you input Odin and Thor in the argument.
How is that standard accurate ?
How does the historical evidence of the existence of Jesus relates to Odin and Thor?

I did not even tried to argue it to outnumber any form of evidence.

It is only evidence plus for the existence.
How did people navigate time is also to be considered.

Plus 2 Timothy 3:16 - 17 does not help you. It only says that it is inspired and useful. Guess what the Bible is still useful if one treats Genesis and Exodus as morality tales. The book becomes self refuting if you insist that those books are historical.

Yes i agree , it says inspires ans usefull in

The morality tales between Israel and God.

Israel means 'God perserveres'.

It tells how God perserveres righteousness through Israel.

I think that you should read the last books of the Tanakh if you are so consistent with the objection.

Starting with Malachin 1 should help.

I am interested in your opinion on Jesus.

Do you think that there are moral teachings worthly to be perservered?

What do you find false in his teachings?


Premium Member
What is funny to me is how you input Odin and Thor in the argument.
How is that standard accurate ?
How does the historical evidence of the existence of Jesus relates to Odin and Thor?

I did not even tried to argue it to outnumber any form of evidence.

It is only evidence plus for the existence.
How did people navigate time is also to be considered.

Yes i agree , it says inspires ans usefull in

The morality tales between Israel and God.

Israel means 'God perserveres'.

It tells how God perserveres righteousness through Israel.

I think that you should read the last books of the Tanakh if you are so consistent with the objection.

Starting with Malachin 1 should help.

I am interested in your opinion on Jesus.

Do you think that there are moral teachings worthly to be perservered?

What do you find false in his teachings?
I do believe there are some issues involved in your responses concerning science and dating methods, before we go to far a field from the subject of the thread and some of the misinformation in your statements.

Science has nothing to do with proof, or the existence 'truth?' Science has nothing to do with the 100% of anything.

You referred to scientism, which is a bogus insult to science. Let's deal with science as science.

Where does statements like intellectual 'poison' have anything to do with this thread?

You equated atheism with aspects of science. Bogus insult to both science and atheism. Religious belief or non-belief has nothing to do with real science. Science only deals with the physical nature of our existence.

The point of the thread was your objections to radiometric dating and other dating methods. The documented references addressed that and you sort of dodged the issue. The dating methods have documented humans have been around for more than 300,000 years, and evolved from a lineage of primates. Life evolved over a period of about 3.8 million years. The earth is ~4.7 million years old and the universe is ~13,7 years old.

Have the references addressed your questions concerning radiometric and other dating methods?
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What is funny to me is how you input Odin and Thor in the argument.
How is that standard accurate ?
How does the historical evidence of the existence of Jesus relates to Odin and Thor?

There is just as much evidence for Thor or Odin as there is for magical Jesus.
I did not even tried to argue it to outnumber any form of evidence.

It is only evidence plus for the existence.
How did people navigate time is also to be considered.

No, the problem is that you do not even understand what is and what is not evidence.. The days of the week, the months of the year and AD and BC only show what people believe. It is not evidence for the things that they believe.
Yes i agree , it says inspires ans usefull in

The morality tales between Israel and God.

Israel means 'God perserveres'.

It tells how God perserveres righteousness through Israel.

I think that you should read the last books of the Tanakh if you are so consistent with the objection.

Starting with Malachin 1 should help.

I am interested in your opinion on Jesus.

Do you think that there are moral teachings worthly to be perservered?

What do you find false in his teachings?
One thing that we cannot be sure of is what parts of the New Testament are the teachings of Jesus or not. We know that there have been additions. And there probably were some of his teachings taken out. If you mean what is wrong in the New Testament well number one there is the failed concept of substitutionary atonement.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
OK, but some believe the Bible describes how old the earth, life and humans is,
I do not reject that

Does not reflect what science is, and how it works.
No do I reject that.
But it seems to me that some interpretations are aluding to the fact that how science works , everything should work.
It does not go that way.
Science does not explain everything , nor it tries to.
It has the comfort in its own definition.

Let's drop the bogus 'scientism' and talk science. No you should not say such foolishness, because atheism has nothing to fo with the academic understanding of science and history.
No,Atheism has to do with questioning how valid is historical evidence.
The fault is when they falsify that with Science.
Science has nothing to do with faith.
You reject that , you reject science by definition.

The evidence for Jesus is limited. In fact the evidence is third person outside evidence. It is enough for historians to acknowledge the existence of Jesus, but not much else
That is why is based on faith , not on evidence.

The Bible like all ancient writings is not evidence in and of itself.
I agree

The evidence must be independent of scripture.
It does not have to , since it is not evidence based.

You do not treat the claims as they are.Why is that?

One of many conflicting beliefs.
It's ok , i accept that you identify it as such.

Science never intended to determine truth.
I agree as i said , but i do not understand why you bring that argument up?
What does it explain?

The above is not remotely related to how science operates.
It seems to me that you are not comfortable talking outside of the domain of Science , Why is that?
I think that you have misunderstood what i am trying to argue.

The belief in atheism does not follow what you conclude above, Atheism is simply the belief Gods do not exist.
Beliefs such as atheism, theism and agnosticism has nothing to do with science.
But that belief identifies evidence only in the domain of Science.
I refuse to belive in evidence defined only by Science.
What do you see false there?

Experiments are for determining the physical nature of the reality of our existence. They have nothing to do with the subjective nature of belief and the existence of a higher mind and what you consider reality beyond the physical. The above is circular and a subjective belief. OK, but not related to experiments.
I don't argue your objection , but i am satisfied with the definition i use.

True so what??? though incomplete. Humans and many advanced animals have languages some very sophisticated.
Ok , does consciousness make Reality real?
How deep can we go in defining consciousness?

There is continuous research on DNA and RNA all the time. Not enough information what you are referring to.
Yes , sure i follow it myself.
I do not reffer only to the example that we talked about in previous topic , there are other studies also.

Careful 'We Christians' os a very diverse lot, and many do seek to explain the origin of our world, life and humanity based on the Pentateuch.
I find it usefull to contemplate the highest good on continual basis.
I'm trying to keep myself in that direction.
It's religious definition , fundementally.

Not clear
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Science does not deal with the question of 'truth.' Science does not appeal to consensus concerning the nature of our physical existence. It simply develops theories and hypotheses to explain the physical existence based on objectively verifiable evidence. The Laws of Nature reflect the physical nature of our existence.
How is my argument objecting that?

Science does both. The knowledge of science is not fixed or is defined by proofs. The knowledge of science evolves and changes with new knowledge.
I agree

The argument for science is objective only by its nature. Theological arguments are subjective by their nature of dealing with subjects and things that are not objective.

Define how objective is more reliable then subjective.

Do you think that emotions are useless in arguments?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
No,Atheism has to do with questioning how valid is historical evidence.
The fault is when they falsify that with Science.
Science has nothing to do with faith.
You reject that , you reject science by definition.
Where do atheists do that? The reject the mythical parts of the Bible. That is true, but the "historical" parts do not even begin until some time after Exodus. Don't trust me, ask a historian. Historians, rightfully, treat all mythological claims equally. They ignore them. So when it comes to the magical events of the Trojan war, those events are ignored. They do the same for the Bible.