I say yes, because the bible says so. Ecclesiastes 12:7, King James Bible
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
There is much to think about concerning your question.
Does Ecclesiastes really prove that mankind has a spirit, or does this Scripture prove that God's spirit was on them, and a their death, it RETURNED to God who gave it.
Notice that humans are made up of three parts, 1Thessalonians 5:23, the body, the soul, and the spirit. The person cannot live if either of these are missing.
Notice, when God created Adam He formed Adam from the dust of the ground, then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. The Hebrew word used here for the breath of life is Ruah, which also means Spirit, so we see the three parts that make up man, but notice that Adam became a living SOUL, he was not given a soul.
This term Ruah is also used when speaking about animals, Ecclesiastes 3:19.
Along with those Scriptures, add Psalms 104:29,30.
Put together with those, Job 34:14,15, which says that if God takes away HIS SPIRIT, all flesh dies together.
So when a man dies the Spirit, which God showers down on all living things, RETURNS to God who gave it, Ecclesiastes 12:7.
Does man have a spirit or is it rather, loaned to man, actually radiated down on all living things, and a death, returnes to God, who gave it??? Agape!!!