Thou art That
Compared to your Google-mystic knowledge of "reality" you gleaned without the capacity to read mystic texts in their original languages, without the instruction of any master, with the ridiculously misinformed and inaccurate views you have regarding topics like QM, and your Western fast-food "Mc-Mystic" ideology akin to fluffy bunny Wicca?
Ha ha ha ...as interpreted via your scientifically hypnotized altered consciousness.
We do have keys to unlock attention enslaved onto those Plato cave wall shadows.
Your take is a knee-jerk white magic demonization of anything non-science. That is because of your hypnotic trance, unnoticed by you, ala frog in pot of water.
NOTE: while I am not a Wiccan, I know a Wiccan woman. She is also a scientist, a master chemist, an animal whisperer, and is more sane than many people I know, and she is smarter than you. Your attempt at belittling Wicca is an indication of your ignorance and displays an innate terror of fluffy bunnies.
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