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Deism & Aliens

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
Speaking for myself...

I have no problem believing in life on other planets. Many people will say that the Bible does not talk about aliens, therefore they do not exist. That argument is rather silly, considering the Bible was written thousands of years ago by primitive people. They did not have telescopes (or microscopes for that matter), and they tried to explain the world around them with very limited scientific and medical knowledge. Those same people thought the earth was flat, that it was the center of creation (the universe), and that the sun and other celestial bodies revolved around it. We now know those people were wrong.

Our planet revolves around our sun, along with the other planets and moons. Combined, those astral bodies make up our solar system. Our solar system is only one of BILLIONS within our galaxy, the Milky Way. There are HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of galaxies in the visible universe.

Our galaxy is spiraling through space at the speed of ~1,340,000 miles per hour. In one earth day, our galaxy travels over 32,000,000 miles. In other words, the point in space that we are in this second, we will be 32 million miles further away at the same time tomorrow. We have been hurdling through space like this for billions of years. So how big is the universe exactly? BIG. VERY, VERY BIG. Most people can't wrap their heads around the concept.

So does life exist on other planets? The odds are in favor of a resounding YES! Just because we lack the technology to visit those planets (much less communicate with them) does not mean that they are not out there. Why would God create life on just this tiny mud ball, place it in something as vast as the universe, and then create all of those other planets, solar systems and galaxies just for show, especially since most of those other astral bodies we can't actually see with the naked eye? That does not make sense.

Christianity doesn't like the idea of alien life because that negates the concept of earthly creation, atonement for sin, crucifixion, resurrection and the afterlife, all which are earth-centric ideas. The moment alien life is confirmed, all of that stuff gets tossed out the window.

To be continued...


Well-Known Member
I would find it ironic because the gods are technically aliens anyway. I will say that it is strange that despite the fact that they didn't haven telescopes, the Sumerians, who are way older than the Christians, Jews or even the Egyptians, knew how many planets we had and knew what they looked like. This was written on the tablets but people don't talk about it very much.

I know that some gods were aliens while others were born on Earth. A god doesn't always have to be a cosmic being. It depends on what you consider a deity.