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Blood Stone

New Member
I'm relatively new to Christianity. I've tried a few churches but I was too shy to stay... I'm not too good with people. But I practice what's writen in the Bible and I pray regularily and worship in private and obviously believe in Jesus as saviour.

So... I don't belong to a particular denomination? What type of Christian could I call myself? Am I even considered a Christian?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Blood Stone said:
I'm relatively new to Christianity. I've tried a few churches but I was too shy to stay... I'm not too good with people. But I practice what's writen in the Bible and I pray regularily and worship in private and obviously believe in Jesus as saviour.

So... I don't belong to a particular denomination? What type of Christian could I call myself? Am I even considered a Christian?
Of course you are a Christian; you pray to Jesus, regard him as your saviour............

That's enough to make you a Christian. Don't you worry.;)

God knows what is in your heart, and from what you say, it sounds as if you are a genuine Christian. As for denomination - just look at the way I have defined my Religion......hehe; I'm not sure which hole to stick my square peg in. After all, it is only a 'label'; Christian is fine...........

I see from your profile you don't mention your age; Is that the cause of your shyness ? - perhaps you could find a friend with whom to go to church, if you feel you want to go.......whichever way, try not to worry about it. Shyness is difficult, I know.


Blood Stone said:
I'm relatively new to Christianity. I've tried a few churches but I was too shy to stay... I'm not too good with people. But I practice what's writen in the Bible and I pray regularily and worship in private and obviously believe in Jesus as saviour.

So... I don't belong to a particular denomination? What type of Christian could I call myself? Am I even considered a Christian?
I sometimes struggle calling myself one. I have a very high view of what a Christian should be and I am far from it. :( Nonetheless, your efforts seem to indicate to me that you are a Christian.


Blood Stone

New Member
Thanks guys and in reply to michel I have a friend who I went to church with a few times. He goes to a church that... well they like lots of singing and dancing and generally having fun. I really didn't fit in too well but they were very welcoming non-the less. I guess my lack of knowledge of Christianity scared me since I went there knowing virtually nothing about it. All I knew was that God loved me.

After a while of not going to this particular church the same friend asked if I'd like to attend a service with a special guest speaker in a different church. I agreed to go with him and met the speaker. He was a Bishop and I was very pleased to meet him and the entire church was very welcoming and I went to the same church with my friend the next day to attend regular Sunday services. It seemed more like my thing since we sat there and listened to the speaker, sang a few hymns and it was a more comfortable environment for me.

But then my friend went back to his regular church and I lost my cool and stopped going. I hope to return some day when my confidence returns... hope they don't think any less of me for not going anymore. Oh and as for my age... I'm 17. I sort of hope this forum can become a kind of church for me so I can expand my knowledge and hopefully go back to regular church with no fear.



I'd call you non-denominational christian... except that has weird connotations for me. Probably just christian.


Well-Known Member
Yes, definetely, a christian is simply one who has trusted in what Jesus did on the cross to pay for his sins is true and accepted the free gift. Most denominations believe the fundamentals, i.e. the blood atonement, virgin birth, deity of Christ, His bodily death and resurrection, and His second coming, although there are some differences on other more minor issues. Of course the love and vibrance of the folks is important, but, doctrine, how do their teachings line up with the word of God, is very important when choosing a church. Don't fall into the error of, well, their music is really cool although some of the things they do don't seem to fit what the Bible says quite right. Be sure they teach sound doctrine, and study for yourself to be sure you know what you believe is sound doctrine and find a church that is in line with that. I personaly have felt quite at home in many different churches that would be called main-line denominations, like baptist, methodist, lutheran, presbyterian, etc., or non-denomination or a 'grace', or 'community church', or whatever they want to call themselves, or if they have a traditional or contemporary style worship service. If they lift up Jesus and teach salvation by grace, (undeserved favor and pardon given freely to all who would ask), you should be ok. Just be sure you know your Bible and use that to test their teachings. Ya don't wanna end up in a David Koresh cult or some other weird 'fringe' movement. Hope that helps some.



Blood Stone

New Member
joeboonda said:
Yes, definetely, a christian is simply one who has trusted in what Jesus did on the cross to pay for his sins is true and accepted the free gift. Most denominations believe the fundamentals, i.e. the blood atonement, virgin birth, deity of Christ, His bodily death and resurrection, and His second coming, although there are some differences on other more minor issues. Of course the love and vibrance of the folks is important, but, doctrine, how do their teachings line up with the word of God, is very important when choosing a church. Don't fall into the error of, well, their music is really cool although some of the things they do don't seem to fit what the Bible says quite right. Be sure they teach sound doctrine, and study for yourself to be sure you know what you believe is sound doctrine and find a church that is in line with that. I personaly have felt quite at home in many different churches that would be called main-line denominations, like baptist, methodist, lutheran, presbyterian, etc., or non-denomination or a 'grace', or 'community church', or whatever they want to call themselves, or if they have a traditional or contemporary style worship service. If they lift up Jesus and teach salvation by grace, (undeserved favor and pardon given freely to all who would ask), you should be ok. Just be sure you know your Bible and use that to test their teachings. Ya don't wanna end up in a David Koresh cult or some other weird 'fringe' movement. Hope that helps some.



From my sociology lessons I've learned to be very cautious of sects like the one David Koresh started. Thanks for the replies everyone. I think the second church I went to was definitely one I'd like to return to some day. The teaching was nice and clear and I found myself agreeing with what was being said.

fromthe heart

Well-Known Member
Blood Stone said:
I'm relatively new to Christianity. I've tried a few churches but I was too shy to stay... I'm not too good with people. But I practice what's writen in the Bible and I pray regularily and worship in private and obviously believe in Jesus as saviour.

So... I don't belong to a particular denomination? What type of Christian could I call myself? Am I even considered a Christian?
If you believe in Jesus and practice the religion He taught then you are a Christian...it means Christ-like...Perhaps you just haven't found the right church where folks welcome new brothers and sisters to the church. It's not important to have to say I'm Catholic-Baptist-LDS_Jewish...what counts is what's in your heart. Be true to yourself the rest will follow.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Blood Stone...

Don't sweat "choosing" a church. The Spirit will direct you and IF you are open to his will, you will know when you get there. It's sorta like the church choosing you. :D

Stick with reading the scriptures. Look for a church that eschews traditions but holds to the teachings of the scriptures instead. You can't go wrong that way!


Oldest Heretic
Blood Stone said:
From my sociology lessons I've learned to be very cautious of sects like the one David Koresh started. Thanks for the replies everyone. I think the second church I went to was definitely one I'd like to return to some day. The teaching was nice and clear and I found myself agreeing with what was being said.
Sounds sensible to me.
Be suspicious of any church that does the big sell. That is not Christ was about.

Are you more comfortable when there are lots of people in the church or Just a few.
Evening services are usually less attended, so are weekday communions or very early or late ones.
Look at that churches time table, choose a service, a quiet spot and enjoy the service.
You will soon find a few like minds, so don't be too shy, If they are like you they will be to.
If you prefer to be lost in a crowd chose the sunday morning service for starters. any church worth their salt will have welcomers,
though they will know, just say you are new and don't know anyone and they should introduce you to one or two.
If they are reading the messages right they will suggest you sit with them.
Every one was new once.
I don't know if you are a boy or Girl, But it makes no difference in church. so don't worry about going alone.

Blessed are the pure of heart, they shall behold their God.