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Do people give off religious/spiritual energy?


OK. First post! Not sure where to put this thread. Anyway, this is one of those "100 questions you always wanted to ask" but nobody will ever answer it:

In my life I have only ever met one person who has given off what I will call spiritual energy - I don't like that term but it will do. She is a woman in her 60's who had been in the past religious, I was told. I think that it was some sort of Christian religion. Anyway, people said to me that she exuded a sense of calm/peace. When I was around her I had to agree with that. It was impossible for me to be angry or uptight when I was speaking to her.

So my question is: when people meet "religious" leaders such as the Pope, Dalai Lama etc do they exude any sort of energy of peace, love or anything else. I've never been near any of them so I don't know. I would even take it broader than "religion" and include people like a Queen or Timothy Leary. Even someone like that Levay [?] person who heads the US church of Satan would be relevant to this question.

Is there any energy? Or is there just a blank space? I have to admit that if I ever did get near any of these people and there was no energy I would be in a way disappointed. This is a weird question OK. But if you feel in tune with the question then please answer!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Nope. Not that I know of. That is, I've noticed that some very "together" people seem to exude a certain kind of spiritual charisma, or something along those lines. But I don't think it qualifies as a separate form of energy. The notion of "spiritual energy" strikes me as all metaphor, no fact.


Premium Member
I think that everyone gives off energy. I do not think it is limited to "spiritual" or "religious" people.

It is my understanding that everything vibrates -- actually -- people included.

I think the quality of what is given off varies between people, and changes from time to time. I think the term "vibe" is referring to something that is real. Although, how well any one of us might interpret a "vibe" may be subject to who's doing the perceiving and reporting.

I think what is often referred to as "holy" or "peaceful" energy, has to do with a particular quality. I think people also, at times, give off a negative vibe -- which I think of as being as "real" as a pleasant one.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think that everyone gives off energy. I do not think it is limited to "spiritual" or "religious" people.

It is my understanding that everything vibrates -- actually -- people included.

I think the quality of what is given off varies between people, and changes from time to time. I think the term "vibe" is referring to something that is real. Although, how well any one of us might interpret a "vibe" may be subject to who's doing the perceiving and reporting.

I think what is often referred to as "holy" or "peaceful" energy, has to do with a particular quality. I think people also, at times, give off a negative vibe -- which I think of as being as "real" as a pleasant one.

That was interesting. I don't agree with you, but it's a very interesting perspective, and I think it's pretty close to the perspective one of my best friends has, only you've articulated it a bit better than she usually does. At least three quarters of the time, I understand what she's referring to when she says things like "Barb's sending out bad vibes today". I'd just use different words to describe it.


Veteran Member
I take a lot from the idea that when you look at the face of a newborn you are looking at the face of God. I know that when my kids were born I felt like I was looking at infinity. I 'feel' a spiritual energy from people who have reconciled themselves with their being. My grandfather in his old age came to terms, in a very practical way, with his mortality. Even though it is quite a few years since he departed this world I still feel the ripples of his energy.


What? Me worry?
Since my wife sees auras around people (has since was a little girl and believes everyone sees them) I would have to say we all are constantly giving off energy of some type. (I try to change my aura color by holding my breath just to tick her off.)


Well-Known Member
I do think that you can get a "vibe" from somebody, but I'd be inclined to look at this as a mental/body language thing rather than a spiritual thing.

Somebody who is very wise will probably be measured in their speech and body language. You are likely to pick up on this subconsciously and "feel" that person's wisdom. Similarly, somebody who is untrustworthy might exhibit cautious, uncomfortable body language. You can't help but be suspicious of them.

Celebrities are a little different. People build up an image of a celebrity in their head. When they meet the celebrity in question, they're confronted by a constructed image of what they think the celebrity should be. Hence the pope, the queen and so on might immediately stand out as a regal and wise leader to one person and a doddering old fool to another. It's only if you meet that person in a more mundane setting that the illusion is shattered. They say "don't meet your idols" for a reason.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
People do exude energy. I think that what your'e describing as "spiritual energy" is a strong energy that is mostly "in phase." It resonates, like the walls will resonate at a certain frequency. This is why bells ring and you can get a tone out of rubbing the rim of a crystal glass. The more in phase and resonant with the surface, the louder the sound. The person you describe resonates with you. I think she's "in tune" with her deepest truth, and that resonates with your deepest truth.

There is a resonant frequency to the universe. I don't remember where I learned that, but it makes sense, since all atoms have a resonance "signature."

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Somebody who is very wise will probably be measured in their speech and body language. You are likely to pick up on this subconsciously and "feel" that person's wisdom. Similarly, somebody who is untrustworthy might exhibit cautious, uncomfortable body language. You can't help but be suspicious of them.

The non-verbal stuff like body language is highly significant when forming initial impressions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonverbal_communication#Importance

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
OK. First post! Not sure where to put this thread. Anyway, this is one of those "100 questions you always wanted to ask" but nobody will ever answer it:

In my life I have only ever met one person who has given off what I will call spiritual energy - I don't like that term but it will do. She is a woman in her 60's who had been in the past religious, I was told. I think that it was some sort of Christian religion. Anyway, people said to me that she exuded a sense of calm/peace. When I was around her I had to agree with that. It was impossible for me to be angry or uptight when I was speaking to her.

So my question is: when people meet "religious" leaders such as the Pope, Dalai Lama etc do they exude any sort of energy of peace, love or anything else. I've never been near any of them so I don't know. I would even take it broader than "religion" and include people like a Queen or Timothy Leary. Even someone like that Levay [?] person who heads the US church of Satan would be relevant to this question.

Is there any energy? Or is there just a blank space? I have to admit that if I ever did get near any of these people and there was no energy I would be in a way disappointed. This is a weird question OK. But if you feel in tune with the question then please answer!
I wonder if its impressions that reflect your own spirituality that two people can share?


Veteran Member
Every being gives of energy, but it certainly isn't religious, it could be said to be spiritual, but then what does that really mean, does that then becomes reduced to a religious belief ?.