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Did Jesus say he was God???

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
And you seriously think this is what I or any Christian believe?

Why would you think it's all about you or other Christians.....?

Did you not consider the Jews?

This taken from a Catholic Source...

Blasphemy, by reason of the significance of the words with which it is expressed, may be of three kinds.

  1. It is heretical when the insult to God involves a declaration that is against faith, as in the assertion: "God is cruel and unjust" or "The noblest work of man is God".
  2. It is imprecatory when it would cry a malediction upon the Supreme Being as when one would say: "Away with God".
  3. It is simply contumacious when it is wholly made up of contempt of, or indignation towards, God, as in the blasphemy of Julian the Apostate: "Thou has conquered, O Galilaean".
(emphasis mine)

Seems his definition was sufficient enough to be almost identical to what "Christians believe" considering I got this from a Christian site.....Weather you agree or not is another subject altogether.

See also:
CatholicReference.net : Catholic Dictionary : BLASPHEMY


Active Member
do not apply because they have not studied the text and rely on a uneducated stance on the subject.

when one searches for historical jesus a conservative view doesnt cut it. The same applies to the NT gospels.

either you do the work right or you dont.

The Jesus Seminar, Jesus, and Higher Criticism


The Jesus Seminar, Jesus, and Higher Criticism part Two

just as some examples.

Redaction and Higher Criticism is just a fancy way for atheists to think they can discredit God's Word. My Personal Experience with the Higher Criticism--By Professor J. J. Reeve

Read the one immediately above, if you don't read the other excellent commentary

not nom

Well-Known Member

"There is no need to criticize the authenticity of the Scriptures when we can know that God was behind the scenes directing and guiding men in what to record."

because it says so in the text. well wow, that's what I call water tight reasoning. good to know some people put actual effort into presenting an intellectually honest argument... "got questions?" not originally, but the sophistry of that site does raise a few...

and how come god isn't "behind the scenes" directing the research into the origins of scripture?


Veteran Member
"There is no need to criticize the authenticity of the Scriptures when we can know that God was behind the scenes directing and guiding men in what to record."
and how come god isn't "behind the scenes" directing the research into the origins of scripture?

Isaiah [46vs9,10] apparently concluded about God, as the Author or Originator of the Scriptures, is the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying, 'My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do'.....

Not just that God is the Author [Originator] of Scripture [2nd Tim 3vs16,17],
but despite having many enemies the Bible, although written on fragile paper still survives, even though many ancient writings have been lost through time or just plain forgotten about. With God as Author the origins is that the Bible writers wrote under God's inspiration. [Isaiah 40v8; 1Peter1v25]

Also, no one can get rid of the Bible nor stop the spreading of the good news of God's kingdom on an international scale.-Matthew 24v14.


The Jesus Seminar, Jesus, and Higher Criticism


The Jesus Seminar, Jesus, and Higher Criticism part Two

just as some examples.

Redaction and Higher Criticism is just a fancy way for atheists to think they can discredit God's Word. My Personal Experience with the Higher Criticism--By Professor J. J. Reeve

Read the one immediately above, if you don't read the other excellent commentary

Right, Higher Criticism has absolutely no legitimate basis whatsoever, even the Mainstream Christian scholars who admit the Pastorals weren't by Paul are just trying to discredit G-d's word, there's absolutely no reason to not blindly accept the traditional Orthodox teaching, and if you think there's holes in their story, you're just trying to discredit G-d's word. In fact, don't even bother studying the Church Father texts and the disputes on the traditional canon. Nothing to see here, move along.

Have you read your own articles? Why don't you quote something from them that you feel actually puts the Higher Critics to shame.

Got questions should call itself "Stop asking questions!", their answers are an embarassment. The sheer intellectual dishonesty behind these "traditional" Christian answer sites may be part of why Traditional Christianity is experiencing a free fall to obscurity.
Last edited:


The Jesus Seminar, Jesus, and Higher Criticism


The Jesus Seminar, Jesus, and Higher Criticism part Two

just as some examples.

Redaction and Higher Criticism is just a fancy way for atheists to think they can discredit God's Word. My Personal Experience with the Higher Criticism--By Professor J. J. Reeve

Read the one immediately above, if you don't read the other excellent commentary

what a joke that post was

your religion is afraid of its own shadow and doesnt hold up to examination is all that states.

no one is discrediting gods word through scholarships, its simply laughable the way they run from the truth


Jesus in me
Jesus didn´t declare himself more of a God than any of us.

When asked if he was the son of God his justification was that the scriptures said "you are gods" to humans in general. Then he spoke about his miracles, but he also said people in the future would make bigger miracles than him, so his godhood is not an exclusive one.

Hitler can be considered one with the Father? Perhaps you have a reference where Jesus states that someone else is one with the Father?

However that is not a statement that He is one of the gods; it is only a statement that He can call Himself God.

However this is also God because the Paraclete is God also.


Jesus in me
there's that pesky word again...WE

It isn't pesky if one understands it. "we" is a word that represents a conception of different people. For instance if I say, I and Albert Einsten, we like the teory of relativity, the reality is that Albert einstein is not currently a living person but simply the concept of a person who once lived.

Jesus is simply a concept of God dwelling in a body wheeas the Father is a concept of God everywhere. Those two concepts make a "we" but do not constitute different entities.


Jesus in me
That's a good one, I also like:

And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. Mark 10:18

I don't think it could be much more clear than that, he's literally telling them that he does not have all the qualities of God and thus differentiating the two of them.

However Jesus is not stating that He isn't good. He did not deny the appellation but only questioned whether the person stating it knew what it meant.

Hoever Jesus does state in other places that He is good. If you had read the OP you would see that.


Veteran Member
It isn't pesky if one understands it. "we" is a word that represents a conception of different people. For instance if I say, I and Albert Einsten, we like the teory of relativity, the reality is that Albert einstein is not currently a living person but simply the concept of a person who once lived.

Jesus is simply a concept of God dwelling in a body wheeas the Father is a concept of God everywhere. Those two concepts make a "we" but do not constitute different entities.
in that case you and i can be one...not very likely.

john 17:21
that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.