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Decreed Progress -Westerners Testify -Holland Parliament -New Mosques -Message Reached to Millions


Peace be upon you.
Ahmadiyya Khalifatul Messiah Addressed to Members of Parliament Holland, Laid Foundation Stones of Mosques in Holland and Germany, Comments by Local and Guest Dignitaries. Wide Coverage by Newspapers, TV and Radio.....All by Decreed Grace of God.
Peace be on you….Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said that it is the blessing and benevolence of Allah the Exalted that, in each tour, He shows signs of His Support and Capability. Sometime worry is felt when some local Jama'ats with no prior experience make programs with the non-Ahmadis. Such programs need publicity through non-ahmadiyya means which raise concerns about possible problems by mischievous people. Concern is also felt if program will be of lesser standard it might provide opportunity of malicious joy for opponents. Many concerns are felt. We can not be even grateful to God the Exalted for His Support and Help. These scenes makes one astonished. The promises by Allah the Exalted to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) show new colour every time. Rather sometime comments and praise by non-Ahmadi guests make the arrangement-makers wonder if they really made such program which is being so highly praised by others? This praise is not superficial but it is felt to be coming from hearts of guests; their eyes, their faces tell what they are saying is voice of their hearts. Seeing these things, one is filled with passions of praise of Allah the Exalted that He covered the weaknesses and program was successful.

Huzur (a.t.) said he was on the tour of Holland and Germany. Jama'at Ahmadiyya Germany is a big and organized Jama'at by the grace of Allah the Exalted and they have links with each segment of people. Media knows them and covers them well. Some newspaper and other media see progress of Jama'at and give news. Some asian-origin politicians keep starting anti-Jama'at movements to garner cheap publicity. But, in general, German politicians, educated class and German public too which has link with Jama'at in any way, have good opinion about Jama'at. That is why they get true picture of Islam. Various programs arranged by Ahmadis in Germany is a way of introduction of true Islam and Ahmadiyyat in Germany.

But, in Holland, Jama'at is small and sofar they have not done such an active effort, through media, to introduce Ahmadiyyat and true Islam in the large part of the country. They do not have such links with members of parliament, diplomats and educated class of society, so that they may know Jama'at and consider them representative Jama'at of Islam. But Allah the Exalted made way to hold a function in Parliament House through a member of parliament (of Nunspeet area where we have our center – he met Huzur a.t. in a Jalsa in Holland) who was told about Jama'at two or three years ago. This member parliament is (was?) acting chairman of foreign affair committee of parliament. Through him, foreign affair committee arranged a program in a hall in parliament. Ameer sahib Jama'at Holland wrote Huzur a.t. about the prepations and invited Huzur a.t to come.

Huzur (a.t.) said: I went. I thought there would be few people. As introduction of Jama'at is not much in the country, people will not come and Jama'at (here) does not have experience of such work. Anyway, by the grace of Allah the Exalted, keeping conditions of Holland Jama'at in view, their functions was quite good.

In that event, 89 leading officials / people were present. In addition to Dutch members of parliament, there were members of parliaments, ambassadors, other government officials and representatives from Spain, Ireland, Sweden, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, India, Philippine, Denmark and Cyprus.

Jama'at in germany has many good level connections but yet they could not do program of this level. No doubt their dignitaries come in our functions and after seeing the true picture of Islam they speak their minds. The reason for not doing such large program is perhaps Germany is bigger country than Holland……Hopefully Jama'at in Holland will try to make progress in the the step taken and connections with newspapers and media. They should not consider the work done so far as their acme.

Huzur (a.t.) said: In the function at Parliament House (Holland), I stated briefly teaching of Islam and matters with respect to current events for 18/20. Generally when I say something about teaching of Islam, people feel they received satisfactory answers to their questions, but in this function three or four parliamentarians who belonged to various parties, they said now they wanted to ask questions. I said they may. But they asked some questions which were nothing but repetition of already said things. It seemed they wanted me to say at some stage that teaching of Islam is wrong - Nauzobillah (we seek refuge in Allah), or I may say something which may give them opportunity to say something against Islam. This thing was noted by parliamentarians form other countries and they mentioned it latter that attitude of one or two were not right. Some Dutch too, who were present and watching the pragrame showed their dislike and embarrassment for it…….. Anyway, it does not matter to us. Some people thought perhaps they wanted to make me angry. It is blessing of Allah the Exalted that He has granted me a lot of forebearance. One among them felt by himself because when he came to have photograph with me, he said if his questions were not appropriate, he apologizes……The program has long detail, you might have seen and heard at MTA, or you may read in reports. Here all of that cannot be stated. But excellent teaching of Islam left good effect on non-Ahmadi guests. Sometimes thought comes to mind if such question was answered in such way, it would have been better. But Allah the Exalted blessed in such way that the given answers exerted good effect on others, and they mentioned it too that such questions had indeed these answers given in best way…..It is the work of Allah the Exalted, He captures hearts and pour awe. Human efforts cannot do anything. The taking place of this program is in itself a special blessing of God the Exalted. If Jama'at of Holland say it happened with the effort of some person or Jama'at, it will be wrong. I think, most of them will say they did not understand how it took place……..About the good standard of the program, the member parliament who organized the program told an Ahmadi latter that this program should have been much more covered in media (though we think much coverage was done) and should have been leading headline on page one so that people of the country should have known the true teaching of Islam……He also said that many members of parliament asked him how could he arranged this program.

