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Disgusting political ad

Green Gaia

Veteran Member

A dark skinned hand over a white female's face, possibly about to rape the woman?

So the message here is that Democrats want black men to rape your white wife, so you should go vote Republican and stop them?


The flip side of the ad tells us nothing about what vaules it deems to be in jeopardy, but the front side tells us much about the Republican party's values.


Active Member
Yeah, I didn't think "black man raping white woman!" when I saw the ad, either. I agree it's a stupid ad, but it's not racist .


I noticed the hand was darker, but I thought Arab, not African.

"Our Values WILL BE DESTROYED!" - I still can't believe this is the **** American elections are about. lol Come on, people. Get a life. Really.


Well-Known Member
wait, does it say the legacy or Ronald Reagan blah blah blah

gather those things up, all your liberal pinko neighbors, and burn them...please

for me


Veteran Member
I thought the 'continue the legacy of Ronald Reagan' was a bit much. He's dead, and he doesn't have much of a legacy, does he?


Veteran Member
Maize said:

A dark skinned hand over a white female's face, possibly about to rape the woman?

So the message here is that Democrats want black men to rape your white wife, so you should go vote Republican and stop them?

Hey, that's the "genius" of Carl Rove! It's how Bush won every election he's been in. They accused Ann Richards of being a queer in his race for Governor. They accused McCain of fathering black babies in southern states when Bush was running in the presidential primary. And of course the accused Kerry of lying about his war record, and threatened that queers would take over the schools and molest Ohio school children in the last presidential election. These absurd slanders are always made by "covert" groups that Rove and Bush pretend they don't have anything to do with, or control over, yet this covert group only seems to manifest itself during Bush/Rove campaigns. Now Carl Rove is being touted as the "genius" behind winning republican election campaign strategy, so we're seeing the same sort of slander happening in all sorts of republican campaigns. And in some democratic campaigns, too, because the republicans have been so successful with it in the last decade.

What is really sad is that it works.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
beckysoup61 said:
I thought the 'continue the legacy of Ronald Reagan' was a bit much. He's dead, and he doesn't have much of a legacy, does he?

Well, he did help bring down the Berlin Wall... hmm, perhaps the Republicans could learn something from that: bring people together, not drive them further apart by being divisive.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i really dont' think that its supposed to be a minority vs. majority thing. This really didn't strike me as racial. Distasteful yes, racist? no


Well-Known Member
Truthfully - I'm much more afraid of my family values being dictated to me by the Religious Right than having them be decayed by other outlets.

"Family values" is such a tired campaign issue. Either you have them or you don't - and government should have no place in establishing them. For all of their talk about family values, why can you turn on TV at 9PM and see every possible violent deviance, yet nudity is taboo? what's more natural?


Veteran Member
Maize said:

Well, he did help bring down the Berlin Wall... hmm, perhaps the Republicans could learn something from that: bring people together, not drive them further apart by being divisive.

:eek: Yeah, that......I was about 5, if that when that happened, I remember having Bush Sr, and Clinton for presidents in my early years, that's about it.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
CDRaider said:
Yeah, i really dont' think that its supposed to be a minority vs. majority thing. This really didn't strike me as racial. Distasteful yes, racist? no
I don't think it's intent was to be racist, but to rather play on fears about race. A minor point? Probably.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I don't see the black/white racial thing, but I think the add is just another appeal to emotions rather that reason.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
robtex said:
Does anyone have demographic data on who is the target audiance for these ads?

I'd assume they're trying to get the core believers to come out and vote, rather than trying to convert new people to the cause.


Veteran Member
Sunstone said:
I'd assume they're trying to get the core believers to come out and vote, rather than trying to convert new people to the cause.

I will try to search later but by demographics I meant more, geographical location, age, race income, religion education level ect.


Veteran Member
Oh gimme a break. That IS a disgusting ad...anyway you look at it.

Unfortunately, many people don't do their homework where politics is concerned and they fall for the advertising and same old party line garbage...Democrats = big spending and no family values. Republicans = tax cuts and Christianity. It's scary how gullible some people can be concerning politics.


The Feisty Penguin
Wouldn't it be great to have just ONE election where the compains didn't resort to slander? That they came forward with exactly what they were going to do if elected, and the DO IT. Didn't their parents/guardians teach them that lieing and bad-mouthing is wrong?