Greetings Wonderful People of RF,
Did you know that we have a set of "hidden" forums called Private Forums? These forums are for, you guessed it, private discussions between members of that group only. Each of them, and the threads within them, are only visible to the members of that specific group. We currently have the following Private Forums available to join:
- Christians
- The Coven
- Eros Room (for discussion of erotica and human sexuality)
- Islam
- Jewish
- Non-Theists Only
- Rainbow Room (for LGBTQ+ folks and straight allies)
- Survivors Circle (for those dealing with or surviving serious health conditions)
- Theists Only
If you identify with any of these groups and would like to join, please send a message to one of our amazing admins:
@Debater Slayer
Thank you all for making Religious Forums a unique, engaging, and enjoyable place to be!
Did you know that we have a set of "hidden" forums called Private Forums? These forums are for, you guessed it, private discussions between members of that group only. Each of them, and the threads within them, are only visible to the members of that specific group. We currently have the following Private Forums available to join:
- Christians
- The Coven
- Eros Room (for discussion of erotica and human sexuality)
- Islam
- Jewish
- Non-Theists Only
- Rainbow Room (for LGBTQ+ folks and straight allies)
- Survivors Circle (for those dealing with or surviving serious health conditions)
- Theists Only
If you identify with any of these groups and would like to join, please send a message to one of our amazing admins:
@Debater Slayer
Thank you all for making Religious Forums a unique, engaging, and enjoyable place to be!