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Peace be upon you.
Huzur (a.s.) said: Thus not according to our own people, but for others, it was very difficult to get arrangement of a small Jama'at in parliament…..This member parliament said that the program with respect to attendance and address was very much successful. Now its far reaching effects will be produced because Head of the Jama'at Ahmadiyya gave his message in very effective manner. It is the right of people of Holland that they should be shown the peace-loving face of Islam too. They need this message. With Khalitaul Messiah, the event in parliament was the first step, more programs will be arranged.

Other hounarble guests praised the program, and thanked for showing face of true teaching of Islam.

Ex Defence Minister of Holland too attended the function and even after the function finished, he sat for long time with Huzur (a.t.) and discussed…..In his comments he said: With your message, opportunity to see the true face of Islam is gotten and invited Huzur (a.t.) to come to Holland frequently so that the fear of Islam is removed from the hearts of people……….. To the questions of parliament committee, your answers were adequate to open the eyes of any one with proper thinking.

The Ambassador of Spain was present on the occassion. He said: Especially the way Head of the Jama'at answered the sensitive questions about freedom of speech, forebearance and respect for other religions, they were very proper…….During the address, the teaching according to Islam about forebearance, brotherhood and religious freedom were mentioned, they attract heart. I support these because it is quite essential to take care of these values for interfaith harmony and peace of the world.

Member of Parliament of Spain said: Happy to hear the attractive message for humanity, peace, freedom and love for God the Exalted Who is Creator of all creations. We should be thankful at such message of peace for a world, in which oppression on the name of religion and war is increasing day by day. Today, more than before, all those people who want peace and practice relaigion should be united. We should pay attention to these things which are common among us instead we stress on differences among us.

Three People from Montenegro came. One was member of national parliament. He said: This event is a very great success for Jama'at that their Head presented the true teaching of Islam at high level. The questions of member of parliament were very aggressive, but he gave answers with arguments and based on facts. It shows Imam Jama'at speaks with courage and self confidence. In todays world full of dangers, such events are very much required.

Two Lady Members of Human Right Defence. They said: The message given in parliament, it should be sent to all policy makers.

From Croatia, a Member of Parliament of Party in Government came. He said: Imam Jama'at mentioned the Isalamic taching in clear and effective way. Islamic teaching are very effective in the establishment of peace in the world. If all muslims practice these teachings with true heart, world can become cradle of peace. The clear stance about freedom of speech given by the Head of Jama'at Ahmadiyya was very impressive, especially his point of view is strengthened by the restrictions related to holocaust in some countries…..Despite the reality that Ahmadis have been oppressed in Pakistan, Head of Jama'at Ahmadiyya avoided direct criticism against Pakistan and enjoined Muslims in nice way to practice true Islamic teaching. It was very much inspiring…….His position on ban on weapons and stopping their funding was very realistic. Indeed if powerful countries of the world practice these point seriously and with honesty, world can return to peace.

More comments by:

Member Parliament from Sweden

Senior Advisor to the Mayor of Tirana, the Capital of Albania and Former Head of the Religious Affairs Committee

A Professor from the University of Amsterdam who is an expert on Buddhism, Islam and other religions

…..were also mentioned by Huzur (a.t.).

Other programs in Holland included newspaper and TV interviews for four or five days. Long discussions took place. Interviews were from 30 to 40 minutes longh in which they told about the status of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), the teachings of Islam, world peace, Khilafat etc.

You will see and read details. Jama'at was introduced very widely in Holland and it is being realized by the educated and well read sector of society there that if they need to really understand and learn about the true teachings of ISlam then they have to do so by including Ahmadis in the discussions.

First Interview was taken by Nunspeet’s radio channel RTV on 5th October. I was being live broadcasted from our mosque Baitun Nur in Nunspeet. It was also heard through live streaming in the world.

On the 5th of October, Holland’s Regional TV Geldeland’s journalist interviewed Huzur (a.t.) and through them some 2 million received the message. The journalist said that their importance in Holland is as of the BBC in the UK.

