I live in a lil hick billy southern town in florida... I don't know anything about the appalachia's, but down here hillbilly's can be dangerous. But you know... on the same note, the "ghetto," down here can be just as dangerous you know...
But anyways, I have seen people with my own eyes here that are beyond "deliverance"... I mean, they looked more like "The Hills Have Eyes," quality. My boyfriend and I love field herpetoculture (-sp?), in other words, we go and roam the woods and look for snakes and photo them. If we find venemous snakes we relocate them away from people.
There is a little small community nearby that goes way far out into the wilderness. There are some houses way far back that I bet don't get electricity. The place is a dump. The people ruined the woods. There is everything from refrigeratrors to boats to all kinds of trash just thrown all over the place. My boyfriend explores all through the place, and has been since he was little, and we still find places that he has never gone before back there. So... not too long ago we managed to lose ourselve in a part of HootOwl Ridge that we'd never been before. We didn't think there were any houses out as far as we were, and we had no idea that the dirt road we were going up was actually a drive-way until we saw the skulls. There were animal skulls in the trees. All sorts of animal skulls. We went a little further since we didn't see any people and we saw the house. It looked like an average mobile home, but there were bones everywhere! And there were some on stakes in the ground. We high tailed it outa there keepin an eye out for tire spikes in the dirt. We plan on going back and being a lil sneakier and getting some pictures so everyone won't think we're crazy.
Another time at night we stumbled upon two people discussing an upcoming KKK meeting. We had seen the artwork of the members sons I'm assuming, but we had no idea they stil gathered until then. Sure enough the usually scarce traffic was teeming by the time we got to the mouth of the place and back out to the highway. The only thing scarier than freaky-fied hillbillys is a gathering of extremist hillbillies in white robes
Another time we actually saw the barrel of a shotgun through the glass of a door, and the young girl holding it pointed at us as we drove by. Once agian... something I considered to be just gibber-jabber confirmed.
I am not "scared" to go into uncivilized places, but I must tell you as you probably already know, people are wierd. People who don't interact with others on a regular basis can be even wierder than normal. Don't underestimate or overestimate, and do not simply dismiss the warnings you are given just because they sound like something outa a movie. Movies can be the source of "the wierd ones" twisted creativity. I mean, you got a nut who has killed animals before and tortured them, he watches a torture horror movie, and then realizes it is time to graduate to a human... and he just got a new fun way to torture the person. That's a lil extreme, but I'm sure it's not too far-fetched. Sometimes where you get waylaid might mean the difference between getting shot in the chest or flayed alive. I'd go play with a drug dealer before I'd go play with a hillbilly... personally.
Just recently a woman got abducted on Blood Mountian Trail did she not??? I will find a link to the news about it....