You have 4 responses to danger. I have experienced all of them before.
Fight, flight,freeze, and fawn.
Thats if you notice the danger of course. Some folk end up in extreme danger and don't notice it. 3 of those responses are self explanatory but fawn isn't. Fawn is submission it's submitting to your attacker and doing what they want. It's conplimenting them, mirroring the attacker, becoming like them, and making yourself a small threat by befriending them.
Sometimes in that split moment multiple reactions may be brought to surface.
Sometimes situations can be prolong lasting months or years.
You talk as if extreme danger is always hit you unexpected, quick. It's not always. And sometimes you may not even realize you in danger till it's too late. But even in the quick unexpected situations...its not clear cut either. Particularly with responses such as freeze. Prayer? Not always possible or even thought of. You just focus on getting out. In many cases i think prayer is in those types of situations often reaction you could have if you hit the flight reaction and can't flee. A way to try and escape even if its impossible. Maybe fawn if the attacker is religious
Edit: what im saying is dangerous situations are complicated. Everyone reacts differently and it really depends on the situation how someone responds. You seem to be simplifying it.