On 6th October Holland's National Newspaper interviewed. Print circulation is only 50,000 but online readership is in hundreds of thousands.

On the 7th of October another regional newspaper’s journalist came for nterview.. Newspaper’s circulation is about 100,000.

On the 9th october a journalist from another newspaper took interview of Huzur (a.t.). It also has wide circulation and is a religious newspaper.

The coverage from these interviews was very good by the grace of Allah the Exalted.

Thus for the first time, Holland Jama'at made such large contact and in this respect their program was very good.

News and reports about Huzur’s tour were given in 3 national and 9 regional newspapers.

Internet edition of 9 newspapers published the news about Huzur.

Through newspapers, message reached to 3 millions.

Interview through RTV radio via KPN at country level, and through web stream broadcasted in the world.

Natioanl radio aired program for 5 minute on 7 October regarding tour.

Through radio message reached to about 0.5 million people.

Their TV channel gave news for 5 minites about tour; parliament and foundation stone of mosque was mentioned.

National TV gave news.

hrough both TV channels, message reached to 5 million.

==Message reached to 8 million people in Holland in this first effort by the grace of Allah the Exalted.

Huzur (a.t.) was enabled to lay down the foundation stone of second mosque in Holland. May Allah enable the Jama'at to make the mosque quickly. This the second mosque being made after 60 years. Currently they are using centers. Mosque is the need of hour.

There were a 102 guests in the foundation stone laying function. These included the Mayor of Almere, judges, lawyers, doctors, architect, religious leaders and people from other sectors of society. Also various guests from Parliament and the representatives of different countries who had come the day before also took part.

The Mayor of Almere said: Great effect has developed after hearig your words about mosque. The message you gave is very effective to create a peaceful air. We all should implement it together in practice. We hope message of peace will spread through mosque.

A local member of local council said this message is guiding light for people of all school of thoughts.

The leader of a political party, liberal party, said that it is felt that indeed your Jama'at is the gurantor of peace in the world in future.

There is a National Muslim Radio there. On the day of laying of mosque’s foundation stone, this radio aired a report of 4.5 minutes on Almere mosque. It mentioned second coming of Messiah, Huzur is Khalifah of Promised Messiah who has come to lay foundation stone of mosque. Some parts of address on the laying stone ceremony were aired too.



Peace be upon you.
Apart from all this the media gave a lot of news regarding it.

After that:


Huzur (a.t.) laid foundation stone of mosque for Nordhorn mosque on his way to Germany from Holland….. Dignitaries of the city and the educated class of people had come to participate.

Huzur (a.t.) was interviewed by a TV channel and also gave news about it.

A former Mayor had also come there. After the function, he said that he had told his colleagues that they don't have to go to church this Sunday because all that was necessary for us has been said by their Khalifah. So some people express themselves like this.

May Allah the Exalted open their hearts in reality also and may they understand the real teaching of Islam and accept it. (Aameen).

A German lady said this was really a good occasion. I did not know much about Islam. But today, the way that the Khalifatul Masih has made me understand I have known it rightly.

Another German said: I am a Catholic by faith and today I have learnt about another beautiful religion, i.e. Islam. By listening to the speech of the Khalifa my desire to learn about Islam is increased. He told us about the reality of Islam. I have come to know that Islam's foundations are based on love, freedom and peace.. The best thing I liked was that he said that Islam lays great stress on the rights of the neighbours.

A German lady said that I am not religious, and do not believe in any religion either and I did not even know that there was a Khalifa in the world. But when I saw and heard this Khalifa today, I am leaving with excellenct opinion about Islam. I have learned that a mosque is not just a place for worship but that it is also to serve people, I have learned mosque is place to be mindful of neighbours, I have learned mosque is place to spread peace. All questions and fear which can be to any person, go away by the address of Imam Jama'at.

A guest journalist said: I planed to interview the Imam of the Jama'at but after listening to address of Khalifatul Messiah, no need was left for any interview because all fears and questions that can arise in one's mind about Islam, the Khalifatul Masih answered all of them in his address.

A lady said her husband came too with her but he refused to enter the place. He dropped her and went to parking and said this is a Muslim funcion and my heart says today there will be an explosion there and I love my life, if you want to go and endanger your life go ahead, I am not going. She says at the end of the event that now I shall go and tell him that you missed a great event of today because thete was nothing except love and peace, nothing else……So people have such thought too.

A German lady came to listen the address and at every thing she heard she said that it is true, it is true. Afterwards she expressed her passions and said it is the first time I am participating in this event and I am amazed at seeing your arrangements and in your system, every human can be seen to be a very tidy. (These things are to remind us we should be always seen neat, not temporarily). I have to say with very sadness that we Germans have left it. The morals values I want to teach my children at home, schools teaches opposite to these values. I am shown true respect for human here.

