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Did Jesus practice the occult?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Sounds ironic yet in the stories, Jesus did engage in numberology, psychic prophecy, and performed feats of raising the dead and such. It does hint of occult type practices and or influences. Wonder what thoughts, if any, are on it?


Premium Member
I don't have any. I've always been told and have read that Jesus practiced Judaism and so did the Apostles.
I suppose I can see why people might see something like that, but I don't agree with it.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I don't have any. I've always been told and have read that Jesus practiced Judaism and so did the Apostles.
I suppose I can see why people might see something like that, but I don't agree with it.

They're hardly mutually exclusive. Besides, if all parties are honest even the Phelps family praying is occultism. It's just the line between psychology and myth.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
Being God and using the powers that go along with that=/=practicing the occult. Numerology is also not a uniquely occult thing; numbers have symbolism for different people based on history, culture and literary ideas.


Sounds ironic yet in the stories, Jesus did engage in numberology, psychic prophecy, and performed feats of raising the dead and such. It does hint of occult type practices and or influences. Wonder what thoughts, if any, are on it?

Absolutely he did.


Did Jesus practice the occult?

Sounds ironic yet in the stories, Jesus did engage in numberology, psychic prophecy, and performed feats of raising the dead and such. It does hint of occult type practices and or influences. Wonder what thoughts, if any, are on it?

Doesn't sound ironic to me. Magic and Sorcery are practiced by the Hebrew throughout Tanakh.

He was accused of calling out demons by calling on Beelzebub Lord of demons. That would be a Sorcery charge.

The word translated as "carpenter" is actually "crafter" and in the related Aramaic goes back to Sorcerer.

And (if you agree these sources are about him) the Talmud calls him a Sorcerer.



Agnostic Pantheist
Practicing the Occult, as in practicing the knowledge of the hidden?
Well, let's look at the narrative. Jesus altering reality wondrously (some would say miraculously, and some magically). Whether by walking on water, raising the dead, changing water into wine, or duplicating bread and fish, and of course healing the people.
Jesus going into the desert to confront his demons, and as he encounters Satan who offers him to rule the earth, he goes through the Dark Night of the Soul, and emerges prepared for his mission.
Jesus calmly drawing a circle in the sand, is just beautiful in my opinion considering the Biblical scene. Theoretically we can also speculate about the meaning or intention behind this action.
Jesus stressing the importance of the abilities of the True Self (you can move mountains) over dogma (the Son of Man is the Master of the Sabbath).

From the above and many other examples one can draw their own conclusion, of course within the frame of personal opinions of what constitute the occult. Is the question if Jesus dabbled with talismans, petty rituals summoning spirits, and other forms of folk magic or popular sorcery? Then I would say not according to the narrative of the gospels, where Jesus is trying to walk in the footsteps of the prophets who all had tasks concerning their people, to carry a message, to rebuke, to preform miracles, to heal. Jesus loved a good moral of the story, more than the pursuit of technical esoteric knowledge.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
Doesn't sound ironic to me. Magic and Sorcery are practiced by the Hebrew throughout Tanakh.

He was accused of calling out demons by calling on Beelzebub Lord of demons. That would be a Sorcery charge.

The word translated as "carpenter" is actually "crafter" and in the related Aramaic goes back to Sorcerer.

And (if you agree these sources are about him) the Talmud calls him a Sorcerer.


Your middle two statements are inaccurate.

The first and last statements are obviously the results of perception, not necessarily reality. Do you know of any verified methods in sorcery? The writers of the Talmud likely had no idea what they were even referring to.


Get me off of this planet
Blood rituals, witch craft, consorting with the dead, bringing the dead back to life, turning water
into wine, walking on water and coming back to life.


Sounds ironic yet in the stories, Jesus did engage in numberology, psychic prophecy, and performed feats of raising the dead and such. It does hint of occult type practices and or influences. Wonder what thoughts, if any, are on it?

My thoughts...Jesus never practiced the occult.

Jesus answered him, “I spoke openly to the world. I always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where the Jews always meet, and in secret I have said nothing. John 18:20


Avid JW Bible Student
Occult means 'hidden'. The source of Jesus' power was never hidden, therefore Jesus did not practice with 'occult' powers. He clearly indicated that his power came from the true God and was duly authorized by him.

The devil and his demons on the other hand, hide themselves behind seemingly innocuous avenues for demonstrating their 'unauthorized' (or hidden) power over humans. These humans willingly follow him like sheep to the slaughter. They are fascinated by the "unknown" spirit world; confusing spirituality with spiritism, leads them into a trap. Seances, nature worship, horoscopes, spirit guides, guardian angels, fortune tellers, spirit mediums, NDE's and a multitude of other kinds of trickery are used to lure the unsuspecting into a web of evil masquerading as good. Deception is how the devil hides his true identity. This is "occult".

All will be revealed before God deals with those who treat him with disrespect and disobedience. A day of judgment is coming. He is giving everyone a chance to see and respond to the truth.

2 Pet 3:9, 10 "The Lord is not late in fulfilling his promise, as some regard lateness, but is patient toward you, not willing that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the Day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a rushing noise, the elements will melt in the intense heat, and the earth and the works in it will be exposed." (Mounce Interlinear)

2 pet 3:8-10 MOUNCE - But do not let this one thing escape - Bible Gateway


Occult means 'hidden'. The source of Jesus' power was never hidden, therefore Jesus did not practice with 'occult' powers. He clearly indicated that his power came from the true God and was duly authorized by him.

He said he was teaching different/deeper things to his disciples, then he was to the public. So obviously he taught hidden things.



Avid JW Bible Student
He said he was teaching different/deeper things to his disciples, then he was to the public. So obviously he taught hidden things.

Did he? Do you have the chapter and verse to demonstrate this?
What did Jesus have to hide? He had a message to share with the world but the Jews who became his apostles were specially chosen for training to carry on the work that he started. Jews, Samaritans and gentiles all eventually heard his message....nothing of importance to 'the public' was 'hidden' but there were things that he shared with his closest companions that he obviously did not share with others. Don't you do the same?

"Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. 2 And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son." (Heb 1:1, 2)

Many of 'the public' to whom Jesus and his apostles preached, became disciples, so what was he hiding?


My thoughts...Jesus never practiced the occult.

Jesus answered him, “I spoke openly to the world. I always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where the Jews always meet, and in secret I have said nothing. John 18:20

Except that Jesus said to the disciples, that he taught the people in parables, so that "hearing they may not understand", but he explained his parables to his disciples in secret.

As to the OP, first one would have to define what they mean by occult. According to some definitions I've seen, I'd have to say yes, Jesus did practice the occult, but according to other definitions, the answer would be changed to no, he did not.

From an objective viewpoint, there definitely seemed to be some mystical/occult thing going on with Jesus, IMO.