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Do you know anybody who you want to prove the paranormal to real bad?


Active Member
Well it would be interesting if something could be proved.

It will take quite a bit because my standards for believability is exceedingly high.
If you live in Arizona or Alaska you could come with me and my team sometime.

I’ve seen the bravest guys turn and run hehe that’s always a hoot.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I’ve seen the bravest guys turn and run hehe that’s always a hoot.
I believe in the creeps (having had the experience), but the creeps is a response in humans to particular situations which at some relevant point in our evolution threatened particular danger, almost certainly connected with human or animal enemies in the night. It implies that there are various situations where you're more likely to survive if you're frightened and inclined to run away.

But it seems blatant to me that the supernatural, not unlike the creeps, exists only in individual brains, not out there in reality.

Of course, if you have examinable evidence to the contrary, demonstrating to the satisfaction of our proverbial impartial but informed onlooker that supernatural critters of some kind are out there, please lay it on us.


Active Member
I believe in the creeps (having had the experience), but the creeps is a response in humans to particular situations which at some relevant point in our evolution threatened particular danger, almost certainly connected with human or animal enemies in the night. It implies that there are various situations where you're more likely to survive if you're frightened and inclined to run away.

But it seems blatant to me that the supernatural, not unlike the creeps, exists only in individual brains, not out there in reality.

Of course, if you have examinable evidence to the contrary, demonstrating to the satisfaction of our proverbial impartial but informed onlooker that supernatural critters of some kind are out there, please lay it on us.
Nothing you wouldn’t find a reason not to believe but I’ve seen enough and experienced enough to erase any doubt.

I could give you hundreds of hours of audio recordings or a couple of hours of video evidence but it’s nothing scientifically conclusive.

You can find the same thing on YouTube.

You kind of have to witness it yourself to get a feel for it.

Perhaps one day I will get conclusive proof which is why I do it but it also helps people when they call our team in to investigate something spooky and I can tell them that no they don’t have a ghost they have a drafty window or a squirrel in the attic.

Some places though are simply just straight up haunted and some are just evil. We investigated a place in Arizona called the tunnels and I led as always, our camera guy was behind me and the sound guy behind him.

We walked through and came out the other side uneventfully but when the camera guy shined the light on me they both just froze.

I had imprints on both of my arms of hands as if someone behind me had been squeezing me hard enough to leave marks.

None of us saw anything while in the tunnel, I didn’t bump anything and there was nothing on video but something put them there.

Ghosts and poltergeists don’t or can’t physically harm a person only demons can, at least those are how we classify most paranormal entities so it was obviously very freaky.

Never went back there.


Active Member
Thanks anyway for your reply.

Sounds like a good idea.

Were these marks bruises? Or what? How did you get rid of them?
Grab your bicep on your arm and squeeze it for like 20 seconds then let go and see the red imprint it leaves.

That’s what I had and they faded after about five minutes of noticing them. My video guy had me on camera right before we exited the tunnel because I always stop and announce that we are leaving the area and nothing can follow us then he shut off the camera and we walked out. He still had the light on the camera on as we exited so we could see and that’s when they noticed it.

So in the 15 seconds or so from me saying don’t follow us to exiting the tunnel something grabbed me by the arms.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
If you live in Arizona or Alaska you could come with me and my team sometime.

I’ve seen the bravest guys turn and run hehe that’s always a hoot.
I would love stuff like that. Not the first time I hunted for the supernatural or paranormal and it would be immensely fun to be scared.

Too bad we were not closer for a real life excursion as I'd take you up on such an offer and it would be fun , not adversarial in any personal manner as there would be a mutual interest in the subject. It's just I would approach it more scientifically than say a psychic medium would approach it with personal intuition.

As hardline skeptic I am, I do find the subject of unusual phenomenon amazing as I think anything unexplainable is worth investigating as im with those who think there is so much to discover yet that is out there. :0)

I wanted to experiment with the Devils toy box for example by building one and monitoring the inside, but my better half won't let me! Heh.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Lots of creepy stuff in Alaska and not a lot of investigating has been done up there.
Especially Portlock village in Alaska. The killer Bigfoot is said to roam there.

Personally , I'd be more concerned about the bears and moose. I wouldn't go there without being adequately armed.


Active Member
I would love stuff like that. Not the first time I hunted for the supernatural or paranormal and it would be immensely fun to be scared.

Too bad we were not closer for a real life excursion as I'd take you up on such an offer and it would be fun , not adversarial in any personal manner as there would be a mutual interest in the subject. It's just I would approach it more scientifically than say a psychic medium would approach it with personal intuition.

As hardline skeptic I am, I do find the subject of unusual phenomenon amazing as I think anything unexplainable is worth investigating as im with those who think there is so much to discover yet that is out there. :0)

I wanted to experiment with the Devils toy box for example by building one and monitoring the inside, but my better half won't let me! Heh.
Yeah don’t do that.

And you need to go in as a skeptic and rely on evidence you collect which more often than not is nothing.

But once in awhile when you are asking questions and play back the recording and get an answer it’s pretty cool.

You usually can’t hear it without very good recording equipment. There’s been very little legitimate research into this area so my focus is trying to identify different types of paranormal activity to classify them.

I’m at four so far.

Still nothing that could be considered proof in a scientific way so far. I’ve found enough evidence to justify real research into this but every time I’ve contacted a university they just laugh it off.

Oh well, I still enjoy it.


Active Member
Especially Portlock village in Alaska. The killer Bigfoot is said to roam there.

Personally , I'd be more concerned about the bears and moose. I wouldn't go there without being adequately armed.
I’ve only been to the northern towns and villages above the arctic circle. There was a story of a boy who fell off a little bridge and the locals said you can sometimes see the plastic ball he used to play with float down the river if you spend enough time there.

After a couple days of learning to fish near that bridge guess what I saw?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Yeah don’t do that.

And you need to go in as a skeptic and rely on evidence you collect which more often than not is nothing.

But once in awhile when you are asking questions and play back the recording and get an answer it’s pretty cool.

You usually can’t hear it without very good recording equipment. There’s been very little legitimate research into this area so my focus is trying to identify different types of paranormal activity to classify them.

I’m at four so far.

Still nothing that could be considered proof in a scientific way so far. I’ve found enough evidence to justify real research into this but every time I’ve contacted a university they just laugh it off.

Oh well, I still enjoy it.
I'm picky about equipment. I think things like ghostboxes and EVP recordings are essentially audiological paradoilia , so I'd require more direct audio , sound magnifiers, or types of sensors that detect air movements and records sound that carries in the air as one example.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I’ve only been to the northern towns and villages above the arctic circle. There was a story of a boy who fell off a little bridge and the locals said you can sometimes see the plastic ball he used to play with float down the river if you spend enough time there.

After a couple days of learning to fish near that bridge guess what I saw?
I'd physically procure the ball and/or stealthily monitor it to see what happens.


Active Member
I'm picky about equipment. I think things like ghostboxes and EVP recordings are essentially audiological paradoilia , so I'd require more direct audio , sound magnifiers, or types of sensors that detect air movements and records sound that carries in the air as one example.
Definitely and don’t forget about monitoring the temperature.

I have a whole kit full of goodies. One of the most useful are balloons but I can wire up an entire house and see exactly where a disturbance is moving around.

Unfortunately that’s usually not possible and when it is I’ve never gotten much.