People think that children are being taught all kinds of things in the name of freedom the very people who live here are very upset and worried about these things. So we need to especially teach our children at home that their each thing is not right but it is essential that you look for islamic values and observe these.

Similarly a man guest said that he is very happy by coming here. He said that Christianity has now become a dead faith, it is only superficial talk, without soul but here I have seen a living faith.

Then there was a lady sitting there who, when she heard me tell what all we are doing to provide water to the people in Africa, she said to her seven or eight year old child in his ears that we should not waste water at all. There were several other children with her so she started telling them by the gestures of her hand that they should listen to me so that you may understand.

Similarly there was a couple, a husband and wife were sitting there. And a discussion started about purdah with an Ahmadi. They asked why women are not here, only men are seen, why women are in sepearte marquee? But when they had heard Huzur’s address., and they were told about the spirit of pudah then the lady said that in the West the freedom of women is only superficial. It is not true freedom. And she said that now that you have explained the concept of purdah I realize that in this lies the greatness of women………Thus others are beginning to understand the teachings of Islam. So our women, who sometimes develop a complex about purdah, their confidence should rise. There should be no complex and artificiality.

A lady came with her husband. She said I liked everything in the event. I was much curious about Islam, today I leanerd Islam is the name of goodness only……..I liked this statement of the Imam of the Jama'at that we should live with one another in harmony and peace because we are the creation of one and same God. These things have left a very profound effect on me.

Her husband said I wass much curious what will said by your Khalifah today? But having listened to his speech I will say now only that I agree with his every statement. Now I realize that mosques are in fact the houses of peace. Whatever he has said in his speech, it is about peace. Instead of being afraid of each other, people should have trust on each other. He says that after hearing Huzur’s words now there is no fear left in me with respect to this mosque.

A friend had come who said that he is an atheist and an opponent of religion, but your Khalifa has today proved that he is tolerant of every kind of person and by his actions it has also become established that Islam is a religion of tolerance. The message of the Khalifa was that we must put an end to our disputes and feuds . I cannot deny all the things Khalifa today, they are much needed today.

A lady says that the things that the Imam of the Jamaat said are what is needed greatly. The world is victim of division but the message of Imam of the Jama'at was such as can unite everyone. Not only Muslims should be listening to the Khalifatul Masih but Christians, Jews and indeed all the people should be paying attention to what he is saying. She says that having listened to all these things, her negative opinion about Islam is changed and has become positive.

Here the newspapers published news. A local Nordhorn newspaper carried the detailed news of the foundation stone laying and wrote that true Muslims promote peace, love and harmony. Everyone should behave nicely with neighbours. It wrote about Huzur’s address. It has large circulation.

Through these newspapers, message reached to 320,000 people.

For Masjid Sadiq, Nordhorn, the local TV (many million viewers) aired 2 minute news,

Those who received the news through newspapers, TV & Radio were in the millions.

JAMIA AHMADIYYA (Religious studies Institution)

Jamia Ahmadiyya Germany First batch completed its 7 year course, 16 Muballeygheen and Murrabiyan are prepared. They had convocation. It was the real purpose to go to Germany. Jamia began in 2008 in few rooms in Baitus Subuh, now they have full building with all facilities; class rooms, hall, library, hostel etc, these are beautiful buildings. May Allah the Exalted enable these Murabbiyan to do seervice of deen in right way, and enable them to fulfill their waqf (devotion) with loyalty. (Aameen).

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:

About our Jama'at, Allah the Exalted has made very great promises. No human-wisdom or far-sightedness or worldly means can not take us to these promises. Allah the Exalted by Himself will provide means, then this work will reach fulfillment……………I know that God has established this Silsilah and by His grace, its development is taking place. The reality is that unless it is Will of God the Exalted, neither any people can make progress nor they can make development. When Allah the Exalted wants for someone, it becomes like seed. As before time no one can understand development and signs of seed , they think progress of that nation is unimaginable and impossible.

Thus when the decree of Allah the Exalted makes a decision that it should happen, then that matter starts to take place and there is the promise of Allah with the Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and it is His decree that InshAllah Ta’alaa Jama'at have to grow and flourish, and we see this dealing of Allah the Exalted with Jama'at everywhere.

Huzur (may Allah be Helper) said: All this happening and what is being done, the report of which I have mentioned, all these are works of Allah the Exalted. It is not the excellence of anyone’s self or of few members of administration, if there is any success achieved by this program. Yes, by understanding the decree of Allah the Exalted we should do the effort what we can, so that we become its part, and get blessings of Allah the Exalted. May Allah the Exalted enable us for this.

Based on Friday Sermon (23 October 2015), UK , by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), alislam.org and mta.tv