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Do you really believe God?


Miss Independent
Many people believe in god. But what does it mean to believe in god? It is not the same as believing god. Believing IN god, and believing god are two different things. The bible says that the demons believe and tremble.

James 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.

Knowing that god exists is not enough. We have to believe in him. Believe that what he says is true, and who he is, is good.

We have to believe that:

God is who he says he is
God can do what he says he can do
God is good
What god says about us, is who we are
God is alive and powerful in us
God is faithful
God is love

When we really believe IN god, our lives will change dramatically. How easy it is for us to give god lip service and yet our hearts are far from him. How patient god is with us. He is completely trustworthy yet when we face difficulty we start worrying and fretting. Do we really believe god? If we do, wont we act differently?



Miss Independent
I dont believe in james. I believe that james said a few things that i can testify as being truthfull. I believe in god. Or so i think. Perhaps if i really examine my life, i might find that there are areas in my life that i havent fully surrendered to god. And even though i say that god is good, do i really act upon that belief?

We dont act on what we know, we act on what we believe. How much do i really believe? How deep is that belief? It important that christians dont give god lip service, and that means me especially. I think its rather contradicting to say i love god, if i dont believe everything that he says he is, says he will do, and says who i am. Its time to get down and dirty. A good airing of the dirty laundry is good every now and then. Purifying my heart is essential to my walk in god. And since i love him, i must believe him. Above all else, i want to say i love him, and i know i mean it, because my heart is free from contradictions regarding my god.


Miss Independent
'Abraham believed god, and it was credited to him as righteousness'.

Every time we believe God, he credits it to our account as righteousness.
It is quite possible to do things that appear righteous and think that we have obtained righteousness. But Isaiah sayd 'all of our righteous acts are like filthy rags'

Unless we believe in god and act on that belief we are not credited with righteousness and therefore we cannot take credit for believing god.

Abraham wasnt credited with righteousness because he took his son isaac to the altar. He was credited with righteousness because he believed that if god said he was going to be the father of many nations, then taking isaac to be sacrificed wont make a difference to what god said would be his destiny.

We can go to church every sunday, we could do many good deeds, but our acts of righteousness could be like filthy rags. If we dont do things because of our belief in god, then these acts are not even considered righteous and neither are we.

Every moment of every day, we must act out of belief. And inevitably we do. But we could be so sincere in our efforts, but sincerely wrong. Rahab the prostitute was credited with righteousness, only because she believed in god and acted on that belief by hiding the spies. To do things out of conviction has so much more worth than doing it out of 'ought'.



Active Member
HENENI ~ You asks .... "do you believe what God says is true?" I have never seen anything that God has written or said - so my answer is NO. There are people that have said GOD said such-in-such but just because someone says that does not make it true. There are many different so called "BIBLES" out there claiming to have been written by God or a god but sofar I have never seen God write in anyone of them. It has aways been men who wrote them. arlan


Miss Independent
If any of you atheists...my dear friends among whom i labour, have any biblical proof that the bible is a myth and that you really dont believe and can quote scripture to prove it, please do post it in this biblical debate section. I guess we are assuming that you all have gone to bible study ya?

Love you lots, but hey...give the bible readers a chance will you?



Miss Independent
"The bible says that the demons believe and tremble"

I don't believe in any god, and I'm not trembling.

Im not sure whether you want me to congratulate you....errr...congrats, your not trembling! Maybe you should be trembling, but hey...if god hides himself from you, i think he might be doing you a favour. Perhaps if god did appear to many of us, we would wet our pants and run for the nearest hill. I guess his nice enough to not scare us with his brilliance. Our fragile bubbles will burst with one look upon him.

My christian friends. It is not enough to say we believe that god is real,its not even enough to say that we believe in him. We have to believe Him. When we believe him, we will act differently. Not act differently so that the world can sit like simon cowell and test our level of sainthood. We are not in the amphitheatre of the world. We are however, constantly tested to see if we really believe god.

For example, we confess that god is jehovah jireh...our provider. So why do we fret about provision?



Guardian of Asgaard
If any of you atheists...my dear friends among whom i labour, have any biblical proof that the bible is a myth and that you really dont believe and can quote scripture to prove it, please do post it in this biblical debate section. I guess we are assuming that you all have gone to bible study ya?

Love you lots, but hey...give the bible readers a chance will you?


Why on Earth would there be biblical eveidence against the bible? Thats just silly. The bible is a biased source in favour of "truth," what makes you think there is any contrary evidence in it?


Miss Independent
Why on Earth would there be biblical eveidence against the bible? Thats just silly. The bible is a biased source in favour of "truth," what makes you think there is any contrary evidence in it?

That is terribly astute of you to recongise that it is silly. In the same way it is silly for an atheist to debate in a biblical forum. However, if they would like to give the bible a run for its money and post scripture here to indicate that belief in god is not necessary or to believe god is not necessary then please do get involved.



Miss Independent
we act on what we believe, not on what we know. If we really believed what we say we believe, we will find ourselves acting differently when tests come. Its not gods intention to make us look like freaks when we fail the test, but rather it helps us to evaluate our dedication to him more clearly.


Active Member
HENENI ~ OK here is one main reason not to believe your scriptures is from God. The bible says God is not a God of confussion. In the TEN COMMANDMENTS it says Ex. 20:5 ...I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the CHILDREN TO THE THIRD AND FOURTH GENERATIONS..." and is repeated in Ex.34:7, Num 14:18, Deut. 5:9 and Is 14:21-22.

Then in Deut 24:16 and EZ 18:19-20 it says this, I'm paraphrasing - Children are NOT to suffer for their parents sins. Now this sounds like double talk to me. In the very center of God's TEN commandments God say Children are to suffer for their fathers sins - but later the scriptures say that is wrong. I'm confussed - which is the true statement? arlan


Miss Independent
HENENI ~ OK here is one main reason not to believe your scriptures is from God. The bible says God is not a God of confussion. In the TEN COMMANDMENTS it says Ex. 20:5 ...I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the CHILDREN TO THE THIRD AND FOURTH GENERATIONS..." and is repeated in Ex.34:7, Num 14:18, Deut. 5:9 and Is 14:21-22.

Then in Deut 24:16 and EZ 18:19-20 it says this, I'm paraphrasing - Children are NOT to suffer for their parents sins. Now this sounds like double talk to me. In the very center of God's TEN commandments God say Children are to suffer for their fathers sins - but later the scriptures say that is wrong. I'm confussed - which is the true statement? arlan

Ok so then start a thread about how confusing the bible is. But for this thread, id like to talk about believing what god says, and what it means to really believe. Is that ok? There are still many chirstians who find the bible trutfull and helpful, and to discredit it, is not going to make you learn anything from it. There is a moral to the cinderella story as well. You live you learn. Lessons can be taught in many ways. The bible has many good lessons, one of them being...believe what god says...trust him.




Active Member
HENENI ~ In post # 11 You asked for people to write in and give scripture that indicated we don't need God. I did just what you asked and now you don't want to answer my question about God and confussion. You opened the door to any scripture and any subject. Lets talk about these scriptures and their contradiction between them. Doesn't God say two different things here??? arlan


Miss Independent
Ok then...so i would not prescribe the bible for you. Its going to make you ill. Moving along then....



Active Member
HENENI ~ You are not answering my question about these two statements from God. DO they not contridict each other? It is a simple question. Why are you doing everything you can to avoid answer it? You open up this line of question of producing scripture about God now lets see you stand by your statements. arlan