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Did England realy loose in Americas Indepenentce


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Americans all speak fluent English
In a way it is a victory if you think of Britain as more than a polity. In a way Britain is a religion and not merely a polity, and it still feels like a religious center. A lot of our legal tradition is inherited from Britain. People here have what I would consider religious feelings about that place. You might call it a tourist impulse, but its a sort of pilgrim impulse, too. I'm not describing it well. Britain feels legendary to us: storybook.

The Revolutionary War was very sad, and while it was a victory it was also tragic for most people. I think most people here wanted to remain connected to the island.


New Member
In a way it is a victory if you think of Britain as more than a polity. In a way Britain is a religion and not merely a polity, and it still feels like a religious center. A lot of our legal tradition is inherited from Britain. People here have what I would consider religious feelings about that place. You might call it a tourist impulse, but its a sort of pilgrim impulse, too. I'm not describing it well. Britain feels legendary to us: storybook.

The Revolutionary War was very sad, and while it was a victory it was also tragic for most people. I think most people here wanted to remain connected to the island.
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator from the Republic of Genoa who completed four Spanish-based voyages across the Atlantic Ocean sponsored by the Catholic Monarchs,

Englie slorter Columus :eek:


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Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator from the Republic of Genoa who completed four Spanish-based voyages across the Atlantic Ocean sponsored by the Catholic Monarchs,

Englie slorter Columus :eek:
Spain was once the unquestioned master of the seas. The British had a wicked fast navy built of smaller ships which managed to outmaneuver the larger Spanish armada ships. In 1588 Spain (conquered in a very disappointing navy battle) ceased to be the controlling power over the oceans. The lands that Columbus encountered on his way to India were being successfully colonized by Spain, however Spain no longer controlled the seas. Therefore Britain, France and others were successfully starting other colonies. The Spanish crown was obsessed with silver and gold extraction, and so it focused upon areas where those resources could be found. Its colonies appeared wherever there were rumors of gold. British colonies appeared in other places and relied upon other kinds of resources such as sugar. In N. America they traded in furs. The British idea was to have colonists pay taxes. Instead of mines they had colonists and traders. In addition the British funded piracy, and Britain's pirates plagued Spanish ships making their voyages much less profitable. The Spanish conquest, at first very rapid and successful, slowed down as various actors identified its weaknesses and leeched its strength.


New Member
Spain was once the unquestioned master of the seas. The British had a wicked fast navy built of smaller ships which managed to outmaneuver the larger Spanish armada ships. In 1588 Spain (conquered in a very disappointing navy battle) ceased to be the controlling power over the oceans. The lands that Columbus encountered on his way to India were being successfully colonized by Spain, however Spain no longer controlled the seas. Therefore Britain, France and others were successfully starting other colonies. The Spanish crown was obsessed with silver and gold extraction, and so it focused upon areas where those resources could be found. Its colonies appeared wherever there were rumors of gold. British colonies appeared in other places and relied upon other kinds of resources such as sugar. In N. America they traded in furs. The British idea was to have colonists pay taxes. Instead of mines they had colonists and traders. In addition the British funded piracy, and Britain's pirates plagued Spanish ships making their voyages much less profitable. The Spanish conquest, at first very rapid and successful, slowed down as various actors identified its weaknesses and leeched its strength.
Englie laws , englie speak , christian , means Englie people was war and won :eek:


Well-Known Member
Americans all speak fluent English
Well, I'm not sure about "fluent" but I take your point. :cool:

Regardless, the American War of Independence wasn't about what language was spoken, it was about rulership of the land, and ultimately about ownership of the money and resources coming from it. In the end, the British withdrew, primarily due to the cost of fighting a distant war that showed no signs of ending soon, and the Treat of Paris granted American independence.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not sure about "fluent" but I take your point. :cool:

Regardless, the American War of Independence wasn't about what language was spoken, it was about rulership of the land, and ultimately about ownership of the money and resources coming from it. In the end, the British withdrew, primarily due to the cost of fighting a distant war that showed no signs of ending soon, and the Treat of Paris granted American independence.
The America Revolution was the end of monarchy rule and the beginning of the freedoms implicit of human rights. Humans had been under monarchy rule, with large overbearing central government, based on entitlements of a few bloodlines, since the beginning of civilization.

America was a victory for the common man who had been stuck as serfs and slaves, with no upward mobility, due to the class system implicit of monarchy rule. America was an experiment in freedom and human rights, via no monarchy and less government over reach. We have no king, and the President, can rise from the bottom; Lincoln, but still be up for reelection every four years, instead being installed as a blood line forever.

However, there are still those who wish to return to big government over reach, and form a new version of monarchy rule; dual justice, that keeps spoiling the freedom experiment.

The free market grows wealth, while Big Government creates unthinkable debt. This entitled boneheads lording over others, getting in the way of human rights, by obligating all to compounding debt with programs that divide us. We are back to taxation without representation, which was what started the Revolutionary War. If polled, the tax payers, would not want debt stop and decrease, and for government to live within its means. But we are still taxed and have no say about the debt. It is this regression element of America that gives the country a bad name.

The dual injustice system of the Biden Administration is a throwback to the monarchy of the entitled, with everyone else having no say or you will be railroaded. I would like to see a fourth branch of government connected to the tax payers. They will have representation at the table for all budget meetings and sign offs of spending bills. Taxation with representation.

Unfortunately the con artist in power have the citizens fighting each other, over petty thing, so then cannot organize and take back the country of the free. We get get divided 50/50 but need 2/3 to take back freedom which is cannot happen. A Constitutional Convention may be what the Country needs to restore the spirit of "76".


Veteran Member
Americans all speak fluent English
Loose? Do you mean lose?

Americas? Do you mean America's?

Indepenentce? Do you mean Independence?

Are you American? :laughing:

Ah no, you're British of course. Just Theorist/Sustainer/zerogain/jes-us back, yet again. :rolleyes:

And now...gone! Again.
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