DNC Quietly Adopts Ban On Fossil Fuel Company Donations
I believe this is a good idea, I think it is the right thing to do. I am not sure if it will help in the midterms, but at least we see them drawing a line of distinction between themselves and the Republicans. There is still more to do, but this is a start.
The Democratic National Committee voted over the weekend to ban donations from fossil fuel companies, HuffPost has learned.
The resolution ― proposed by Christine Pelosi, a party activist and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s daughter ― bars the organization from accepting contributions from corporate political action committees tied to the oil, gas and coal industries. The executive committee voted unanimously to approve the motion.
“We talk about how climate change is real and climate change is a planetary emergency, what we need to do is stop taking money from the institutions that have created this crisis,” said RL Miller, president of the super PAC Climate Hawks Vote Political Action and a co-author of the resolution.
National Committee voted over the weekend to ban donations from fossil fuel companies, HuffPost has learned.
The resolution ― proposed by Christine Pelosi, a party activist and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s daughter ― bars the organization from accepting contributions from corporate political action committees tied to the oil, gas and coal industries. The executive committee voted unanimously to approve the motion.
“We talk about how climate change is real and climate change is a planetary emergency, what we need to do is stop taking money from the institutions that have created this crisis,” said RL Miller, president of the super PAC Climate Hawks Vote Political Action and a co-author of the resolution.
I believe this is a good idea, I think it is the right thing to do. I am not sure if it will help in the midterms, but at least we see them drawing a line of distinction between themselves and the Republicans. There is still more to do, but this is a start.