You simply amaze me.
I just can't be dishonest and often blurt out what I think, sometimes to my injury.
I dislike being rude also, to anyone, especially when putting things in writing even on the net.
One never knows when something could come back to bit ones butt.
That said, you simply amaze me with your knowledge. You post information that to me is so vital that
I must investigate.
One don't know what one don't know, I love knowing.
Opinions are often interesting but facts are beyond dispute and one must accept facts even if those facts
prove that one is wrong about something held dear.
I've learned over the years that humans are a million forms of self deception and many haven't the courage to
entertain that facts prove them wrong. People will twist 2 + 2 = 4 if such interferes with self image.
Humans are such odd creatures sometimes.
Most odd are those that take biblical scripture so far out of context that they will play with rattlesnakes
to demonstrate faith. Wow.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
Alcoholics Anonymous page 380 ( since moved to pg. 570)
Spencer was a very widely known English philosopher, scientist, theologin during the 1800's. He was also among the creators of the field of sociology. He was among the greatest minds of Victorian England.
(I understand about posting out of quotes.)
You simply amaze me.
I just can't be dishonest and often blurt out what I think, sometimes to my injury.
I dislike being rude also, to anyone, especially when putting things in writing even on the net.
One never knows when something could come back to bit ones butt.
That said, you simply amaze me with your knowledge. You post information that to me is so vital that
I must investigate.
One don't know what one don't know, I love knowing.
Opinions are often interesting but facts are beyond dispute and one must accept facts even if those facts
prove that one is wrong about something held dear.
I've learned over the years that humans are a million forms of self deception and many haven't the courage to
entertain that facts prove them wrong. People will twist 2 + 2 = 4 if such interferes with self image.
Humans are such odd creatures sometimes.
Most odd are those that take biblical scripture so far out of context that they will play with rattlesnakes
to demonstrate faith. Wow.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
Alcoholics Anonymous page 380 ( since moved to pg. 570)
Spencer was a very widely known English philosopher, scientist, theologin during the 1800's. He was also among the creators of the field of sociology. He was among the greatest minds of Victorian England.
(I understand about posting out of quotes.)