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Do Female Feminists Want to be Treated Like Men?


Veteran Member
No, they just want to be treated with equal respect. They do not claim that men and women are the same, only that men and women are equally valuable and equally worthy and so deserve the same rights as men have.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Is it a lack of respect to hold a door open for a woman ? Believe me, I have been scowled at for doing so on many an occasion lately - as though, by inplication, I am assuming that they are weaker than we men, and thus insult them.

IMO, there is no less value in either sex, compared to the other, but there is a vast difference in abilities. The two complement each other.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I guess it depends on what you mean by "treated" like men..How are men "treated" ?

Also from what I have looked into there are so many variations or "branches" of feminism that the word alone has practically been rendered useless..

Its as complicated as different religious beleifs if you ask me..(well maybe not quite but you get my point)....

I have read some articles by some "feminist" I found highly insulting to me as a woman(or more so the role I have taken in life)..Example one woman would view me as a threat to the general public..to SOCIETY that Im a stay at home mom...that in fact Im ruining my childrens lives..etc..etc...




Depends Upon My Mood..
Is it a lack of respect to hold a door open for a woman ? Believe me, I have been scowled at for doing so on many an occasion lately - as though, by inplication, I am assuming that they are weaker than we men, and thus insult them.

IMO, there is no less value in either sex, compared to the other, but there is a vast difference in abilities. The two complement each other.

This is absolutely rediculous..I consider someone..ANYONE holding the door open for me to be a sign of consideration and respect..I hold the door open for men and women in fact..Its an opprtunity to have a minute of friendly contact with a complete stranger you will most likely never see again...Its a 'mini" social interaction that can brighten an otherwise not so good day..A rank stranger man ..holding the door open for me with a smile is a courteous and friendly gesture..

So men DONT stop..There are other women like me out there that appreciate you..Sorry that you have to put up with some crazies in between..But I will give you a smile ...and a thank you kind sir in response..




Depends Upon My Mood..
Is it a lack of respect to hold a door open for a woman ? Believe me, I have been scowled at for doing so on many an occasion lately - as though, by inplication, I am assuming that they are weaker than we men, and thus insult them.

IMO, there is no less value in either sex, compared to the other, but there is a vast difference in abilities. The two complement each other.

Oh and by the way???..Physically?..I AM much weaker than most men..I am not ashamed of that...I was desinged to be that way..Sure I can open a door for myself..Thats not the point..Its a "courtesy" regardless if Im a body builder that could kick your butt..or a 90lb weakling...




Depends Upon My Mood..
Not to go on about the door thing..Btu in reverse?..When I have opened the door for a man I have only recieved a positive response..

On occasion I will have a man say.."Oh NO you go first"..and he takes the door from me..I smile and say ..."thank you kind sir". and walk through the door...he smiles back..and says "your welcome"..

What in the world is so wrong or insulting about that interaction???Pray tell????

Maybe a new thread should be started.."Why not let men be gentlemen to the ladies"..




Let's go racing boys !
Hey Phil I want to tell you that I like being a woman, and I do not like being treated like one of the boys.....I do enjoy some sports and can be a very good friend to the opposite sex, but I still like all the frills of being a woman.....You know like holding the car door, or the door when I'm entering a building. filling the bathtub for me, pouring my drinks, Holding my arm or my hand when walking......Oh and back rubs and respecting me in the morning (uh, Oh yes! where was I?) Whew, back rubs.... But I do like to be treated like a woman with a brain who can think for her self....I'm thinking another back rub please...;)


Veteran Member
No. I just want to be treated like a human being.
That's where it's at.
What's a female feminist :D
Where does feminine begin and masculine end?
If someone has no Y chromosome should they have a door held open for them, do they want to be treated like a man? If someone has a Y chromosome and a vagina do they want to be treated like a man?
If you're weaker than a woman are you a woman - is gender about strength, are weak people feminine and do they want to be treated like men?

Nanda hit the nail on the head, people want to be treated like human beings, gender just confuses the issue.


Ditto Nanda. Although I'd prefer, I think, being treated in a "male" manner (I hang around alot of men, I'm the only female on our icehockey team etc), rather than in a "female" manner, just because I fit in with slightly more of the male stereotypes than the females ones. But yes, I like being treated as me, I don't see that gender ought to come into it.


Is it a lack of respect to hold a door open for a woman ? Believe me, I have been scowled at for doing so on many an occasion lately - as though, by inplication, I am assuming that they are weaker than we men, and thus insult them.

Try doing it without leering at her breasts and patting her on the bottom on her way through the door. ;)


Does it mean that is they annoy us we can clip em across the ears like we would a man who was annoying us?

I'm of the mindset that you shouldn't be hitting anyone who annoys you, regardless of their gender. It shows an incredible lack of self control.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Try doing it without leering at her breasts and patting her on the bottom on her way through the door. ;)

What do you mean without leering at her breasts or patting her bottom???? Alceste, you're just being difficult!